[extracted] New(?) 9-11 stuff
KSM got a plea deal. The guy who supposedly masterminded the 9/11 attacks is not getting the death penalty.
If you still think that AQ did 9/11 you should be in adult day care.
The perfect mixture of an accident and to not be ****ed with again. I honestly have no clue what level your on but i ebjoy your posts in an edgar allan poe kind of way.
I think you get my tone more than others maybe. I'm not over here pulling my hair out over people believing what I see as transparently false, lethal propaganda. Because of the schools I went to, most of my friends are professionals. Most of them are millionaires, not by starting a business or creating anything, but just via accumulated salary. I ask them "but how do you know AQ did it?". The answer I always get is like "it's been a long time since that came up and I don't recall". I just tell them well if you ever remember let me know. I imagine many of you have a similar profile. The system is working for you and so you feel compelled to defend it no matter what. Something is "wrong" with me whereby I just am not that greedy and/or feel materially insecure and I am preoccupied with, for lack of a better word, reality. What I've discovered is most people can be bought out of reality. I'm not trying to change that because I can't.
I realize the system is broken and doomed and nothing will take us off the course in which we are going. Me getting 500,000 people to realize, say, that the U.S. destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines wouldn't make the tiniest scratch in the terminator's skeleton, let alone convincing a few people chatting online.
Fight the good fight, Deuces. Stay strong & Keep the faith.
Much as I am confident in your reading comprehension abilities and don't for a second doubt your synopsis of what is and isn't in the report, I'd like to read the relevant section of the report myself, just in case. Trust, but verify and all that. You know what would be really helpful to that end? A reference to where I could find the section of the report which you are using to draw the above conclusions.
It's available online. You can read it. Your obsession with me going to fetch it for you is weird. You people who support the government's assertions hardly ever even answer my questions so I'm not going to be going around looking stuff up for you. I'm not really up for discussing the lower level details with neophytes. If you knew anything about this issue you would know what NIST's justification was for removing all fireproofing in their model. You would either concede it is absurd or you would defend it. I don't think you are going to do either because because you neither want to defend idiocy nor cede any ground. So you instead pretend than I am somehow blocking you from taking a position. You are showing me ways that cowardice can be expressed on the internet which I didn't know were possible.
Why are you so afraid of the truth?
Right. So it's pretty basic even if you don't have much or any knowledge of civil engineering, materials science etc. But nobody seems able to say what those basic claims are. It can't be something too difficult for you to explain or require pages and pages of analysis because the obvious explanation if that were the case would be that NDT or a typical physicist just don't understand due to lack of study.
Are you asking me to articulate the basic claims of the demolition theory of collapse? It's based on an array of observations. One is that the acceleration of the collapse not only negates the official story but points to the alternative of demolition. And this in all 3 skyscrapers that totally collapsed. The official story, which I assume you believe without knowing what it says, is that the top portion of the towers above the impact line crushed through the remainders of the towers. It should be obvious to everyone that that's just not how the world works and we've known that since Newton. But, additionally, we observe that the top portion does not decrease its acceleration as it (apparently) moves through the remainder. It didn't encounter any resistance at all and so it is physically impossible that we were watching a pancake collapse like NIST says.
There is a long list of observations indicating demolition, but I think the accelerations are the most compelling. You really don't have to go any further than that.
I imagine that it's no more or less difficult than piloting the plane in the first place (maybe slightly more difficult as it's lower than regular cruising altitude), but I'm not a pilot. I don't see why it would be more difficult than setting a course where the building is in the path of that course.
Is there any particular reason why you think this should be a very difficult maneuver?
The approach to the South Tower was banking and descending at the same time, not to mention going extremely fast (you know how with airplanes you can get places faster?). It banked twice on approach. The first banking, given the angle, needed to happen with fractions of a second of when it did or the tower would have been missed entirely. So yeah, when you are going that fast, hitting the right banking angle at the right time is difficult. Also, recall, the pilot is supposedly going to be ending his life. I've never been in that situation but I would guess it's not the preferred headspace when precision is needed.
d2 thinks it's like a rotisserie chicken cooker, just set it and forget it.
