The liberal media and the police Killing of Sonya Massey
I didnt give much thought on the title but I wanted to see if people actually took the time to watch the police body cam footage. I mentioned the media because nobody seems to want to talk about the obvious. This cop is still locked up as far as i know and everyone seems to be villainizing him. I actually took the time to watch the video in slow motion and you can clearly see that the lady 100% intended on throwing boiling water on him. There is no dispute on that yet nobody wants to say it for fear of upsetting an all too familiar narrative. If you watch the video you will clearly see that the woman drops to floor holding only her oven mitts. The pot is sitting on the counter. The officers arm obstructs the bodycam up until the last second where you see the woman holding the pot and throwing it at the cop. I just dont understand how in the freeist country in the world not a peep is being mentioned about this. You can say well the cop should have dropped back or ran and thats a valid argument but what you dont do is pretend that this lady was innocent when it seems to be an instance of a very troubled lady choosing to die at the hands of a cop. I will try to link the video below if that is cool with mods. It's not graphic. It will be the last 5-6 seconds and you obviously need to watch it in slow motion. It is the bodycam of the cop who shoots her. You have to realize he is only about 5 feet from her and his arm blocks a good chunk of the crucial 5-6 seconds. He is lucky his arm didnt block the whole thing or he would be spending the rest of his life in prison.
Op sees a lady dumping a pot of hot water on a cop. Op suggests the cop caught on to what her intentions were and in the strongest possible terms tried to talk her out of it. Op sees a bunch of people saying that the cops actions were the reason why she chose to throw water at him. You have to admit it is pretty odd for me to argue what i'm arguing and for you guys to all say No it was all his fault. He made her throw the ****in water at him. Had he sweet talked her she would have choose not t
OP appears to remain convinced that he is right in his analysis despite multiple posters, including some from his side of the aisle, telling him he is dead wrong and why.
OP unnecessarily includes "liberal media" in the thread title, presumably because he already knows that public opinion is not sympathetic to his argument and blames this on "liberals".
OP selectively responds to certain counterarguments and ignores arguments that he is unable to respond to, while continuing to push his narrative. The arguments he does respond to, he pretends to be incredulous and to not understand what is being said.
I stand by my assessment that OPs MO is standard for a right winger - stubborn, always right about everything, and any time he is proven wrong it's because "teh librulz" don't get "it" and are everything that's wrong with the world.
OP appears to remain convinced that he is right in his analysis despite multiple posters, including some from his side of the aisle, telling him he is dead wrong and why.
OP unnecessarily includes "liberal media" in the thread title, presumably because he already knows that public opinion is not sympathetic to his argument and blames this on "liberals".
OP selectively responds to certain counterarguments and ignores arguments that he is unable to respond to, while continuing to push his narrative
what am i not able to respond to? you act like the lady not being in the kitchen disproves my argument. The ****in kitchens 5 feet away.
fair enough. thanks for taking the time to watch it. If you think that lady was justified in jumping up from the floor, picking up a pot from the counter and throwing it at a cop in less than 2 seconds than we'll agree to disagree.
What the **** is wrong with you
Edit: Nvm don’t respond I won’t see it
what am i not able to respond to? you act like the lady not being in the kitchen disproves my argument. The ****in kitchens 5 feet away.
There are plenty of points in the thread you ignored. I'm not your remedial literacy tutor, if you want to find them, go back and read it again.
Just like you just responded to my post where multiple points were made, and your response was a partial one to one of my points, and almost a non sequitur at that.
She said “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus”. I spent part of my childhood in the South and heard this phrase frequently, especially from the religious black community. It literally just means I don’t like/agree with what you just said or did.
This cop murdered this woman because she told him she thought him being afraid of her having hot water was insulting and wrong, but she said it in a parlance he did not understand, and he murdered her for it.
“I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” implies no a
This post is bad faith IMO. The cop clearly shot her because he thought she was preparing to throw a pot of boiling water on him. You interpret Massey's actions and words as indicating she was not planning on throwing boiling water on him, but that was clearly not his interpretation of her actions.
I dont know the exact laws in the jurisdiction in question; but I suspect they are written such a way that it is not legal for a police officer to verbally escalate a situation completely out of control, give confusing commands, threaten to shoot a civilian when they are passively aggressively attempting to comply with confusing demands, and then when the situation is escalated way out of control kill said civilian when he interprets in the moment she is planning on throwing a pot of boiling water at him.
Then again, I have seen officers get off for killing someone when the perceived threat was much less, when the person killed was white. But the liberal establishment loves a good bad white cop/black victim narrative, so this obviously wont be quietly buried as it probably would be if the civilian was white.
Now the justice system will play out. He will be formally charged, given a court date, and a jury of his peers will determine if he is guilty or not.
There are plenty of points in the thread you ignored. I'm not your remedial literacy tutor, if you want to find them, go back and read it again.
Just like you just responded to my post where multiple points were made, and your response was a partial one to one of my points, and almost a non sequitur at that.
I think I did a pretty good job responding to just about every post. I ignored most of yours for good reason. What fact am I missing?
