"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre

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29 November 2019 at 06:28 PM

4679 Replies


Yeah, that looks legit awful.

i've raced in those in conditions before and the entire time you're telling yourself "it's ok the whole thing will be done in less than an hour"

can't imagine wanting to continue in those conditions - i 100% would have called an audible and just did some trout fishing instead

spc is a real trooper

garick, i couldn't find it, but somewhere here you posted a solid gem on how not to act in a manner that makes you a target - something along the lines of "when they say you're king of turd mountain don't explain that there's no such thing but instead fire same thing back"

was hoping to share it in this thread https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/27/ca...

but perhaps your own direct presence there would be helpful if you don't know what i'm talking about

Here you go:

by Garick k

67o, I was raised by hippies, which meant I was taught to turn the other cheek in situations where it just made me a favorite target. The best advice I ever got in poker room-like dynamic was from a crusty old Technical Sergeant when I'd been getting a lot of crap from other aircrew members as a young Airman. He said "you know, Garick, your problem is that when people say 'you're a douche,' you say 'I am not,' when you should be saying 'that must be why I was in your mom last night.'"


The push is on this week trying to close out The Books. Selling a manufacturing company I started in 1980 next Tuesday. Amicable transfer to a long time client's son whose own company could use the products we produce. I will consult for several months.... maybe longer as I am the mechanical engineer that programs for the CNC presses. But the "guilt" of skiing all morning before getting to my "office" will be greatly diminished.

Employees receive a lion's share of the biz proceeds. My "401K" is in the real property that will close later this year. Then...... OMG, I'm going to have to be on a real budget for the first time in decades! lol

congrats spew, can't imagine doing manufacturing in USA#1

Congratulations, King! Great that you're taking care of the employees!

Let that first cool breeze while you're on the lift assuage your guilt.

Thanks gd

by rickroll k

congrats spew, can't imagine doing manufacturing in USA#1

Pretty simple if under the radar mid to low volume.

BTW, don't forget to pack yer fly rod. I have access to private stream water that holds Monster trout!

That's great Spew. Enjoy your new found freedom. Any job openings? Might want to get on the payroll before we divvy it up!

congrats KS. I seem to remember u guys getting out on the hill quite a big this past year - I assume you will be stepping up your recreating. Will you be attempting to break the hunnit day barrier this season?

by King Spew k

The push is on this week trying to close out The Books. Selling a manufacturing company I started in 1980 next Tuesday. Amicable transfer to a long time client's son whose own company could use the products we produce. I will consult for several months.... maybe longer as I am the mechanical engineer that programs for the CNC presses. But the "guilt" of skiing all morning before getting to my "office" will be greatly diminished.

Employees receive a lion's share of the biz proceeds. My "401K"

That’s a huge achievement mate, congratulations. Make sure to do something/give yourself something special to celebrate and commemorate this

90-somethin' last year squiddley. Now with less Guilt.... sky=limit? Also have both Epic and Ikon this year so many days on Copper this season

Something to celebrate fw? Well, I'm giving each of our boys a ton of their inheritance this year... when they need it. I'll be celebrating THAT (for the kids)..... well, maybe a new pair of ski boots and a killer pair of fishing waders.

by marknfw k

That's great Spew. Enjoy your new found freedom. Any job openings? Might want to get on the payroll before we divvy it up!

lol.... but when I told the crew last week when handing out 5 figure checks with a paper that showed the next payout amount (in Sept)..... they were thrilled as u would expect.

The shop is closed down this upcoming week to do a final inventory along with many company pizza lunches... you wanna be part of the cleanup crew. After Sept 1st, yer position is probably toast however. You decide. Plus bonus checks are/were based on longevity. Be happy to get a free pizza slice or two.

Congrats, KS. Having lived through a number of these as an employee in manufacturing, my suggestion is to let the kid know that if he has any questions, or needs anything, let you know. Otherwise, this Friday is the last time they are going to see you there. That's in your, the new owners and the employees best interest.

v10, I've been telecommuting since 1992 so the face-to-face with employees is a rare occurrence. That said, my sister will remain as VP operations responsible for day-to-day scheduling. And she's got my cell phone number...until I change it. 😃

Honestly this will be as close to a zero-change changeover due to buyer not being onsite very much either.

And if kid means Buyer.... he's practically family so I'm not going to just disappear

by King Spew k

90-somethin' last year squiddley. Now with less Guilt.... sky=limit? Also have both Epic and Ikon this year so many days on Copper this season

Since you have both ikon and epic I believe that a utah trip is mandatory. When should we pencil you in?

90 days is strong. I have not hit 100 in a while. I informed spc that if its a reasonable snow year I will be trying to get 100 (if the body can hold). We are doing epic, deer valley mid week, and monthly woodword for early season park.

Congrats, King! Well deserved

Welp, just got the first Jr Breeze settled in to his home away form home for the next 8 months. Only a 2 hour drive away but Mrs Breeze is having a hard go of it today. House feels empty even with one Jr still here.

If any of you have kids that age, feel free to commiserate.

by prairiebreeze k

Welp, just got the first Jr Breeze settled in to his home away form home for the next 8 months. Only a 2 hour drive away but Mrs Breeze is having a hard go of it today. House feels empty even with one Jr still here.

If any of you have kids that age, feel free to commiserate.

Yes, I’ve had my first taste of that this year with a lot more to come.

Eldest is on a gap year before college and spent 3 months travelling around Europe. She’s back now but will live away when Uni starts in Feb.

Middle one (16) is on ski camp this week and so isn’t around. Next year once my marriage separation is finalised and the house is sold, she will live with me full time while son (13) will split time 50:50 with his mother.

Will be weird only having one of them for half the time and only two the other half. Tbh that will still make meeting ‘new friends’ a bit more of a challenge but it’s important for the middle one to have stability next year as it’s her final yr of high school and that’s not possible at her mother’s

Best of luck on major life changes. Spew, what did you manufacture?

Custom precision sheet metal parts. Mostly steel, aluminum and stainless. Boxes, chassis, enclosures, panels, brackets, widgets of all sorts. Shears, CNC and other types of presses, brakes (bending machines), welding, deburring, drill, tapping..... list seems endless.... but really finite. 15K sqft facility.

I like Garick's answer better.

was disapointed to see garicks answer wasn't that ks specialized in making armor for his renaissance festival circuit
