Living in Cambodia and turning Pro

Living in Cambodia and turning Pro

This is my story and if anyone wants advice on joining me then let me know.
I’m originally from the UK, London and have been playing poker for around 6 years to varying success but as it was to secondary work never really committed. Then the economic down turn happened I sold business (a night club) and I thought I’d take a couple of years out in a cheap foreign country.

I live on the Cambodian coast in a place called Sihanoukville, about four hours drive from the capital Phnom Peng. It’s a beautiful little spot with 5 beaches and with the Thai border 4 hours drive to the west and Vietnam about 5 hours to the east. It has a vibrant night life, with a number of clubs, beach bars and western and local restaurants (and 3 casinos). The sex trade is a lot less prevalent than Thailand and the place has a mixture of backpackers passing through, holiday makers from Phnom Peng and a large friendly expat community.

So why Cambodia.
• It’s cheap (half the price of Thailand), I stay in a 2 bedroom western style apartment, all mod cons, 24 hour security sea views $340 a month. A one bedroom bedsit in the same building is $120 a month. A meal out varies from $3.50 – about $7 for top end, beer is 50c-$1 a glass.
• Language isn’t a problem most Cambodians in the major cities speak English.
• Visas, unlike Thailand you can extend your visa indefinitely without leaving the country $250 a year.
• Internet, now is fine, i have ½ a mega bite which is $60 a month and a 3g card for back up should either the internet go down while playing or a power occurs. Power cuts do happen infrequently but all that’s needed is a back up battery or a laptop.
• It’s safe, like any major city anywhere in the world there is crime, just don’t wonder down dark streets at 4am you wouldn’t in New York!
• The people are lovely, not yet obliterated by western values or capitalism.
• The expat community is varied and very friendly to new comers.
• The currency is the Riel but the dollar is more widely used
• No tax
• Live poker is available in casinos and a few low homegames
• The weather is hot from October to June, June to September is the wet season which while still hot it rains to varying degrees.

I think Pro maybe a little strong, I play 3 hours a day mainly in the morning (+7 GMT) and last month 90 hours made me $900, mainly I play SnG. $900 is hefty amount here, waitress earn around $100 a month and western bar managers around $400 a month. In the UK i would have to earn $3000 a month and have a fraction of the life style. I normally finish with poker by 10am and this leaves me the rest of the day to visit the beach, take a boat ride to Island, ride my bike, watch movies, study poker, or just visit friends for a beer.
I have yet to find anyone else out here who is supporting their lifestyle from internet and poker and would either like to find someone who is or encourage someone to come and join and me. I’d be happy to help anyone thinking of making the move and it would be great to have someone to speak poker with, especially if they were at a more advanced level than me
It could be ideal for someone who can make $1-2000 a month but not enough for Pro and a decent western lifestyle, or someone who has to grind silly hours to make a western style wage.
So ask me anything about me, my poker or living in Cambodia


) 9 Views 9
03 April 2011 at 05:10 AM

212 Replies


0-9 0$
10-19 1$
20-29 2$
30-39 3$
40-49 4$
50-9999 5$

Same for $1/$1 and $1/$2

Just a side note
The game has been running in DV 24/7 since November 2023
Does anyone know of any other game in the world that runs constantly?

by Be Afraid k

Just a side note
The game has been running in DV 24/7 since November 2023
Does anyone know of any other game in the world that runs constantly?

Not really true since they were closed several weeks when changing locations.

They haven’t moved

Been there since Oct 2022

Where did the mix game that was at red fox, the one with no rake, move to?

by koolwhynot2 k

Where did the mix game that was at red fox, the one with no rake, move to?

I heard it was busted by the police like a year ago. Players had to pay quite a lot to get free. Don't think they've been running since.

What any room run svitten special

by koolwhynot2 k

Where did the mix game that was at red fox, the one with no rake, move to?

Sadly no small / drinking bar games atm as far as I know :( I miss Red Fox days

by koolwhynot2 k

What any room run svitten special

Ive also been looking to play this online if you know anywhere that runs it? 😃

Wtf is svitten special

by BigBananas k

Wtf is svitten special

Drawmaha I think its called? 5 card split pot game, half pot is draw other half PLO 😃. After flop action u can change cards.. If u change just one u get to see it face up and decide if u want it, if not u get 1 more face down . Can change as many as u want

I dunno if thats official rules or not but thats how Red Fox played it.. They played some messed up version of OFC too

by LinaPoker k

Surprised no one has commented much on this!

Here are some monthly poker updates from Sihanouk and Phnom Penh:

Naga PP:
WPT went really well at Naga, the smaller cash games were better than normal during a series. Now mostly 6-8 tables of 2/5 and 1/3 Holdem, the 5/10 has been a bit weaker of late.

Ming Men PP:
We are running a deep stack 2/5 Holdem and a 1/3 (5 bring in) PLO. We actually have run a 5 card PLO a few times in the last few weeks with some of the bosses. The 2/5 holdem has been really

where is mingmen PP? is it running 24hours game?


by rakeishigh k

where is mingmen PP? is it running 24hours game?

Game starts at 7pm. Recently has been 2-3 tables 2/5 Holdem this week. Ending between 2am and 8 am depending on the day. Easiest way is to message the Poker in Cambodia page on facebook and they'll get you sorted.

Someone responded to a travel post on the Reddit poker page today saying that Naga gives a hotel room for playing poker a certain amount of hours. Anyone heard of this? Trying to find out how many hours you need to play per day to get a free/reduced rate room.

Thank you for using what little battery you had left to respond to my post. Much appreciated.

Whats up with the PLO action at pokerking?
What is the reg/rec ratio in the games?

fb saying 72poker now has $10 cap? for all games?

72 cap $5 on 1/1 and 1/2 NLH

$10 cap on 1/1 PLO

i nearly always say good luck to the obvious recs who are likely in very light vs good players

i also say it when someone i've been talking to is all in vs someone who hasn't spoken

don't think i'd say it vs someone i considered a friend though, but could easily see it being appropriate to placate a fish

by Macau2018 k

Whats up with the PLO action at pokerking?
What is the reg/rec ratio in the games?

Games have been somewhat dead there recently.

Ming Men is doing a weekly PLO game tomorrow that might be worth checking out. 1/3 with a 5 bringin at 7pm.

Poker Atlas appears to no longer be working for Nagaworld

I would like to grind some live cash in Naga
Any reg from here that could be so kind to give me some infos about the field? :

-Which limit runs the most?
-How many 2/5 usually there are?
-How is the Reg /Fish ratio?
-Are regualar as good as EU/USA regs?
-is it 9max?

I aslo heard in some videos there is a good amount of criminality in the city, is it true? should i get concerned of being possibli robbed out of the casino?
