The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20203 Replies


I don't think anyone ITT is arguing that it's a bad thing. The Colonel seems to be arguing that buying Kenneth Copeland a private jet is a manifestation of it, though.

I mean, who wouldn't feel a bit of empathy for this guy having to fly business with the plebs?

Never fear, Jesus is here. Oh, and send money.

I'm sure the dumb****s donating to Trump v1 here are doing it out of "empathy", yeah.

Empathy is important, stop worrying about some idealized partner, just find someone who will hang with you for the rest of your life. Like Mussolini did.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Empathy is important, stop worrying about some idealized partner, just find someone who will hang with you for the rest of your life. Like Mussolini did.


by Luciom k

Accepting to pay more for a good/service because you think it's ethically sourced and/or you are helping small local businesses over international companies and so on is actually empathy yes.

Keep in mind that you can think that's misplaced empathy, you can disagree in the sense that you don't see positive externalities that justify the investment and what not.

But people both on the left and the right routinely choose to overpay a little to reward producers/sellers that they think benefit either

I hate to be that guy, but there are many combative people ITT that are bandying on about empathy in a pretty annoying way. Empathy is not the same as sympathy. Empathy is the ability to understand somebody else's perspective, which is best described as "putting yourself in somebody's else's shoes." An empathic person would be able to understand why a person may want to pay more for food from the farmer's market, without necessarily doing so themselves. An empathic person may be able to look at the political views of Luciom and Victor, and be able to say "I understand where you are coming from, even though I disagree strongly with everything you say."

This is contrasted with sympathy. If you pay more for food at the farmer's market, even if you don't believe there is a difference between that food and the food at the supermarket, it would be because you are sympathetic. You can be sympathetic to the plight of a person, sympathetic to a cause, whatever. If you read Luciom's or Victor's post and go "I agree with this guy and am going to tell everybody why", you are showing sympathy. If you give a lot of money to a charitable cause, it is generally because you share sympathies with the causes that charity champions.

I personally don't think that the people that are misusing the word "empathy" ITT have historically shown that they are capable of it in these forums, but that's just my take.

by DonkJr k

I personally don't think that the people that are misusing the word "empathy" ITT have historically shown that they are capable of it in these forums, but that's just my take.

You wouldn't be saying that if you walked a mile in their shoes.

Joking aside, I was going to make the same point you did, but I went with the Colonel's definition since I was more interested in debunking his argument about religious donations being an indicator of empathy/sympathy with/for anyone.

Modern christianity is often not really designed for empathy. People have crises of faith when something bad happens to them despite the fact that bad stuff happens to people everyday. They are ok with thinking other people's cancer is deserved or part of god's plan but it's different when it happens to them.

by d2_e4 k

You wouldn't be saying that if you walked a mile in their shoes.

Joking aside, I was going to make the same point you did, but I went with the Colonel's definition since I was more interested in debunking his argument about religious donations being an indicator of empathy/sympathy with/for anyone.

Here is my empathic take: Luciom has shown to be a very smart person in various threads, but he is in Italy and may not communicate in English as often as others on these forums. In his shoes, it is an easy mistake to use "empathy" and "sympathy" interchangeably.

by DonkJr k

Here is my empathic take: Luciom has shown to be a very smart person in various threads, but he is in Italy and may not communicate in English as often as others on these forums. In his shoes, it is an easy mistake to use "empathy" and "sympathy" interchangeably.

To be simpatico in Italian means to be funny, likeable.

We have the original Greek root for neurology (sympathetic nervous system is sistema nervoso simpatico) but for topics like caring about others, donating and so on we only use empathy

by DonkJr k

Here is my empathic take: Luciom has shown to be a very smart person in various threads, but he is in Italy and may not communicate in English as often as others on these forums. In his shoes, it is an easy mistake to use "empathy" and "sympathy" interchangeably.

Perhaps, but the veil of ignorance and my mentioning the word sociopath (as a synonym of libertarian) seem to have prompted his posts regarding the subject, and empathy, not sympathy, was clearly the intended topic.

by Luciom k

To be simpatico in Italian means to be funny, likeable.

We have the original Greek root for neurology (sympathetic nervous system is sistema nervoso simpatico) but for topics like caring about others, donating and so on we only use empathy

la simpatia
sympathy, liking, pleasantness, shine
la compassione
compassion, pity, sympathy
la comprensione
understanding, comprehension, grasp, sympathy, realization, apprehension
la partecipazione
participation, attendance, interest, sharing, presence, sympathy
la commiserazione
commiseration, sympathy
le condoglianza
condolence, sympathy

by DonkJr k

Here is my empathic take: Luciom has shown to be a very smart person in various threads, but he is in Italy and may not communicate in English as often as others on these forums. In his shoes, it is an easy mistake to use "empathy" and "sympathy" interchangeably.

This was my understanding as well but he talks about USA as it is his country and he knows everything about it.
He also uses *we* when talking about USA local matters.
Scratching heads

by Luciom k

To be simpatico in Italian means to be funny, likeable.

We have the original Greek root for neurology (sympathetic nervous system is sistema nervoso simpatico) but for topics like caring about others, donating and so on we only use empathy

An even better explanation! In English, simpatico means to be on the same wavelength with another person. To be of one mind, having shared interests, being compatible, that kind of thing.

