"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread
It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre
I may have missed it but did both fighter agree to this?
From what I recall reading
Sabr - talks about lifting and wanting to use steroids
Rob - takes a shot
Sabr - shoots back
Rob - challenges to fight
Did Sabr actually respond?
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SABR said this - which seems to indicate he is ready unless he would like to retract
Rob sounds a little insecure that I'm stronger than him and could powerbomb him like a little bitch.
$100 to the prize pool.
For clarification, are performance enhancers frowned upon or encouraged?
Current trends indicate that the fans like the idea of a performence enhanced competition. Also, thank you for trying to help make this event happen
SABR FARHA ackshun board
So far:
Rules committee: Ace
Commentators: Above Ev crew
Round card boy: Feely
Sportsbooking agent: The bank of spyutastic
Drunken cheerleaders: Miami
Recreational pharm distributor: Rickroll
Purveyor of misinformation: Slim
Voice of reason: 11t
Prizepool: 400 USD and growing
squid 100$, marknfw 100$, Donatello 100$, Skip 100$
Shittalking coach/hype man: King Spew
For those contributing to the prize pool I personally think that it should not be a winner take all (2/3 - 1/3 split?) but am happy to do what everyone wants
who was the la chess guy going to fight in vegas before he ghosted 2p2?
perhaps we can round those two up and have an undercard for the fight
That was Viswanathan Anand
oh was he fighting you too rob? think you have the stamina for both?
Apparently fanny packs are legit cool now? I couldn't bring myself to do that.
I went with very small / long strap / loose across body.
Have always been a wallet guy but since my (temporary?) nerve injury I can't operate a wallet too well, plus can't fit everything I want into pockets on just right side of body. Had been lol caring everything I need in my zipped up pockets in my winter jacket, which worked fine in winter... but not so much summer.
But its a whole thing now. Pretty sure I need a different haircut, a beard trim and possibly even a tattoo to really pull this off.
Feely I have you down for round card boy. Official uniform is obviously the Borat slingshot
check out Slims job - hope that helps
You are the man - thank you for helping make the chat thread ossum again
SABR FARHA ackshun board
So far:
Rules committee: Ace
Commentators: Above Ev crew
Round card boy: Feely
Sportsbooking agent: The bank of spyutastic
Drunken cheerleaders: Miami
Recreational pharm distributor: Rickroll
Purveyor of misinformation: Slim
Voice of reason: 11t
Prizepool: squ
I was going there. For now, Myself and JIDC are judges obviously. To make it a tribunal, CmDr Garlick may have sat on a Jag-Off court. BigSkip should be the cut man, but make sure it's a real razor and not something from the big mall store.
Can we do this in the first week of December?
A nice long training camp and then I can witness the spectacle is some fashion for the LOLs.
I was going there. For now, Myself and JIDC are judges obviously. To make it a tribunal, CmDr Garlick may have sat on a Jag-Off court. BigSkip should be the cut man, but make sure it's a real razor and not something from the big mall store.
I am unsure of who JDIC is but I will put you and Garick in as rule overlords to the legal process
what is the farha/sabr weigh in, race, gender, and height?
(totally not going to draw erotic fan art with this info)
fan art and fan fiction are highly encouraged. Also if you are in charge of guessing height and weight u must wear the official uniform. Here is Navin R Johnson to demonstrate
Can we do this in the first week of December?
A nice long training camp and then I can witness the spectacle is some fashion for the LOLs.
We have a potential date
Rickroll wrote some topshelf fan fiction in the lvl vloggers thread.
I'm indifferent. But I don't think the pool will amount to enough to actually matter to either fighter.
Agree 100% but just want to be fair just in case this thing really explodes and we get some type of PPV contract
Retract what?
My claims were about being stronger than Rob, I said nothing about fighting.
Trying to save face by challenging me to a fight is a distraction.
If Rob really wanted to rebuke my claims about him being weak he should challenge me to see who can lift more, but he's not doing that is he? Presumably it's because I've stated what I can do and he knows he won't match those numbers.
how do i do the powerbomb on this kettlebell set my girlfriend bought me
Lift totals are a distraction. Let's lock this cage match down.
You all know Rob took an unprovoked shot at me as per usual, being a massive blowhard.
Yet somehow I'm supposed to agree to his terms when originally the discussion was about something completely different?
Ya'll are not serious, you just want to see drama so you encourage the toxic behavior from him instead of calling out what it is.
that went from "ill powerbomb you like a little bitch" to "i am a victim this is toxic" pretty quick
we all make mistakes, covering up is often worse than the original mistake.
you have an opportunity to learn and grow here, offered to you generously by me despite you constantly bullying me. just take it and we can all move on
You literally start 100% of the "beef" between us with your unprovoked shots. All the bullying is from your end and I'm just responding. Everyone can see that.
I'm not scared of you I just see no upside to wasting my time and risking injury fighting someone else.
Go choke on a dick.