President Joe Biden
Right now, we need VP Biden, we need him to step down and drop out so Bernie sanders can save this country from this global crisis just like FDR.
A thread to debate the efficacy of a Joe Biden Presidency in the midst of a global pandemic and impending Great Recession/Depression.
Where is Joe Biden? Can he beat Trump and is he even trying to? What would a Joe Biden Presidency look like in these times? Where is he and why isn't he leading?
You've been called out on multiple idiotic statements and straight up lies. What is it exactly you find easy, posting mindless drivel? You do seem to have a natural gift for that.
They're lies bc you make them to be in your head. I've posted nothing but facts.
Back on topic: Am a bigger racist, fascist, Nazi at this point? I need to know these things so that gentlemen such as you embrace me without anger in the world.
They're lies bc you make them to be in your head. I've posted nothing but facts.
Back on topic: Am a bigger racist, fascist, Nazi at this point? I need to know these things so that gentlemen such as you embrace me without anger in the world.
You're an idiot and a liar (see recent posts ITT for why) who goes to bat for fascists. You might also be a racist, religious nutcase, or nazi, but I can't make that determination from your posting ITT. You're also intellectually dishonest, deflecting and changing the subject every time you're shown to be lying or wrong, which is completely on brand for Trump and his merry band of deplorables.
Lolz it's truly too easy with you guys. You just quoted a poll with quite possibly the lowest approval rating of the black community since the 60s for a dem. No **** black people vote Democratic. Lyndon sealed the deal years ago. They're voting at rates much lower or staying home this round or voting for Trump
Ahh my bad, so when you made grandeous statements like
Every black man in America got behind him after that.
black people want Trump over Biden or Kamala at historic rates
what you were actually intending to say that Trump's support among black voters is a couple of percentage points above recent historical trends but still barely over 10%. My mistake for actually thinking you were trying to make the point that Trump is popular with black voters when in actuality you were making a huge deal about a trivial improvement over recent elections despite him still being incredibly unpopular.
I mean it is what it is. He plays with NBA players, hedge fund dudes, and people filthy rich. Whether it's Molly's game per name or not is ok whatever, but the clientele remains the same. Just sharing the news that black people want Trump over Biden or Kamala at historic rates. No reason to be mad.
It's hardly surprising that rich people would want to vote for the party trying to reduce their taxes. They are not representative of the average black person (or the average person of any color).
Ahh my bad, so when you made grandeous statements like
what you were actually intending to say that Trump's support among black voters is a couple of percentage points above recent historical trends but still barely over 10%. My mistake for actually thinking you were trying to make the point that Trump is popular with black voters when in actuality you were making a huge deal about a trivial improvement over recent elections despite him still being incredibly unpopular.
You're the one that tossed out Kamala's pathetic numbers in the black community not me.
You're also intellectually dishonest, deflecting and changing the subject every time you're shown to be lying or wrong, which is completely on brand for Trump and his merry band of deplorables.
You're the one that tossed out Kamala's pathetic numbers in the black community not me.
Congratulations on proving my point with your very next post, good stuff!
That's fair enough.
Your thoughts about the man drunk who fought and tried to take a cop's gun and shot his taser at him where my city burned everything down as a result? Traitors or Patriots?
I don't know this story, and I didn't hear of any city burning down recently. But from what you say he sounds like a criminal who should be punished accordingly, not a traitor nor a patriot.
It's hardly surprising that rich people would want to vote for the party trying to reduce their taxes. They are not representative of the average black person (or the average person of any color).
Alright. Now what about white people, Indians, Asians, Hispanics. How has Biden/Kamala looked after their interests?
You're also intellectually dishonest, deflecting and changing the subject every time you're shown to be lying or wrong, which is completely on brand for Trump and his merry band of deplorables.
Alright. Now what about white people, Indians, Asians, Hispanics. How has Biden/Kamala looked after their interests?
And the next one. Solid showing, champ!
At no point did you ever prove me wrong when in fact proved you wrong. Hilarious post from you.
First of all, it wasn't me. Secondly, yes, he did. Thirdly, I'm becoming more and more convinced that you can't understand simple logic and/or can't read at an adult literacy level (again, completely on brand for MAGA chodes). You certainly struggle to follow a train of thought through 2 or 3 posts to its logical conclusion.
You're the one that tossed out Kamala's pathetic numbers in the black community not me.
No, you're the one who has been raving about black voters supporting Trump at historic rates and acting like he's actually popular with them with statements like "Every black man got behind him after [his conviction]". I'm simply pointing out that the reality is that he's still incredibly unpopular with black voters, he's just marginally less unpopular than Republicans have been in the recent past.
Lol Biden/Kamala has the lowest historical black support since that POS Lyndon Johnson. 60 plus years of promises and lies from dems and black people are fleeing to Trump at percentages that will make this an assured victory. He has street cred now with that RICO charge. Every black man in America got behind him after that.
I swear I heard a comedian say this as a bit, no way people genuinely believe this lol
Threads like this really remind me how much some people buy into the "pro wrestling" aspects of American politics. I think the fact that so many Americans have such poor critical thinking skills as to earnestly simp for high-level politicians, let alone a psychopathic grifter who has conned so many into believing he's an anti-establishment candidate despite being backed by many of the country's most influential billionaires, is imo a pretty good indicator of how screwed America is as a country
No, you're the one who has been raving about black voters supporting Trump at historic rates and acting like he's actually popular with them with statements like "Every black man got behind him after [his conviction]". I'm simply pointing out that the reality is that he's still incredibly unpopular with black voters, he's just marginally less unpopular than Republicans have been in the recent past.
"Incredibly" lol. He has the highest vote percentage amongst black voters since the 60s.
I swear I heard a comedian say this as a bit, no way people genuinely believe this lol
Threads like this really remind me how much some people buy into the "pro wrestling" aspects of American politics. I think the fact that so many Americans have such poor critical thinking skills as to earnestly simp for high-level politicians, let alone a psychopathic grifter who has conned so many into believing he's an anti-establishment candidate despite being backed by many of the country's most influential
Not gonna argue that. Every politician is a scumbag. Imagine the audacity to get up on stage for months and claim to people you're magically going to change their life.
"Incredibly" lol. He has the highest vote percentage amongst black voters since the 60s.
Ok, let's try this one more time. Do you realise that in and of itself, this statement is completely meaningless? For example, if the highest up to now has been 0.1% and he has 0.2% it means absolutely nothing. You need to provide actual numbers for this to be in any way meaningful or indicative of anything. This is logic that should be obvious to a 10 year old.