The costs of trans visibility

The costs of trans visibility

Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:

For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and

. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.

What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.

We need to do better.

30 June 2023 at 04:48 PM

6827 Replies


by coordi k

You all seem to think that the Cass report resulted in the total ban of puberty blockers but that isn't the case.

It calls for a controlled clinical trial, which weirdly hasn't been done yet. Generally, prescriptions have been stopped for new patients, under the outgoing Conservative and incoming Labour Health Secretaries, due to lack of evidence for the benefits.

The well-known Finnish studies of 2020 and 2024 found that suicide was not in fact particularly common in gender-dysphoric youth and that 'transition' did not improve the, already small, suicide rate.

Previous Dutch and British studies also suggested that 'transition' does not improve mental-health outcomes.

by jjjou812 k

Seems like you are on quite the morale crusade- saving one transgender child at a time. Sorry, but I would rather rely on the medical professionals.

It’s hard to take seriously your complaints about being called a fascist when you follow it up immediately with “ as long as the doctors do what I want, they will not be subjected to the harshest penalties (which all seem to be death in Luciomtopia)” posts.

Rely on the medical professionals who continue to debate this as there is no consensus in the medical community with most leaning towards reality and a vocal minority living in La La Land.

by Phresh k

Not to mention, there are plenty of countries with absolutely no support for this alleged trans-identity (or gay rights). If trans-identity wasn't largely a social contagion, you'd see a massive number of teen suicides in countries where they don't allow "transition." Yet we do not see this reflected in the data.

Obviously GD is a real thing and we need to treat those who are persistently dysphoric, but it's obvious that social contagion plays a huge role in the explosion of trans-identifying yo

You would also see examples throughout history prior to “gender affirming care” of large numbers of adolescents committing suicide, but you don’t because it didn’t happen.

jjjou812 discounts medical professionals like Cass because they disprove his narrative.

by originalgangster k

You would also see examples throughout history prior to “gender affirming care” of large numbers of adolescents committing suicide, but you don’t because it didn’t happen.

jjjou812 discounts medical professionals like Cass because they disprove his narrative.

We are at a record high suicide rate for teenage girls in first world countries, but the numbers increased the same way vs 15-20 years ago no matter how much the country "affirms" teens

Suicide is also another social contagion. Common mental health issues also overwhelmingly affect females. If only we went back to treating these psychological issues instead of saying, "Yes, you're probably actually a man (an impossibility). Let's lop off your breasts!" It's extremely sad and needs to be stopped. The amount of internalized homophobia behind this modern day conversion therapy is also incredibly bothersome. This ideology is inherently homophobic. If there is no demarcation line between the sexes, there can be no same sex rights.


Have you guys read those links I posted from Jesse Singal's substack re: the University of Washington blatantly cooking the books on their youth suicide and depression rates plummeting? It's insane.

by Phresh k

Suicide is also another social contagion.

This is why the first rule about suicide is don't talk about suicide.

by Luckbox Inc k

This is why the first rule about suicide is don't talk about suicide.

Only a rule for mainstream media tbh (or other media with large audiences).

Some people need to talk about it to figure out what's going on and if something can be done to reduce suicides

by Phresh k

Suicide is also another social contagion. Common mental health issues also overwhelmingly affect females. If only we went back to treating these psychological issues instead of saying, "Yes, you're probably actually a man (an impossibility). Let's lop off your breasts!" It's extremely sad and needs to be stopped. The amount of internalized homophobia behind this modern day conversion therapy is also incredibly bothersome. This ideology is inherently homophobic. If there is no demarcation line be

Wouldn't surprise me if we'll see more of this since the science doesn't seem to agree with their narratives they got no other option but to make up stats. Kinda like Coordi does when he says ''Puberty blockers and hormone have shown a reduced rate of suicide attempt and success after use.''.

by Phresh k

As I said, you don't seem to understand things like "burden of proof." But please, tell me what data you think I should post that would get you to concede the point I just referenced. You know you can Google "youth suicide rates" for countries that don't allow this madness, right? Why don't you take some initiative?

With that being said, there is plenty of evidence validating this being a social contagion. Like bulimia and nearly every other MH/medical social contagion before it, girls are predo

LOL. He took a dump on another guy’s head. Are you Vince McMahon?

by originalgangster k

Rely on the medical professionals who continue to debate this as there is no consensus in the medical community with most leaning towards reality and a vocal minority living in La La Land.