How is it we have so many conspiracy theorists in this forum? Surely the general population doesn't have this high of a percentage ? Does it?
Could be because of the forum split. The group who left are overrepresentative of non CTers
Add us all together and it's probably pretty standard for the popultion.
Could be because of the forum split. The group who left are overrepresentative of non CTers
Add us all together and it's probably pretty standard for the popultion.
I hope everyone realizes that whatever probability you assign to the conspiracy regarding 911 it is at least ten times higher than the idea that Trump set up a faux assassination attempt even in the first few minutes after it happened. It is mind boggling that a smart poster on unstuck could have had such an insane thought. Not so surprising regarding 2+2 posters
It's available online. You can read it. Your obsession with me going to fetch it for you is weird. You people who support the government's assertions hardly ever even answer my questions so I'm not going to be going around looking stuff up for you. I'm not really up for discussing the lower level details with neophytes. If you knew anything about this issue you would know what NIST's justification was for removing all fireproofing in their model. You would either concede it is absurd or you woul
I haven't supported any government assertions here, I've asked you questions about your theory and to source a single specific claim you made. I haven't actually made any assertions of my own, so I don't even have any ground to cede or truth to be afraid of. You really are an eccentric chap.
In any case, with this sort of reading comprehension ability on full display, I am really beginning to doubt my previously unshakeable faith in your synopsis of what is in the NIST report. You could just get me that reference I asked for to re-establish some semblance of credibility.
The approach to the South Tower was banking and descending at the same time, not to mention going extremely fast (you know how with airplanes you can get places faster?). It banked twice on approach. The first banking, given the angle, needed to happen with fractions of a second of when it did or the tower would have been missed entirely. So yeah, when you are going that fast, hitting the right banking angle at the right time is difficult. Also, recall, the pilot is supposedly going to be ending
You got a source for that?
I hope everyone realizes that whatever probability you assign to the conspiracy regarding 911 it is at least ten times higher than the idea that Trump set up a faux assassination attempt even in the first few minutes after it happened. It is mind boggling that a smart poster on unstuck could have had such an insane thought. Not so surprising regarding 2+2 posters
Are they pushing that? They migth consider it smart politcal trolling methodology more than a serious belief. Or you may have a point about different groups believing different bollocks.
What I dont get is if they were faking assasinating trump so skillfully then why did they miss his brain by 3 feet?
I hope everyone realizes that whatever probability you assign to the conspiracy regarding 911 it is at least ten times higher than the idea that Trump set up a faux assassination attempt even in the first few minutes after it happened. It is mind boggling that a smart poster on unstuck could have had such an insane thought. Not so surprising regarding 2+2 posters
The so-called smart posters on Unstuck agreed overwhelmingly in a poll that it was Russia who destroyed the pipeline, so your mind shouldn't be so boggled.
Are you asking me to articulate the basic claims of the demolition theory of collapse? It's based on an array of observations. One is that the acceleration of the collapse not only negates the official story but points to the alternative of demolition. And this in all 3 skyscrapers that totally collapsed. The official story, which I assume you believe without knowing what it says, is that the top portion of the towers above the impact line crushed through the remainders of the towers.
Right. We have extreme claims like this....but then when someone says acceleration of gravity which is the maximum speed of "free fall" on Earth without added inputs it simply goes uncorrected because no truther has thought very hard about this even though it's a crucial part of the case. You're right that Stephen Hawking or whoever else that obviously wouldn't have made a mistake like that probably didn't say much about the 9/11 truth movement. But that's because planes flying into buildings, causing fires which eventually lead to their collapse doesn't really violate anything they know or have seen about 9/11.
Good lord. I hate that I still have to see those imbecillic posts even with him on my ignore list.