I'm arguing that the lady called the cops because she wanted to harm a cop and likely be killed in the process. She asked them to come in so that she could show them papers. They just wanted to leave initially but eventually do come in the house. You guys are stuck on the "she was scared and X happened" I'm stuck on the lady wanted to do Y and X happened. I'm suggesting the cop was scared and he tried to prevent her from doing what she did. What I consider to be damning evidence is the ladies last act is chucking a pot of water at the cop. All's i've gotten so far are "well they told her to go in the kitchen" as if that disproves that she was going to eventually make her way into the kitchen. I know it is a pretty awful thing to accuse somebody of. I think the events make it crystal clear. I know you guys are stuck on the "cops need to chill" argument. I think he was scared because he had a much better view than his bodycam. I am confident he will be released and will sue the liberal media outlets and get paid. We will see who is right.
I think I did a pretty good job responding to just about every post. I ignored most of yours for good reason. What fact am I missing?
I'm arguing that the lady called the cops because she wanted to harm a cop and likely be killed in the process. She asked them to come in so that she could show them papers. They just wanted to leave initially but eventually do come in the house. You guys are stuck on the "she was scared and X happened" I'm stuck on the lady wanted to do Y and X happened. I'm su
Which liberal media outlet is he going to sue, and what is his cause of action?
I think I did a pretty good job responding to just about every post. I ignored most of yours for good reason. What fact am I missing?
I'm arguing that the lady called the cops because she wanted to harm a cop and likely be killed in the process. She asked them to come in so that she could show them papers. They just wanted to leave initially but eventually do come in the house. You guys are stuck on the "she was scared and X happened" I'm stuck on the lady wanted to do Y and X happened. I'm su
Even if everything you said was true, I doubt this will happen. Once things get politicized like this, all bets are out the window IMO. Whoever is on the jury will feel tremendous pressure to give a guilty verdict, even if the evidence goes the other way. Because they know the liberal media and far left activists will put a target on their backs if it goes any other way. And this is even assuming they would go into the trial not already deciding the cop was guilty regardless of the evidence.
I'm arguing that the lady called the cops because she wanted to harm a cop and likely be killed in the process. What fact am I missing?
Early on the morning of July 6, 2024, Sonya Massey called the authorities as she believed that someone had broken into her home.[2] Two deputies, Grayson and the second unidentified deputy,[5] responded and subsequently searched Massey's backyard and the immediate vicinity of her property. Finding no evidence of any suspicious activity or persons, the officers approached Massey's front door and Grayson knocked multiple times to no avail. After approximately three minutes, Massey opened the door and engaged in conversation with the deputies. The deputies informed Massey that they had not found anything of note in their search while Massey used her cell phone. As the deputies prepared to end the exchange, the unidentified officer walked around the side of Massey's house to report the license plate number of a vehicle in her driveway that Massey informed deputies was not hers. Massey and Grayson continued to engage in conversation. After the unidentified officer walked back to Massey's front door, the three enter Massey's residence.[2]
Inside the home, Grayson repeatedly asked Massey to provide her driver's license and discussed the vehicle parked in her driveway. As the unidentified deputy looked around the residence, Massey can be seen looking through a small stack of papers and her purse. At one point, Massey asks Grayson to hand her a Bible. After around a minute and a half of searching, the deputies mention a pot of water boiling on Massey's stove and request that she check on it, as they "don't need a fire while we're here."[6] After Massey picks up the pot of water and walks from her stove to her sink, the unidentified deputy and Grayson move backwards. Massey asks the officers what they're doing, as in why are they backing up. Grayson replies that he's distancing himself from the pot of hot, boiling water. Massey repeats her question, and says, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus."[7] After Massey repeats her statement at Grayson's prompting, Grayson draws his gun and replies, "You better ****ing not, I swear to God I'll ****ing shoot you right in your ****ing face."[8]
The unidentified deputy also draws his gun. Massey immediately apologizes by saying "Okay, I'm sorry" and drops to the floor behind the kitchen counter; however both deputies advance from the living room towards the kitchen with their weapons trained on Massey. Grayson fires three shots at Massey, killing her.[9]
The unidentified deputy radios that shots had been fired and that there was a woman with a headshot wound. He begins to leave to grab his medical kit, however Grayson tells him not to, saying that, "she's done".[5] Additionally, police audio recording includes someone telling police dispatch that Massey's wound was "self-inflicted".[10][11] Grayson discouraged his partner from attempting to save the victim, a detail captured in the bodycam footage released on July 22, 2024.[17]
In the aftermath of the shooting, the Sangamon County Sheriff's Office opened an investigation of the incident, which was turned over to the Illinois State Police. The investigation was completed within ten days.[20] Within two weeks of the shooting, the Sangamon County Sheriff's Office terminated Grayson, stating that, "It is clear that the deputy did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards. ... The actions taken by Deputy Grayson do not reflect the values and training of the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office or law enforcement as a whole."[3] The second, unidentified officer was placed on administrative leave.[21]
On July 17, 2024, a grand jury indicted Grayson on five counts, including three counts of first-degree murder, one count of aggravated battery with a firearm, and one count of official misconduct.[22] Grayson is being held in jail without bail.[21]
a few of those, it seems
I'm not familiar with the case, so I'd also be curious to know where the "the lady called the cops because she wanted to harm a cop and likely be killed in the process" narrative originates. I can't see anything adduced ITT to that effect.