Rely on medical doctors who are actually treating people, not the yahoos that think because they watched a lot of Dr pimple popper that they are qualified to determine someone’s mental status and the best course of treatment. I have no issue with the lack of consensus in the medical community, I have issues with Lucio, lozen and OG giving their opinions on the issues with such certainty given they don’t know what the **** they are talking about. Same as Phresh with his conclusion of social contagion based on his youtube and twitter phds.

by jjjou812 k

Rely on medical doctors who are actually treating people, not the yahoos that think because they watched a lot of Dr pimple popper that they are qualified to determine someone’s mental status and the best course of treatment. I have no issue with the lack of consensus in the medical community, I have issues with Lucio, lozen and OG giving their opinions on the issues with such certainty given they don’t know what the **** they are talking about. Same as Phresh with his conclusion

In which country? because in many of them, a growing number, they are abandoning puberty blockers in most or all cases for minors with gender disphoria.

American doctors are by far those who prescribe them more often worldwide. And then move to ormones, and surgery. 5k girl breasts removes in 8 years as per the source i previously linked. More than the rest of the world combined.

Why , exactly, should i believe they uniquely are right and everyone else worldwide , spending his life to treat pediatric patients, is wrong?

There is no lack of consensus worldwide: american doctors are seen as crazy mengeles in this topic

by Luckbox Inc k

This is why the first rule about suicide is don't talk about suicide.

Yep, which is why it's completely f'ing insane that the MSM does stuff like this:

The family felt they had no choice but to explore private medicine, but the full ban closed off that option. “We don’t know what’s next,” her mother said. “Hannah had always said she would kill herself if she had to go through male puberty. This is a medicine that’s still very much in use [for children going through early puberty], but not available for Hannah.”

I'm utterly sick of the emotional blackmail.


Right. If you check the thorough breakdown of that UW "study", it's flabbergasting how garbage it is. If it's too long, check this archived version of one of the authors doing an AMA on reddit. They get absolutely cooked when the doctors in the sub notice the data doesn't actually show what they claim. The author in question is a TIM themselves. Do you guys think that should be listed as a conflict of interest? I'm curious about that myself. It seems like a clear yes when I think about it. Not that a trans-identified person can't do good science, but there's an inherent bias introduced when they're trying to prove what they themselves already know, right?

Anyway, here are the links: here and here. This is likely the kind of study that coordi thinks is legit, obviously.

by Luciom k

In which country? because in many of them, a growing number, they are abandoning puberty blockers in most or all cases for minors with gender disphoria.

American doctors are by far those who prescribe them more often worldwide. And then move to ormones, and surgery. 5k girl breasts removes in 8 years as per the source i previously linked. More than the rest of the world combined.

Why , exactly, should i believe they uniquely are right and everyone else worldwide , spending his life to treat pediat

That’s the beautiful part- no one has to make you believe anything and no one has to listen to your beliefs on the subject. The doctors, patients and families can make the decisions, free of your input.

by jjjou812 k

Rely on medical doctors who are actually treating people, not the yahoos that think because they watched a lot of Dr pimple popper that they are qualified to determine someone’s mental status and the best course of treatment. I have no issue with the lack of consensus in the medical community, I have issues with Lucio, lozen and OG giving their opinions on the issues with such certainty given they don’t know what the **** they are talking about. Same as Phresh with his conclusion of social c

Triggered? Just because we are beating you over the head with facts and evidence doesn’t mean we don’t know what the f we’re talking about. Some of us are actually quite versed in the subject. I’m sorry about your feels.

Then why such an effort to silence people who echo what doctors and academics say re: the non-existent evidence base? Why ban handsome, intelligent people like me for "hate speech" when I'm saying what plenty of medical professionals say? Why scream in the faces of women who demand their personal spaces be free from men who claim they're women when sexed bodies are the delineating factor? None of that is very beautiful to me.

by jjjou812 k

Rely on medical doctors who are actually treating people, not the yahoos that think because they watched a lot of Dr pimple popper that they are qualified to determine someone’s mental status and the best course of treatment. I have no issue with the lack of consensus in the medical community, I have issues with Lucio, lozen and OG giving their opinions on the issues with such certainty given they don’t know what the **** they are talking about. Same as Phresh with his conclusion of social c

What about doctors who are playing god and destroying kids lives? Should we rely on them too?

What about the criminal physician who removed the breasts of a healthy Ellen Page? Should we rely on him too?

by jjjou812 k

That’s the beautiful part- no one has to make you believe anything and no one has to listen to your beliefs on the subject. The doctors, patients and families can make the decisions, free of your input.

except everywhere politicians can ban the procedure, which happened already in many places (including many american states), meanining they actually have to do what our representatives tell them to do.

So our input matters.

Sounds like you need to go to Stormfront with all this Nazi bigotry you're spewing, fellas. What's Luciom Italian for? Goebbels? Betraisefold? Yeah, I'll bet you raise your trans-son to fold laundry and fulfill the wrong gender role. Smh. Sorry, but I need to lay down after hearing so much hate speech.

by Phresh k

Sounds like you need to go to Stormfront with all this Nazi bigotry you're spewing, fellas. What's Luciom Italian for? Goebbels? Betraisefold? Yeah, I'll bet you raise your trans-son to fold laundry and fulfill the wrong gender role. Smh. Sorry, but I need to lay down after hearing so much hate speech.


