Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33736 Replies


by Phresh k

Please tell me what you think would happen if Israel universally withdrew from every aspect of Arab life in the West Bank and Gaza and left them to their own devices. What can we expect?

They would rejoice in the normal.

by Bill Haywood k

They would rejoice in the normal.

No, they wouldn't, because it doesn't stop there.

Honest question... do any of you understand that Muslim's originally drove Jews out of their homeland and into Israel... attempting to eradicate them? This is where the term, "drive the Jews to the sea" comes from.

This is whole fkn point... they've taken Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Turkey and Iran over the course of hundreds of years. They don't plan on stopping. Listen to their words. They don't hide what their plan is. You can literally google videos of Hamas talking about this w/ translations.

At least do some honest research.

Again... if what you guys believed was true... I'd be 100% w/ you... but that's NOT what's going on.

Who is the spokesperson for all the Muslims that you’re referencing?

by FreakDaddy k

Yes... they do those things.

And yes, one of us is very misinformed... VERY. Here's what I put into google, and here's literally the AI response:
women's right in palestine

Women in Palestine face many challenges to their rights, including gender-based violence, discriminatory laws, and unequal distribution of power:
Gender-based violence
According to Amnesty International, 59% of married women and girls in Palestine experience violence from their partners.
The Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Coun

ok so when you said they have "no rights" then you were just being hyperbolic. got it. thanks for proving me right.

now why dont you look up the suicide bombing and the education levels.

by PointlessWords k

Who is the spokesperson for all the Muslims that you’re referencing?


"The last hour won't come before the Muslims would fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them so Jews would hide behind rocks and trees. Then the rocks and tree would call: oh Muslim, oh servant of God! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."

But here's a more recent quote from the time period that FreakDaddy is referencing:

Azzam Pasha, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, stated that a war with the proposed Jewish state would lead to "a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacre and the Crusades."


You think the Arabs would live happily ever after and just go about their business without using their newfound freedom to kill Jews?

by Bill Haywood k

They would rejoice in the normal.

Hamas has literally said they would attempt another 10/7

by Phresh k


"The last hour won't come before the Muslims would fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them so Jews would hide behind rocks and trees. Then the rocks and tree would call: oh Muslim, oh servant of God! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."

But here's a more recent quote from the time period that FreakDaddy is referencing:

Azzam Pasha, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, stated that a war with the proposed Jewish state would lead to "a war of extermination and momentous

this guy? someone who died 50 years ago? also, according to that wiki, you got his quote wrong.

In 2010, doubt of the quotation's source was voiced by Joffe and Romirowsky[35] and Benny Morris.[36] It was the subject of an article by David Barnett and Efraim Karsh.[37][38] Azzam's quote was found to have originated in an 11 October 1947 interview for the Egyptian newspaper Akhbar el-Yom: "Personally I hope the Jews do not force us into this war because it will be a war of elimination and it will be a dangerous massacre which history will record similarly to the Mongol massacre or the wars of the Crusades. I think the number of volunteers from outside Palestine will exceed the Palestinian population."

At the time of Azzam's interview, the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine had presented its report recommending that Palestine be partitioned into Arab and Jewish states and a corpus separatum around Jerusalem. However, no decision had yet been made by the UN and no Arab state had formally decided on military intervention in Palestine. After the partition resolution was passed, the comparison of the Zionists to the Mongols and crusaders was repeated when Azzam told a student rally in Cairo in early December 1947: "The Arabs conquered the Tartars and the Crusaders and they are now ready to defeat the new enemy", echoing what he had said to a journalist the previous day.[39]

The Akhbar el-Yom quotation, without its initial caveat, appeared in English in a February 1948 Jewish Agency memorandum.[40] Over the next few years, the same partial quotation appeared (with its correct 1947 source) in several books;[41] however, by 1952 many publications (including one by the Israeli government) had moved its date to 1948.[42] With this inaccurate source, it has appeared in hundreds of books and thousands of websites.[37]

ok well there goes that justification. on to the next one Phresh.

Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
They would rejoice in the normal.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Hamas has literally said they would attempt another 10/7

--You have to keep in mind, many Palestinian supporters dont want peace, they want destruction of Israel. Unending 10/7's until the last Jews is driven into the sea is an acceptable normal from such a perspective.

by Phresh k

I hate to break it to you, but Israel's belligerence since 10/7 is a great recruiting tool for the next 10/7 and will garner increased sympathy for it from the Victors of the world.

The naivete of the two-state solution crowd is worse than the prolonged occupation crowd.

There can never be and never will be two states. You can disagree with me on the viability of one state, but you can't really believe two states is at all pragmatic, either.

The so-called two-state solution is nothing more than perpetual apartheid.

by PointlessWords k

Israel has killed like 75k Palestinians in the last 20 years

Hamas has killed like 1500

Who is more evil?

Britain killed like 450k German civilians in WWII.

Germany killed like 70k British civilians.

WhO Is MoRe EvIL?!

by The Horror k

I hate to break it to you, but Israel's belligerence since 10/7 is a great recruiting tool for the next 10/7 and will garner increased sympathy for it from the Victors of the world.

