*** 2024 Mega Thread - NC/LC NSFW ***

*** 2024 Mega Thread - NC/LC NSFW ***



Due to budget cuts, it has been decided that BBV will have only one LC/NC thread for 2024. Opening more threads in 2024 will result in infractions, bans, burnenings, etc.


Last month/year

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01 January 2024 at 11:26 AM

2053 Replies


That's brutal. Sheep hopes the surgery goes well.

I have no idea how one breaks a shoulder falling out a chair, but all the best to a quick heal.

Better luck, Fire.

When my friend Will broke his leg back in college, they gave him the good pills, his doctors being good Sackler-Americans and liking kickbacks, and Will elected to endure the pain for months and abstain from the pills in order to be able to enjoy them recreationally after he recovered.

I guess what I'm saying is: don't be like an American.


Speedy recovery, F!

I broke my shoulder once, but that was at least a motorbike accident. Split the top of the upper arm bone a bit; they just told me to wait it out, and gave me no pain killers. After a year or so it was OK.

by fidstar-poker k

I have no idea how one breaks a shoulder falling out a chair, but all the best to a quick heal.

Thanks, it was on a slope, it didn't end with the initial descent. Prolly fell like a couple of metres or like ten shotguns further downwards before coming to a halt. Prolly stupid idea to set up a table there, but the table was relatively even, and at least some of the chairs were not dangerous. 🙄 Same thing happened to another guy just a few mins before, but he was moar lucky, no lasting injuries. Let's see how the surgery goes, they said they will install a painkiller catheter afterwards, releasing constantly and can also press for extra dose, so that could be fun. Maybe. Prolly, I urgently need an 8 weeks Kur at the Sport- und Wellnessbad Kelsterbach afterwards...
Thanks for the well wishes all.


calm down

Sorry to hear Mr FWWM and all the best for your recovery.

Sammy I am watching the handball (for the next 20 minutes til the athletics comes on). Denmark losing!

by Sheep86 k

Sheep watched tennis, gymnastics, swimming and athletics today. Very nice and soft.

Nice! Me too! NZ having an absolute shocker in track and field so far! But still two more medal chances in men's highjump and womens pole vault.

by Colin_Piddle k

Sammy I am watching the handball (for the next 20 minutes til the athletics comes on). Denmark losing!


by Snake Plissken k

Hi Sammy; my name is Snake! 😀

You may escape from New York and you may escape from L.A., but you’ll NEVER escape from Sammie’s Ignore List! 😮

…and RIP FWWM‘s shoulder!

by RacerExTex k

You may escape from New York and you may escape from L.A., but you’ll NEVER escape from Sammie’s Ignore List! 😮

…and RIP FWWM‘s shoulder!

This is a positive comment


We need more positivity in this thread!

I think Morph's hair looks real nice in the dark

Well, as it is dark itself you don't see it that much in the dark tbh.

So Snake Plissken got intentionally on Sammys ingnore list to break someone free from there? 😮

I think I saw something similar in Prison Break but I watched that 50 years ago so I'm not sure

Season 1 Prison Break is all time great.

I hope he breaks out Racer

Breaking starts NOW


Women's Olympia
