"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread
It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre
Son of a bitch!
Picking up apples that the tree rats had half eaten. Apparently also not paying enough attention, got stung on each hand by bees or wasps or whatever we have out here.
Been icing, but they're swelling pretty good.
Fortunately, never have had a serious reaction. Couple days, I'll be better.
Son of a bitch!
Picking up apples that the tree rats had half eaten. Apparently also not paying enough attention, got stung on each hand by bees or wasps or whatever we have out here.
Been icing, but they're swelling pretty good.
Fortunately, never have had a serious reaction. Couple days, I'll be better.
Once you've been stung it's easy to tell bees from wasps. Bees die after they sting. If you have wasps on your property you should get rid of the nests immediately, with extreme prejudice. They're just a nuisance that will get worse.
I'm pretty sure they're bees, just not the fuzzy kind I grew up with.
They're always on the exposed parts of these apples. I assume they're sucking up the juice.
Usually pretty good about shooing them away before picking up the fruit for exactly this reason. Just wasn't paying close enough attention today.
Probably yellow jackets. They love apples and are very aggressive. They are technically wasps, but they look much more like bees than most wasps do.
I'll go with Garick's idea. Left hand almost back to normal today, right still pretty swollen. It'll be fine in another day or two.
Got to talking with the guy at the poker table last night who I vaguely recognized from another lifetime. Turns out we were born in the same hick town hospital 6 days apart.
Currently in Vegas. New Venetian room is hard to find, but it’s pretty nice. You’d never know they had a poker room if you weren’t looking for it.
Got to talking with the guy at the poker table last night who I vaguely recognized from another lifetime. Turns out we were born in the same hick town hospital 6 days apart.
Pretty impressed that you recognized his face with not seeing him since he was two cribs away in the hospital.
In the early days of our group, we used to make tons of that style of mail. The very earliest versions were made from wire coat hangers. By the time I joined, it was mostly electric fence wire. The problem with butted mail like that is that the ends of the loops are just bent together, and they can work their way loose, especially when they are bent and jerked around by being hit with weapons. The mail would quickly develop holes that we would joke were caused by chain mail moths.
To solve that problem, what you want is mail where every link is welded or riveted closed. But that is a metric ****ton of work. Especially since we don't use sharp weapons, so the mail is more for show than protection anyway. Almost nobody bothered, though if you really wanted to spend thousands of dollars there was a guy in Arizona who made welded mail. His order queue was over a year long. Then someone discovered off-shoring. Believe it or not, there was enough of a market to pay folks in emerging countries to make chain mail instead of soccer balls.
Now you can get a mail drape for your helm with each link flattened and riveted, made in Pakistan and sold online for a hundred bucks. Not too many people knitting their own butted mail anymore in this brave new global economy.

Seems like holes in the chain mail should've led to great stories instead of moths. "You won't believe the battle I was in..."
Those stories would be too close to accurate.
Surprised to hear the Venetian management does things that inhibit the vitality of poker.
I’ve only found Bellagio mgt more insufferable. Albeit, I haven’t been to vegas since 2018 or 2018. I can’t remember which.
I might be heading out in November but will be a last minute decision.
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*gets popcorn*
(weird, what was that deleted post directed at Squiddy all about?)
ETA: Still qualifies as Zoltan?
lemonheads played at my high school - don't understand why they were ever popular