[extracted] New(?) 9-11 stuff
KSM got a plea deal. The guy who supposedly masterminded the 9/11 attacks is not getting the death penalty.
If you still think that AQ did 9/11 you should be in adult day care.
Exactly who is "they"?
George Bush, obviously.
The man who couldn't be trusted to tie his own shoes without ****ing it up, but yet also capable of covert controlled demolition of two giant iconic buildings in downtown New York, on a weekday, without a single peep ever being uttered about the why or how from the literal hundreds of people who would've needed to be involved.
The internet can find a guy who kicked a cat based on 6 square inches of wallpaper flashing on the screen for 15 frames at 480p, but the collective basement-dwelling conspiracy crowd can't put together a coherent story about potentially the most nefarious plot in American history.
George Bush, obviously.
The man who couldn't be trusted to tie his own shoes without ****ing it up, but yet also capable of covert controlled demolition of two giant iconic buildings in downtown New York, on a weekday, without a single peep ever being uttered about the why or how from the literal hundreds of people who would've needed to be involved.
The internet can find a guy who kicked a cat based on 6 square inches of wallpaper flashing on the screen for 15 frames at 480p, but the collective b
Well that's not fair, obviously you haven't read DM's 80,000 page magnum opus. For all you know there's a coherent story in there, along with a reproduction of the collected works of Shakespeare and all 31 volumes of the 1990 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica.
I guess we won't know because he refuses to summarise it for us, though.
I concede anything that is transparently true, including that most 9/11 truthers are complete idiots. They are not that bright, are highly suggestible, and their thoughts on 9/11 will be part of a cluster of dumb ideas.
But the biggest freaks, by far, are those who actually ingest the propaganda materials as if they are produced in good faith and have anything other than a symbolic function. You are not supposed to consume anything in that link, and I suspect you haven't. You're not supposed to r
The link was interesting because its a time capsule from 20+ years ago. I think a lot of the material is broken links lol
cool story bro
You conspiracy guys love to talk in riddles and allusions. Is there some sort of super secret course you all take where they teach you to do that? I mean, you might as well just unironically respond "I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you" every time you're asked to elaborate on one of your theories.
Anyway, where's McCrackedHead gone? Taking a few days quiet time to write another post?
You conspiracy guys love to talk in riddles and allusions. Is there some sort of super secret course you all take where they teach you to do that? I mean, you might as well just unironically respond "I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you" every time you're asked to elaborate on one of your theories.
Anyway, where's McCrackedHead gone? Taking a few days quiet time to write another post?
What conspiracies do you believe in?
What’re your thoughts on conspiracies that have been proven to be true?
What conspiracies do you believe in?
What’re your thoughts on conspiracies that have been proven to be true?
I don't know that I necessarily believe in any "conspiracies", but you'd have to be more precise with your definitions. Do I believe that there is stuff the government keeps secret and lies about? Sure. I guess you could call anything that falls under that umbrella is a "conspiracy" if you want.
Sure, the government or people in government do some naughty things and sometimes information about those things leaks out into the public domain (e.g. Watergate, Iran Contra, etc.) What sort of thoughts are you expecting me to articulate on this?
I suspect this is leading towards some sort of big reveal like "well, if MKULTRA happened, why can't 9/11 trutherism be a real thing?" Is this where you're going with this line?
You conspiracy guys love to talk in riddles and allusions. Is there some sort of super secret course you all take where they teach you to do that? I mean, you might as well just unironically respond "I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you" every time you're asked to elaborate on one of your theories.
Anyway, where's McCrackedHead gone? Taking a few days quiet time to write another post?
It's really just meant to annoy you debunker types.
I see. I'm not sure what a "debunker" type is. I'm not out there searching for loony tunes types so I can piss on their cornflakes, but if they post in this forum, I'll express an interest in what they're actually proposing, admittedly from a position of skepticism. If your goal is to annoy me, I'm sorry to tell you that you have failed, other than insomuch as I do find DM's endless walls of text mildly irritating to scroll past. If your goal is to advance some sort of theory, you have also failed, presumably because you were busy not advancing the theory with the goal of annoying me.
I don't know. I'm pretty certain AQ didn't cause it. I'm pretty sure fire didn't cause it.
We seem to be confusing the positions.
You position: AQ flew planes into buildings and cause them to fall. including a 50 story skyscraper not hit by any plane.
My position: I don't know who flew the planes or exactly how the buildings were brought down but it wasn't AQ and it wasn't planes/fire that collapsed the buildings.
So you are backing the state's assertions. I am saying those assertions are false. These are both conclusions that can be debated.
I do not have an affirmative explanation of who committed the acts or how. I declared my agnosticism in, I believe, the first post I ever made in the original thread and I've maintained it every since. The attacks were crimes which were never investigated as such. We need a legitimate investigation in order to establish valid conclusions about the crimes but open source resources only go so far.
Excellent, excellent, only a couple of hundred posts or so in and we've managed to extract a concrete claim. Must be some sort of record.
Care to elaborate as to why you think this? I'll remind you that I am conversant with "the calculus of Newtonian physics", or whatever mangled name you managed for Newtonian mechanics, so I look forward to having some equations to review in your supporting evidence.
I just want to point out that it was in fact planes/fire that collapsed the buildings.
I hope that helped.
A lot more than mkultra happened broseph
A lot of people don’t think it was only the planes and fire that brought down the towers
A lot of people do think it was.
And here we are.
A lot of people don’t think it was only the planes and fire that brought down the towers
A lot of people do think it was.
And here we are.
a lot of people think the earth is flat
a lot of people are )(#@$@ gullible and fall for bs because it makes them feel special.
They make a circle in the diagram
yes a lot of gullible people believe everything the gov says. my only problem is their absolutely mind bending arrogance when they liken others to flat earthers.