Fair Way to Calculate Return on a Multi-tournament Staking
If a staking offer is offered as a percentage of a estimated budget that should more then cover the tournaments that might to be played, but the entry fees actually paid is less then the budget, how should the staking return be calculated:
1) As a a percentage of the budget
2) As a percentage of the entry fees actually payed
Example: I buy 1 percent of a budgeted amount of $100,000 for all WSOP tournaments played by the staked player in 2024. The actual entry fees paid is $90,000. Should my percentage loss/gain be calculated on $100,000 or $900,000?
Thanks for you help in advance.
1 Reply
If a staking offer is offered as a percentage of a estimated budget that should more then cover the tournaments that might to be played, but the entry fees actually paid is less then the budget, how should the staking return be calculated:
1) As a a percentage of the budget
2) As a percentage of the entry fees actually payed
Example: I buy 1 percent of a budgeted amount of $100,000 for all WSOP tournaments played by the staked player in 2024. The actual entry fees paid is $90,000. Should my percen
Using your example, let's say you had 20% of the $100,000 bankroll.
Typically, you would get 20%($2000) of the unused funds back and then split the percentage of loss/gain on the $90k spent.