[extracted] New(?) 9-11 stuff
KSM got a plea deal. The guy who supposedly masterminded the 9/11 attacks is not getting the death penalty.
If you still think that AQ did 9/11 you should be in adult day care.
Ah, good ole Godwin's law, never fails. Ok, indulge me, what part of Heisenberg's work has been shown to have been incorrect due to having been influenced by political ideology? Way to undermine your own point, curious genius.
Funny enough Heisenberg famously rejected the Nazi physics movement,
to the point where he was harassed by the SS. Luckily his mother was on friendly terms with Henrick Himmler's mother and called her to get the SS to leave him alone. Other famous Nobel Prize level physicists like Stark, Lenard and Jordan did get heavily involved in Nazi physics. Funny enough it was pretty dam easy for non Nazi physicists to decide which parts of their work was garbage.Nobody thinks it's peer reviewed except people who assumed it was, found out it wasn't...
You're literally the only one who thinks it wasn't peer reviewed, while at least two people here who actually have first-hand experience with peer review think it is.
Another key thing to notice is that nothing Deuces has produced has come close to being peer reviewed. This is how creationists and other cranks operate: they demand arbitrarily high standards of evidence from the other side while offering zero evidence that would meet their own standards of proof. It's a constant game of "heads I win, tails you lose."
An actual skeptical thinker would apply the same standards of proof consistently to both sides.
this was absolutely not the case, germany had a fraction of the gdp of the countries they were up against, it's deeply misunderstood that them doing that well in that war is the modern equivalent of brazil fighting against nato today
yes, they had some ideological quirks, they were were a very intelligently and efficiently run organization
they steamrolled countries which they should have never had a chance against
on paper they lose to a combined france and poland alone - but they defeated those two countries in a heartbeat because they planned out everything masterfully and exploited the fact that they had outdated deployment systems - the reason why they eventually lost was because russia was so big, usa was too rich, and the ocean protected england so they were no longer able to outwit the enemy and instead just slowly bled out tanks, planes, and oil that they had no replacements for while for every plane and tank we lost, there were 10 more waiting in reserve
we literally swarmed them like lemmings at the end - that's how we defeated them, putting in 5-10x as many troops and tanks on the battlefield than they could muster
the entire purpose of the blitzkrieg was to swarm the enemy before they even had a chance to organize their army together - they knew exactly what they were doing and they were very good at it
you're getting your notions of history from movies which tend to oversimplify things into binary good vs evil, smart vs deranged, etc etc and it makes perfect sense that someone who spouts off with the nonsense they do in this thread also takes their historical cues from movies they've seen and not actually learning about it
Funny enough Heisenberg famously rejected the Nazi physics movement,
to the point where he was harassed by the SS. Luckily his mother was on friendly terms with Henrick Himmler's mother and called her to get the SS to leave him alone. Other famous Nobel Prize level physicists like Stark, Lenard and Jordan did get heavily involved in Nazi physics. Funny enough it was pretty dam easy for non Nazi physicists to decide which parts of their work was garbage.Never heard those names, probably explains why.
This is common knowledge among those, both pro and con, who have gone into the details concerning the validity of the NIST reports. I won't be digging things up to show people who aren't debating in good faith just so they can simply ignore it or deny it while it's in front of their face. If you want to take the opposite position and cite something reasonable I will do you the favor of embarrassing you in return.
Maybe you haven’t been following but I don’t believe the official story. I ask for evidence backing up the unofficial stories
Like the pentagon missing $1 trilly
Or 9/11 happening the same time the military had exercises pretending there was an attack on us etc etc
this was absolutely not the case, germany had a fraction of the gdp of the countries they were up against, it's deeply misunderstood that them doing that well in that war is the modern equivalent of brazil fighting against nato today
yes, they had some ideological quirks, they were were a very intelligently and efficiently run organization
they steamrolled countries which they should have never had a chance against
on paper they lose to a combined france and poland alone - but they defeated those t
The power structure in the US was and is also deranged lunatics.
Maybe you haven’t been following but I don’t believe the official story. I ask for evidence backing up the unofficial stories
Like the pentagon missing $1 trilly
Or 9/11 happening the same time the military had exercises pretending there was an attack on us etc etc
The pentagon wasn't missing a trillion dollars. Debunked over a decade ago. It was just incompetely tracked due to outdated systems. Once the systems were updated, it was fully accounted for.