Sorry, this is a very naive perspective.

The actual motivation for the next Oct 7 will be the same as the motivation for the first Oct 7, being that there are Jews in control of 'Muslim land'.

As for losing the sympathy of supporters of terrorism, it doesn't matter. They wanted Israel destroyed on Oct 6, and nothing has or will change there.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Hamas has literally said they would attempt another 10/7

Wrong, not another oct 7. In fact they have said that the nature and scale of their next action would make Oct 7 seem like nothing

by BOIDS k

Sorry, this is a very naive perspective.

The actual motivation for the next Oct 7 will be the same as the motivation for the first Oct 7, being that there are Jews in control of 'Muslim land'.

As for losing the sympathy of supporters of terrorism, it doesn't matter. They wanted Israel destroyed on Oct 6, and nothing has or will change there.

The motivation was the vicious occupation. Not blind hatred.

I'm not justifying it. I'm all for wiping Hamas off the face of the earth, but it wasn't just "they just hate Jews" that drives the attacks.

If Israel wants to commit genocide to secure their so-called holy land, fine, do it on Russia or China's dime with their munitions. Put the targets of Islamic terror on their backs.

I've seen many people suggest that, and I just don't get it. It's simultaneously an acknowledgement that the West is saving lives, and condemnation for it.

by Bluegrassplayer k

I've seen many people suggest that, and I just don't get it. It's simultaneously an acknowledgement that the West is saving lives, and condemnation for it.

I'm not saying that American support is saving lives. It's killing people and putting bigger targets on our backs. I don't understand why contributing to fighting Hamas and killing tens of thousands of civilians and homewrecking millions is worth the inevitable blowback.

Yeah, we need to really soften our stance on the radical Islamic genocidal terrorists. We wouldn't want to upset them or drive up their recruitment numbers. Maybe if we just ignore it for a while, it'll go away.

by The Horror k

I hate to break it to you, but Israel's belligerence since 10/7 is a great recruiting tool for the next 10/7 and will garner increased sympathy for it from the Victors of the world.

Hamas never had issues with recruiting. They are the elected government and enjoy widespread support from the Palestinians. People cheered in the streets on 10/7. Gazan children grew up watching Hamas controlled TV and going to summer camps where they learn to be terrorists. The victors of the world are irrelevant. Crying on a forum 24/7 isn’t accomplishing anything and isn’t changing the minds of anyone in charge.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Hamas never had issues with recruiting. They are the elected government and enjoy widespread support from the Palestinians. People cheered in the streets on 10/7. Gazan children grew up watching Hamas controlled TV and going to summer camps where they learn to be terrorists. The victors of the world are irrelevant. Crying on a forum 24/7 isn’t accomplishing anything and isn’t changing the minds of anyone in charge.

They also have western and Iranian money to pay people

by Phresh k

Yeah, we need to really soften our stance on the radical Islamic genocidal terrorists. We wouldn't want to upset them or drive up their recruitment numbers. Maybe if we just ignore it for a while, it'll go away.

What about the Israeli genocidal terrorists? They have killed 50x as more people

If we starve Hamas of money, it's easier to corrupt their members

Aviva Klompas
details how Israel managed to locate and kill Mohammed Deif.

"One of the informants engaged in Mohammed Deif's successful assassination was a Hamas “messenger” - a 19-year-old whose role was to pass messages written on notes between Hamas members scattered underground around the Gaza Strip.

Fearful of Israeli surveillance, Hamas tries to communicate solely in writing, using code and coloured paper.

This courageous young man is no longer in Gaza. The bargain with him was that if the assassination operation was successful, he would be flown at Israel's cost to the United States and given asylum."


This is just one of the many reasons why help should be fully distributed by the IDF. And these are the refugees we need in the west, people who have proven they will risk their lives for western values against the enemies of the west.

by The Horror k

The motivation was the vicious occupation. Not blind hatred.

I'm not justifying it. I'm all for wiping Hamas off the face of the earth, but it wasn't just "they just hate Jews" that drives the attacks.

The argument is ludiocrous

We're seeing netanyahu and his supporters become massively more radicalised and willing to support the most monsterous action in response to what has happened. Yet some argue this doesn't apply at all to anyone else.

It's beyond being obviously complete wrong.

by The Horror k

The motivation was the vicious occupation. Not blind hatred.

I'm not justifying it. I'm all for wiping Hamas off the face of the earth, but it wasn't just "they just hate Jews" that drives the attacks.

So you believe Israel was viciously occupying Gaza on Oct 6th?

by chezlaw k

The argument is ludiocrous

We're seeing netanyahu and his supporters become massively more radicalised and willing to support the most monsterous action in response to what has happened. Yet some argue this doesn't apply at all to anyone else.

It's beyond being obviously complete wrong.

You’ve posted the same thing hundreds of times now and never offered an actual solution or shred of proof to back up anything you’re saying. Maybe it’s time to give it a rest.