Being facetious and repeating some of the Crossnerd gems, haha. Pretend there was an /s at the end of that. I get a kick out of the whole, "adhering to reality is akin to supporting Nazi ideology" from these people. Well, tbh, it's unnerving (especially when they can ban normie opinions), but that just means my only play is to laugh.

Keep up the good work. Feel free to drop in to the pitbull thread if you'd like to witness even more unhinged arguments than coordi's with a special person they've quarantined there. He's genuinely like coordi x30 with the nonsensical arguments.

Your comedy is on par with your logic and reasoning.

If being a normie spouting normie opinions is what finally gets you banned, so be it. I have t seen the state legislation go into effect yet that Lucioum’s views prevailed on his representatives, but there is plenty of proposed legislation that extend beyond what the normies believe and have all been struck down by the courts.

by 57 On Red k

It calls for a controlled clinical trial, which weirdly hasn't been done yet. Generally, prescriptions have been stopped for new patients, under the outgoing Conservative and incoming Labour Health Secretaries, due to lack of evidence for the benefits.

The well-known Finnish studies of 2020 and 2024 found that suicide was not in fact par

The average age that the study looked at was 18.5. How does that have anything to do with puberty blockers? It's a total non-sequitor.

Also I'm not saying there is anything wrong with looking at Gender Referred youth and analyzing what their rate of suicide is or whether there is increased suicide risk, but at the same time there are plenty of factors that could explain the findings of lower suicide rates compared to what is expected. They point out one such factor themselves in their study limitation section.

The limitations of this study include the non-consideration of confounding factors such as social support, BMI or lifestyle factors. Psychiatric morbidity was analysed on the level of intensity of specialist-level psychiatric contact without disentangling causes of using the services. However, regardless of actual diagnoses set, specialist-level psychiatric treatment contact indicates severe psychiatric morbidity, as specialist-level services are reserved to severe disorders, and national guidelines exist to ensure this similar threshold throughout the country. Some of the psychiatric morbidity warranting specialist-level psychiatric treatment may have emerged only after the contact to gender identity services and may therefore theoretically not truly represent confounding but a pathway linking GD to mortality. However, register data cannot truly reveal the timing of onset of a disorder, and totally disentangling between psychological phenomena may also be challenging; therefore, we have simply called psychiatric morbidity a confounder.

A further limitation is that although the follow-up time in this study was longer than that in many other studies on outcomes in clinical GD adolescent samples, the mean follow-up time of six years could be considered relatively short. Despite the large amounts of data, deaths were rare in our sample, limiting the possibility of more fine-tuned analyses. Moreover, because the register authorities do not allow researchers to track changes in the registered sex, we were not able to run analyses stratified by birth sex, which is a limitation, particularly given the known sex differences in suicide mortality. However, owing to data security and privacy issues, cell frequencies below a certain limit must not be reported. This would have prevented further stratification anyway. Finally, our sample represented clinically gender-referred participants; thus, the findings cannot be generalised to all transgender-identifying youths.

by jjjou812 k

Your comedy is on par with your logic and reasoning.

Let's try to limit the personal attacks, okay? Just because the mods allow it from your end doesn't make it right.

If you think it's normal to amputate healthy body parts from teenagers, render them sterile and unable to reach orgasm, and contribute to their lifelong medical care, we will just have to agree to disagree.

by Phresh k

Let's try to limit the personal attacks, okay? Just because the mods allow it from your end doesn't make it right.

If you think it's normal to amputate healthy body parts from teenagers, render them sterile and unable to reach orgasm, and contribute to their lifelong medical care, we will just have to agree to disagree.

Look, I have no idea how common childhood surgeries actually are, but this is such a stupid line of argument. It’s like looking at cancer patients and being like “I can’t believe you support exposing sick, vulnerable, and scared people with to radiation!” Like let’s say that was demonstrably the best option for health and psychological outcomes. Your emotional appeal means absolutely nothing interesting without the implicit philosophical, moral, and epistemic context.

by checkraisdraw k

Look, I have no idea how common childhood surgeries actually are, but this is such a stupid line of argument. It’s like looking at cancer patients and being like “I can’t believe you support exposing sick, vulnerable, and scared people with to radiation!” Like let’s say that was demonstrably the best option for health and psychological outcomes. Your emotional appeal means absolutely nothing interesting without the implicit philosophical, moral, and epistemic contex

I linked a source of 5k breast removals in minors in the USA from 2016 to 2023 iirc, with 2023, partial.

That's insured people, with a gender dysphoria official diagnosis, so it's a a lower floor.

That's 5k mutilated minors who can't consent to sex but for some reason can consent to permanently, massively modify their bodies irremediably