The pentagon wasn't missing a trillion dollars. Debunked over a decade ago. It was just incompetely tracked due to outdated systems. Once the systems were updated, it was fully accounted for.
Thank you
Now how did the Saudi terrorists know we were doing terrorist attacking us drills?
You and Dunces and the rest of the conspiratard brain trust are the only sane ones, amirite Luckbox?
Just compare the sorts of policies that you and your ilk support vs the sorts of the policies that i support and you'll get your answer.
You're pro war, pro slavery, pro genocide.
I'm not for any of that stuff.
Just compare the sorts of policies that you and your ilk support vs the sorts of the policies that i support and you'll get your answer.
You're pro war, pro slavery, pro genocide.
I'm not for any of that stuff.
Not true, I support world peace and pet unicorns for every child globally. Unfortunately, just like you, the stuff I support runs into the roadblock of not being achievable in the real world. Unlike you, I therefore act like an adult operating in a world where the name of the game is pragmatism and compromise, and start supporting objectives that are actually achievable.
Thank you
Now how did the Saudi terrorists know we were doing terrorist attacking us drills?
Why are you asking me dumb questions? If you want to know answers to questions you have, google them. If you would have done that with the other one, you wouldn't have really stupid beliefs about 9/11. If you want to make an argument in favor of the stupid things you believe about 9/11, do it with declarative statements supported by evidence. Asking questions of me demonstrates you aren't interested in the actual truth, because what I think has absolutely no bearing on the truth.
Then renounce citizenship/opt out--people actually do it. If they're your Deeply Held beliefs after all.
or Find a candidate you can support or run for office yourself. Or anything else of substance
Opting in and just taking some of the various lowest effort lines imaginable definitely isn't accomplishing much. Trying to claim some sacred higher ground while doing that just looks kinda ridiculous.
Or at least be honest and admit--you're down here in the gutter with everyone else 😀
Well, I mean, these guys take the time to post here to tell the rest of us what monsters we all are and remind us how they are so pure of heart, so that's a minimal effort I suppose.
Well, I mean, these guys take the time to post here to tell the rest of us what monsters we all are and remind us how they are so pure of heart, so that's a minimal effort I suppose.
I never intend it as an attack--and actually like LB/Deuces' etc posting. I bs'd myself with essentially the same thinking for many years. Or maybe just went even a little further into the skeptic thing 😀
I never intend it as an attack--and actually like LB/Deuces' etc posting. I bs'd myself with essentially the same thinking for many years. Or maybe just went even a little further into the skeptic thing 😀
I don't mind Luckbox, he can be fun to chat to. I don't find much redeeming in Deuces' posting, I'll be honest with you. Too much pretentious bloviating for my tastes.
I don't mind Luckbox, he can be fun to chat to. I don't find much redeeming in Deuces' posting, I'll be honest with you. Too much pretentious bloviating for my tastes.
He was the type to post some nonsense he believed, take 40 years to support it with any kind of evidence, then you'd show the evidence was nonsense in like 0.5 seconds, or often pre-debunk it because you know their conspiracy theories better than they do, and he would ignore that and pretend like his evidence was unchallenged. It went on for literally years before. I finally just had enough, blocked him, and left the thread. I do remember at one point Deuces changed his avatar to a picture of text saying "don't be a gorg" or something like that hahahahaha.
There was some other guy in that thread that was all about peak oil and LIHOP (the let it happen on purpose theory, deuces was all about MIHOP, make it happen on purpose) and when we would spend all our energy discussing MIHOP he'd claim it was because LIHOP was so obviously true we wouldn't touch it. I ignored him, but I forgot his name. Jiggs or something like that.
I left this place for years because of that crap. I really only came here for the chess forum back then, though.
Just like his posting now, then. Funnily enough, someone else made the point in a different thread that he hasn't matured at all in the last decade.
**** it, might as well make the thread worthwhile then.
I remember peak oil guy. Between that and the dollar collapse crew like a full quarter of the forum a decade ago would be shocked that people still use dollars and burn fossil fuels like normal in 2024.
I served my country. I defended South Korea from North Korea. I don’t need to do anything else. My civic duty is fulfilled for life.
That being said I maintain a healthy social circle and another healthy business circle and I run a large fb group with 5k people on it.
So I think it’s important to be up to date on political issues so I can educate the population as to what’s really going on
As I’ve said before I don’t think people understand risk at all and I think most Republicans have no ideas as to the facts they are arguing for or against.
Lordy, the Dunning-Kruger effect came to life and is posting in this thread.