Guys she called about a non existent prowler, then when they were about to leave she lured them into staying by mentioning that the car wasn’t hers. Then she prolongs the interaction even longer by refusing lawful orders to give her drivers license. Remember the whole time, that pot is getting hotter and hotter and hotter. Boiling hot. She obviously just wanted to keep them long enough for the pot to reach scalding levels of hotness. This part of her plan succeeded and all that was left was for the cops to take the bait and tell her to turn the stove off. That part was chancy, but if it didn’t work that time she’d probably try again the next day.
Lady had a death wish.
Guys she called about a non existent prowler, then when they were about to leave she lured them into staying by mentioning that the car wasn’t hers. Then she prolongs the interaction even longer by refusing lawful orders to give her drivers license. Remember the whole time, that pot is getting hotter and hotter and hotter. Boiling hot. She obviously just wanted to keep them long enough for the pot to reach scalding levels of hotness. This part of her plan succeeded and all that was left w
All makes perfect sense. Not quite the criminal mastermind we all thought though, she could have boiled the water beforehand. And/or used oil instead, prison style.
I'm not familiar with the case, so I'd also be curious to know where the "the lady called the cops because she wanted to harm a cop and likely be killed in the process" narrative originates. I can't see anything adduced ITT to that effect.
Well, the whole "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" line while holding a pot of hot water kind of supports this narrative. I think it is fair to assume someone willing to utter this while holding a pot of boiling water while a gun is being pointed at them is not going to possess a rationale theory of mind and we shouldn't expect to find rationale explanations for their behavior. And the fact this person is actually diagnosed with a mental disease further supports this.
Interesting how you are normally the first person to be critical of religious people, but it seems your critique and disdain is contingent on melanin concentration being below a certain threshold, and if above said threshold you quickly become agnostic.
I have to say, after reading the wiki article of what actually happened leading up to the video, Shttsweak's interpretation seems more plausible than just watching the purposefully truncated video clip suggests.
Well, the whole "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" line while holding a pot of hot water kind of supports this narrative. I think it is fair to assume someone willing to utter this while holding a pot of boiling water while a gun is being pointed at them is not going to possess a rationale theory of mind and we shouldn't expect to find rationale explanations for their behavior. And the fact this person is actually diagnosed with a mental disease further supports this.
Interesting how you are
Well, I would have no idea what that line means, but Crossnerd explained it. Yes, I am antireligious and ultra critical of all things religion related, but I don't think I've ever advocated for executing religionists, so the hypocrisy in my position here is limited only by your imagination.
Lol making this about race. I didn't watch the video and had not heard of this case until this thread popped up, all I know about the race of the victim is what I've inferred from posts here.
Well, I would have no idea what that line means, but Crossnerd explained it. Yes, I am antireligious and ultra critical of all things religion related, but I don't think I've ever advocated for executing religionists, so the hypocrisy in my position here is limited only by your imagination.
Given Crossnerds clear biases the fact that you are comfortable with her clearly biased explanation again suggests your own biases are playing a role. I am pretty confident if the officer was a black female and the civilian was a white male and everything else went exactly the same, both you guys would have wildly different interpretations of what happened.
Lol making this about race. I didn't watch the video and had not heard of this case until this thread popped up, all I know about the race of the victim is what I've inferred from posts here.

Race (and to a much lesser extent sex) is the only reason this is a national story and everyone has such strong opinions on it. And we all know it.
Given Crossnerds clear biases the fact that you are comfortable with her clearly biased explanation again suggests your own biases are playing a role. I am pretty confident if the officer was a black female and the civilian was a white male and everything else went exactly the same, both you guys would have wildly different interpretations of what happened.
I edited my post above to add that I had no preconception about this case, and I have not seen the video.
Edit: you don't believe me, ok, Good For You.
The officer probably over-reacted and committed a crime. Maybe even murder. He'll get his day in court and hopefully get a fair trial (I am pessimistic, but we can hope).
But hand waiving away the threat from a clearly mentally ill person holding a pot of boiling water while uttering crazy religious **** is absurd, and is showing a lot of bias IMO.
If someone was coming at me with some boiling water I'd try to shoot them in the leg
The officer probably over-reacted and committed a crime. Maybe even murder. He'll get his day in court and hopefully get a fair trial (I am pessimistic, but we can hope).
But hand waiving away the threat from a clearly mentally ill person holding a pot of boiling water while uttering crazy religious **** is absurd, and is showing a lot of bias IMO.
"Waving", Kel. You know, the thing you do with your hands.
She could have had a gun in the oven mitts. Her original call to the police could have been a ruse to lure the cops into her house.