Who Shot dJRt

Who Shot dJRt

13 July 2024 at 10:40 PM

1393 Replies


by housenuts k

No. That's what he thinks, ergo they would be the best people for the job for him.

I think I see the confusion. You do not understand the difference between "best person for the job" and "who Trump thinks is the best person for the job".

by housenuts k

Correct. So they would be the best people for the job, no?

What the ****? When you hire an electrician, do you hire someone who wants to do the electrical work the way you think it should be done, no matter what, or do you prefer to hire someone competent who will tell you if your ideas about electrical work are wrong.

Originally Posted by housenuts View Post
Please send photo of your face when he steps down from running in a few weeks and you are utterly shocked and confused as to why a mentally fit, sharp as a tack, esteemed politician would choose to step down. The mouth agape confused look on your face will be a real treat to see.

by housenuts k

Waiting for your pic. You must be in total disbelief. Or just a troll.

sure. show me the post where i said any of those things.

i said i would vote for a sack of potato's over your guy though. you'll find that one...

Remember when Robocop shot that dude in the dick?

by d2_e4 k

I think I see the confusion. You do not understand the difference between "best person for the job" and "who Trump thinks is the best person for the job".

And you don't understand what a job description is.

by housenuts k

And you don't understand what a job description is.

Interesting conclusion you've drawn there.

by #Thinman k

sure. show me the post where i said any of those things.

i said i would vote for a sack of potato's over your guy though. you'll find that one...

You said it was complete bullshit that he was unfit to serve as president for another 4 years.

i would vote for the guy robocop shot in the dick over housenuts orange god

of course it's complete bullshit. i also said it was a decision job and you could roll him out there and wipe the drool from his mouth and he would still make better choices then your buffoon. he didn't drop out because he got an owie. he dropped out from the party pressure and optics.

by housenuts k

Depends on the job description. Mindless loyalists probably are the best people for Trump job postings.

by d2_e4 k

Interesting conclusion you've drawn there.

I mean it's pretty well laid out. And instead of reading and coming to agreement on something we likely agree on, woke lefties just go omg you're racist and sexist and pray to your orange god.

by #Thinman k

of course it's complete bullshit. i also said it was a decision job and you could roll him out there and wipe the drool from his mouth and he would still make better choices then your buffoon. he didn't drop out because he got an owie. he dropped out from the party pressure and optics.

Chalk up another win for democracy

I also don't recall it being a Biden vs Trump decision making discussion. Simply that Biden is and was unfit to make decisions. Seems the democrat powers that be also agree.

by housenuts k

I mean it's pretty well laid out. And instead of reading and coming to agreement on something we likely agree on, woke lefties just go omg you're racist and sexist and pray to your orange god.

I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, and I didn't say any of that. So, why don't you do me the courtesy of explaining what you mean instead of saying that I don't know what a job description is.

by d2_e4 k

I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, and I didn't say any of that. So, why don't you do me the courtesy of explaining what you mean instead of saying that I don't know what a job description is.

Trump wants mindless loyalists to serve his orange empire.

Trump crafts roles and job descriptions such that a mindless loyalist would be the best hire for that job as described.

Trump hires that person.

Ergo, Trump hired the best person for the job.

by housenuts k

Trump wants mindless loyalists to serve his orange empire.

Trump crafts roles and job descriptions such that a mindless loyalist would be the best hire for that job as described.

Trump hires that person.

Ergo Trump hired the best person for the job.

Right, so our problem here is step 2. It's not his orange empire, so they would not be the best people for those jobs, regardless of what descriptions he crafts. This isn't the same as him recruiting people to work for whatever scam company he's running these days. As long as that company is private, you would be absolutely right.

It's a bit like saying "the head of the SS doesn't like Trump so she recruited and assigned a bunch of 5'1 female agents to protect him, to increase his chances of being assassinated. That was her plan all along, so by definition, they were the best agents for the job". Do you see why this logic doesn't work?

by d2_e4 k

It's a bit like saying "the head of the SS doesn't like Trump so she recruited and assigned a bunch of 5'1 female agents to protect him, to increase his chances of being assassinated. That was her plan all along, so by definition, they were the best agents for the job".

She made great hires then. Transparency would help us determine if this is true or not. Right now we don't have any evidence this was her plan. It will take her 60 days to conduct an investigation.

by housenuts k

She made great hires then. Transparency would help us determine if this is true or not. Right now we don't have any evidence this was her plan. It will take her 60 days to conduct an investigation.

No, dipshit. If you are an agent acting on behalf of a principal, whether that principal is the shareholders of a company for which you are a decision maker, or the public at large and you are a public servant, and your hiring practices don't align with the interests of the principal, you are not hiring the best people for the job. The only time your logic works is if you are the principal, i.e. you are hiring people for your own company.

Theres alot of stuff in this thread but very little about the actual title of it feel like there's like 8 other left/right wing political threads for you guys. I don't think iha ve seen an update here on the shooter since page 3

by housenuts k

Trump wants mindless loyalists to serve his orange empire.

Trump crafts roles and job descriptions such that a mindless loyalist would be the best hire for that job as described.

Trump hires that person.

Ergo, Trump hired the best person for the job.

Just to show how unserious you are and how utterly ******ed you are currently being

Kimberly Cheatle wants 30% women by 2030
Kimberly Cheatle crafts roles and job descriptions such that women would be the best hire for that job as described
Cheatle hires that person
Ergo, Cheatle hired the best person for the job

You went on for like 5 days straight about the woman who fumbled with her holster for 2 seconds

by coordi k

Just to show how unserious you are and how utterly ******ed you are currently being

Kimberly Cheatle wants 30% women by 2030

Kimberly Cheatle crafts roles and job descriptions such that women would be the best hire for that job as described

Cheatle hires that person

Ergo, Cheatle hired the best person for the job

Who's gonna tell him?

by housenuts k

Who's gonna tell him?

Tell him what?

by MoViN.tArGeT k

Theres alot of stuff in this thread but very little about the actual title of it feel like there's like 8 other left/right wing political threads for you guys. I don't think iha ve seen an update here on the shooter since page 3

Right. The title is "Who shot Trump". We found him by like page 3.

by d2_e4 k

Right. The title is "Who shot Trump". We found him by like page 3.

Cheatle wouldn't say today if he acted alone or not.

by housenuts k

Cheatle wouldn't say today if he acted alone or not.

Is the SS even investigating this? I thought it was the FBI.

Seems your most successful attempt at posting today has been spamming "where's Biden" a dozen times over, champ. Although, gotta admit the "Unbidened" joke was good, even a broken clock and all that.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Remember when Robocop shot that dude in the dick?


by d2_e4 k

Is the SS even investigating this? I thought it was the FBI.

SS, DHS and FBI all are.