I wasn't singling you out in a negative way, btw. I can understand why somebody that primarily speaks Italian may misuse a word in English, when the word has a different meaning in their first language. On the other hand, seeing a dozen or so posts from American posters, some of whom take great pride in pointing out other's grammatical mistakes, is less understandable to me at the moment. Maybe everybody was doing what d2 was doing and just going with the flow.

by DonkJr k

Here is my empathic take: Luciom has shown to be a very smart person in various threads


by Ambush k

Perhaps, but the veil of ignorance and my mentioning the word sociopath (as a synonym of libertarian) seem to have prompted his posts regarding the subject, and empathy, not sympathy, was clearly the intended topic.

What I understood his meaning to be was that right wingers donate more to charity, and therefore are more sympathetic to the plight of the underprivileged than left wingers.

Empathic and empathetic are the same and can be used interchangeably. I myself thought I made that mistake after I hit "submit", but apparently I was accidentally correct 😀

by DonkJr k

What I understood his meaning to be was that right wingers donate more to charity, and therefore are more sympathetic to the plight of the underprivileged than left wingers.

This is the argument as I understood it, and the argument I was seeking to debunk, at least as it relates to donations to religious causes.

Since DJT started trading S&P up 3% and DJT down 60%

Grats guys, you sure owned the libz there

by DonkJr k

I hate to be that guy, but there are many combative people ITT that are bandying on about empathy in a pretty annoying way. Empathy is not the same as sympathy. Empathy is the ability to understand somebody else's perspective, which is best described as "putting yourself in somebody's else's shoes." An empathic person would be able to understand why a person may want to pay more for food from the farmer's market, without necessarily doing so themselves. An empathic person may be able to look

I said previously that I tended to tip generously because I have empathy for drivers, waiters, etc. I might have been one of the people who you believe conflated empathy and sympathy, but I don't think I did. I meant that I understood what a grind it is to work a job that depends on tips, having worked similar jobs in the past in my younger days.

by Rococo k

I said previously that I tended to tip generously because I have empathy for drivers, waiters, etc. I might have been one of the people who you believe conflated empathy and sympathy, but I don't think I did. I meant that I understood what a grind it is to work a job that depends on tips, having worked similar jobs in the past in my younger days.

I think if you say "empathy with" rather than "empathy for", that's enough of a shibboleth to implicitly get you in to the "cool kids who know how to use 'empathy' correctly" club.

by d2_e4 k

How does this study control for the fact that religious causes in the US are considered charities? Hearty LOL at bible-thumping dumb****s having more empathy because they keep buying private jets for charlatans .

I think I read somewhere that the Mormons run something like an 10-11 figure investment fund just from their tithes alone.

i distinctly remember when i learned that the tithe is not the donation jar that gets passed around but specifically giving 10% of your income and that many people actually pay it - just amazing you never hear people complaining about that

but... i can't speak for the rest, but as far as environmental charities go, they are overwhelmingly supported by conservatives because those are the people who fish and hunt and can viscerally key in on certain things like "there used to be more ducks before that factory was built" and "i'd like if my grandson was able to catch fish as well" so they're far more likely to not only donate but donate in much larger quantities than someone from brooklyn who thinks they've done their part by having 5 tweets about the environment each month

by rickroll k

i distinctly remember when i learned that the tithe is not the donation jar that gets passed around but specifically giving 10% of your income and that many people actually pay it - just amazing you never hear people complaining about that

but... i can't speak for the rest, but as far as environmental charities go, they are overwhelmingly supported by conservatives because those are the people who fish and hunt and can viscerally key in on certain things like "there used to be more ducks before t

That's great, but I doubt their donations get them enough carbon credits to offset constantly voting in climate change deniers and coal mine lovers though.

And yeah, the Mormions get it sweet. They get to run a mutli-billion investment fund tax free, coz jesus or something.

by d2_e4 k

That's great, but I doubt their donations get them enough carbon credits to offset constantly voting in climate change deniers and coal mine lovers though.

probably not

by Rococo k

I said previously that I tended to tip generously because I have empathy for drivers, waiters, etc. I might have been one of the people who you believe conflated empathy and sympathy, but I don't think I did. I meant that I understood what a grind it is to work a job that depends on tips, having worked similar jobs in the past in my younger days.

I wasn't thinking about your post, but the ones that were made after Luciom's right wingers are more generous post. I hate to nit up a thread, but there were so many posts back to back that were describing empathy in a weird way that it caught my attention, when it normally wouldn't.

Empathy and sympathy can sometimes seem similar, as the situation you are describing. In your case, it looks like a case of having both empathy ("I know how you feel, as I have been here before as well") and sympathy ("Because I know how you feel, I feel for your situation and want to help you out.")

ducks unlimited an environmental charity that conservatives fund

they have a clear and concise message about what their specific mission is and what they'll do with the money

greenpeace, an organization which exists from people asking for $10 at a time on busy shopping districts and college campuses

they no message, just virtue signaling and kumbayah - conservatives ignore this one because they care about results and not whatever it is that this is

by rickroll k


also, while everyone here has heard of greenpeace and i don't think many of you have heard of ducks unlimited - that's not because of size, it's again because greenpeace spends money on promoting greenpeace because they think that the culture wars is half the battle whereas ducks unlimited spends it directly on their mission

ducks unlimited brings in 200-300 million a year in donations

and here's greenpeace 25-35 million a year in donations
