Looking for advice
Small sample. 16400 hands. Calculating a .28BB/100 win rate?
Is this good?
Is it possible to run break even for this long?
4 Replies
No! (Except on GG)
Pulled a deeper sample for one of my buddies. 33700 hands played. Losing 2BB/100.
Is this variance? Bad luck? Bad player?
How could he improve?
How should we know? Seriously...
Pulled a deeper sample for one of my buddies. 33700 hands played. Losing 2BB/100.
Is this variance? Bad luck? Bad player?
How could he improve?
Might be variance. He could be losing 8BB/100 instead, or he could actually be a winning player. I have no idea how you expect anyone to know without any further stats. Just from a statistical probability argument, though, I will say he likely is a losing player. That is only because something like 80% of people are losing players, not out of any actual knowledge about your friend’s poker ability.