How to play KK on the bubble?
Live $200 2 day event
233 players in this Day 1 flight, 30 bag for day 2
32 players left, there's 2 sub 10 bb stacks at my table
1.5k/3k/3k level
UTG +1 chip leader opens to 7k off 200k (mid 30's white guy, been pretty active)
Folds to me in SB with KK and 80.5k (27 bigs)
Would you 3bet/call, 3bet/fold, flat, jam or fold pre?
As played, I 3bet to 21k, folds back to UTG who jams, hero???
13 Replies
KK just too good unless you have a super-specific read this guy is only 4-betting AA. And your description of him as active suggests to me that is not the case.
Does everyone who bags cash?
Edit: I'm never 3-betting this to fold it. I might consider just a 3-bet jam under certain circumstances, but when you get to the point where you're like 70% against villain's jamming range, I don't think you can fold.
Everyone who bags cashes yeah but min cash isn't a full 2x BI. 6 flights so roughly 140 people coming back will be about 50k for first
also nath is this the right 3bet sizing? always respect your analysis in other threads
It's fine at this depth. Might go a little larger to compensate for being OOP, but this hand is so strong-- and with the ICM effects a smaller 3-bet should carry more weight-- that it's not a big deal.
I'm musing whether just shoving on the bubble here is better, but I'd have to think about what my shoving range in these circumstances would be with these stacks. It can't be bad considering your stack depth and position and that we're on the money bubble-- and since hands this strong aren't often in a straight 3-bet shoving range, you may get called by worse (I don't see QQ-TT ever folding to a 3-bet shove, at least). More a case of if you want to risk bubbling to double up, or you want to increase your fold equity and chances of making it through to day 2.
you three bet this sizing to induce a jam or fold, be happy it worked!
I would shove pre
As played easy call
Played perfectly. Now of course call. Sorry you busted. Bubble is probably not that big a deal. Would just shove JJ/AK and some other hands.
What's the bottom of our 3-bet/call range?
Probably this hand to be honest. Off top of my head in this specific situation- KK/AA to 3b gii, jam with AK QQ JJ TT(maybe flat TT?), 3b/fold AQo KQo and flat ATs AJs AQs KQs 88/99. I think an issue with TT here is that it likely blocks a ton of his raise/folds from EP (AT, KTs, QTs, JTs) so I don't love jamming it as much
Your decision has to be made pre, if you 3bet here, you're 3b getting it in, you can't 3b/fold KK. If you aren't comfortable getting it in after facing the 4b, go back to prior juncture and just flat (or jam) pre but I don't love those options and think you did it right by 3bet gii, sounds like we just got unlucky
I would probably 3!/gii with QQ+. Would jam JJ/AK and some slightly weaker hands. Would 3!/fold some hands not strong enough to flat and maybe some Axs and good suited connectors.
Think you should 3b bigger, 8 or 8.5x otherwise gg.
In this spot the big stack is trying to abuse the middle stacks and push around the table on the bubble. From SB I don't want to flat and allow BB to come in for 1.2BB (no information about the BB), so 3-bet is standard. I would expect villain's 4-bet shove range here to be pretty wide given his expectation that the SB middle-stack will not want to risk all his chips, but it certainly includes a lot of Ax hands. I can't ever fold here, particularly since if we win we'll trade places and be the big stack at the table and be able to push around everyone else on the way to bagging big. Yeah, have to call it off.
Yeah, it might be correct to 3!/gii with AK/JJ too. The bubble can be important if you are a short stack and the mincash is a big part of your equity. With a middle stack, you are looking for a top place finish. Although it can be bad emotionally to bubble, it shouldn't be that big a concern.