I've long theorized that the remaining contributors to this forum lean towards an overrepresentation of mental disorders
I also think covid birthed a whole new breed and generation of conspiracy theorist
They're all crazy--a literal crazy conspiracy theory lol
I think a lot were generally younger and new to the internet--a potent combo for getting sucked into things like the 9/11 rabbit hole. Probably saw Loose Change etc early on and have since spent the years reinforcing that with the info they seek out vs. say trying to consider other possibilities. Most sound like carbon copies of each other a notable hallmark of free thinkers 😀 It's very easy to slip into the everything's a conspiracy mindset and kinda tough to find your way out of it.
That some aspects of the conspiracy thing are true doesn't help but the best lies are usually like that. And some have been true at least in some sense.
Do you doubt my claim about the NIST fireproofing experiment? All it takes it a Google search on your part. If you are saying it didn't happen we can "wager" on it. One guy wagered against me for handles in 2016, if he wins I am banned if I won he is banned from the entire forum. He was thought of as one of the more intelligent and moderate posters and had a long history. Notice I'm speaking of him in the past as he lost the wager and had the honor to follow through on the terms.
We don't have to
Deuces, are you not going to acknowledge at all that you were demonstrably wrong about the NIST report being done by "compartmentalized" employees with no peer review?
It looks like conspiracy theories are, unfortunately, only going to become more popular over time as democracy recedes, crowded out by the increasingly corporate dominance in the state-corporate complex which rules over us. The aims of concentrated capital diverge from and directly oppose the preferences and needs of the majority of the population. It's clearly been decided that the tension created from that divergence is going to be managed via thought control, with a growing police state apparatus as a failsafe. So the state-corporate complex has and will continue to use dishonest propaganda and, in so doing, tear away at the fabric of our shared reality as their efforts are not going to be even nearly totally effective. The majority are going to be less satisfied and the explanations as to why are going to be increasingly unacceptable. Naturally, people will increasingly speculate as to what in the ever living !@#$ is really going on. And we now have more open communication channels than ever from which they can get ideas as to that.
Typically we are seeing, and will continue to see, buy-in into the state-corporate propaganda from those who are doing well. We will see distrust and conspiracy theorizing from the less educated (i.e. less indoctrinated) and those not doing well enough to keep quiet. And we will see some skepticism from those suckers, like me, who actually believe in the Western traditions of how we know things to be true. I think we can apply those 3 tiers to most issues.
Professional Managerial Class - Please give me a second dose just to make sure and btw do you have a schedule for the next updated version?
Low income OR Uneducated - This is tyranny! We should all have control of OUR OWN BODIES (except for abortions). This is secret population control that I'm funding with my tax dollars!
Intellectuals/Educated Skeptics - Wait, why are we using a totally new, untested technology at our time of greatest crisis? I think I will wait as long as I can and see what this does to people and then recalculate the risk/reward proposition.
I think this classification can apply to just about any issue. You have the state following a corporate originating demand. You have people happy with things wanting desperately to follow along unquestionably (that's most people in this forum). Then there are those who know something is amiss, aren't generally happy, and strike out wildly in attempts to figure it out. Then there is the rational approach, claimed by the PMC but not implemented by them, actually implemented by the smallest segment of these 3.
Deuces, are you not going to acknowledge at all that you were demonstrably wrong about the NIST report being done by "compartmentalized" employees with no peer review?
I intend to address your post. I'm aware of some sessions of open questions but what I've seen was mainly the head of NIST denying things observable and even acknowledged in the report. I can tell you that peer review did not happen, that you are taking liberties with that term, dishonestly so.
But keep in mind that, ultimately, NIST proposes a pancake theory of collapse and that, clearly, is physically impossible to square with the observations. We can go into how this fraudulent report by NIST was made, but ultimately there is no escaping the fact that it is a fraud. The proof is in the pudding. It's in the kitchen too.
I can’t believe you typed all that **** but you won’t cite when asked
I intend to address your post. I'm aware of some sessions of open questions but what I've seen was mainly the head of NIST denying things observable and even acknowledged in the report.
No worries, Deuces; I'll check back in later after you've had time to think and come up with a response.
Personally, I am enjoying Deuces deconstructing why people subscribe to conspiracy theories in one breath while peddling them in the next. I just wish he wouldn't be so long-winded about it.