Hot Fun in the Summertime: Lounge LC Thread
Starting a day early because I might forget tomorrow. 95 degree temps expected inland in RI. It might hit 75 at my house
The Yankees are scum and their fans are even worse.
Not a racist but there was a poker game we played years ago that used a racist phrase, but I never used it.
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Okay, today I'm playing golf with three women, one who has played for about a year, her sister who had played a few times, and one who has never played.
The benefit: they are all bringing plenty of food and drink so we can go back to one house for drinks and dinner.
I told them I have plenty of balls.
One called me juvenile. I have no problem with that.
Will let you know how this all turns out.
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Question: what is the most ridiculous Olympic sport?
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break dancing is now. before that? maybe walking?
Walking looks like a Monty Python skit. I didn't know about break dancing. I'll go for that, too.
BTW, I think sports with clear winners are better than those that are judged.
I once was at dinner with Joan Tozzer who was US figure skating, singles and doubles, in 1938, 1939, and 1940. One person at the table asked her what judges were looking for. She replied, "How the hell do I know?"
She was an entertaining story teller as well.
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that horse one where the horse dances
Beach Volleyball.
Synchronised Swimming ldo
huge appreciation for those with breaking skillz
so much fun to watch
but it seems silly as an olympic sport as john judged above
feels more like targeting the snowboard/bmx demographic with another summer event
Oh, I love watching break dancing, or really any kind of super talented dancer, but in the Olympics? Nah. I watched a little bit of the qualifying a month before Oly started and it wasn't great.
I gotta agree with most of the above. I realize I don't care for beach volleyball, and I like watching any kind of dancing but not as a sport.
I really have difficulty with some events that are judged. I like track and field and gymnastics even though that is judged.
3×3 basketball seems silly.
Haven't seen any dancing horses yet.
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Oh, and watching three women play golf, one who had never played golf before, made me realize how hard it is to attempt play golf as a beginner. But they are good sport and think that if you make contact with the ball, it's a good shot.
But I wasn't much better.
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synchronized swimming is somehow both amazingly impressive and incredibly stupid.
I learned that it's now called artistic swimming. It wasn't pretentious enough before, I guess.
Cliff Diving. Also jousting.
Humans, horses and greyhounds all have races where they have to jump over hurdles. Why hurdles? What is the ancient explanation for this?
actually got me thinking so i looked it up
first documented hurdles racing goes back to eton college but they think it was only done as a way to train for the steeplechase
so i looked at the steeplechase - it was a traditional irish race where people would race from the steeple of one town's church to the neighboring town's church hence steeple to steeple
along the way there'd be a lot of walls and streams that if you could jump over, would save you a lot of time
kind of neat that what most likely began as a drinking game is now an olympic event with a lot of derivative sports made out of it as well
Aaah, the Brits and the Irish invented it. Of course.
Someone told me the phrase "by hook or crook" derived from the below:
"the phrase comes from the names of the villages of Hook Head and the nearby Crooke, in Waterford, Ireland. Hook Head and Crooke are on opposite sides of the Waterford channel and Cromwell (born 1599, died 1658) is reputed to have said that Waterford would fall ‘by Hook or by Crooke’, that is, by a landing of his army at one of those two places during the siege of the town in 1649/50."
I'm not one to accept accounts like this easily, so I looked online (some call this research) to verify. As with many of these phrases the origin is disputed, but it seems unlikely given that the first written citation is from 1390.
The most plausible explanation:
"by hook or by crook’ derives from the custom in medieval England of allowing peasants to take from royal forests whatever deadwood they could pull down with a shepherd’s crook or cut with a reaper’s bill-hook. This feudal custom was recorded in the 1820s by the English rural campaigner William Cobbett, although the custom itself long pre-dates that reference."
I'm not convinced by this either because the custom is not recorded until the 1820s.
I prefer to think these things lost in the dark backward and abysm of time. (That last phrase appears in The Tempest.)
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Zeno might approve of Cromwell's behaviour in Ireland.