2/5/10 ; line check with AA 3BP IP

2/5/10 ; line check with AA 3BP IP

2/5/10, 1000 effective
Villain is unknown but seems at least competent

Villain opens to 30 in CO, Hero on BTN with AsAc raises to 100, blinds fold and villain calls.

Flop (210): 8s 6c 3d
Villain checks, hero bets 125, villain calls.

Turn (460): Jd
Villain checks, hero bets 300, villain shoves, hero calls 475 for pot of about 1500

This is pretty standard in GTO world, but I think there's an argument for checking back the turn

25 August 2024 at 08:18 PM

17 Replies

A couple sizing issues imo but otherwise wp. I don't think there's an argument for checking back turn at all.

I'm also not sure about the flop sizing. Reckon you can probably go small or big, and I might be more inclined to go big with AA. I also think there's no reason to check the turn, it's a card that shouldn't interact with opponent unless he has exactly JJ.

It's difficult for me to find any bluffs in the Villain's turn range, other than T9s.

by Always Fondling k

It's difficult for me to find any bluffs in the Villain's turn range, other than T9s.

T9s, 54s, 98dd, 87dd, maybe A8dd,, maybe Td8d 7d6d, 6d5d, AdQd maybe, KdQd maybe. And he can have QQ or KK for value. Whether he has any of those hands is debatable. But we're getting over 3 to 1 so I don't think I fold.

I think the hand was played fine. You might tweet the sizes since you can go 2/3 glop, half pot turn, half pot jam river, but ultimately you're in a reasonable size territory. Unfortunately you're probably not going to allow yourself to get away from turn jams with your line, but it is the best way to stack QQ and KK, so I don't think you can really do much about that.

Kk qq aj blah blah blah

by Mlark k

T9s, 54s, 98dd, 87dd, maybe A8dd,, maybe Td8d 7d6d, 6d5d, AdQd maybe, KdQd

How many of these hands are raise-calling PF for 10% of their stack?

by Always Fondling k

How many of these hands are raise-calling PF for 10% of their stack?

Hard to know. Some villain's always. Sometimes never. But the point is we can think of bluffs we beat, we can think of value we beat, and we're getting a really good price. Need slightly worse than 25% equity vs his range to profitably call. To think we are going to be able to make that exploitative of a fold and not be wrong 1/4 times is really optimistic.

I agree we have to call, but unless his range includes QQ/KK/AJs, I assume we're smoked.

A lot of the analysis in these HH threads read like the villain somehow always knows hero actually has a hand. There's a lot of hands we 3bet here that didn't connect with the board at all and given no read villain can just decide "he put us on AK" and he's shoving with a worse hand to fold us out of rivering top pair that beats him. Call.

I think theres an argument for checiking back the flop or turn, but that argument is to slowplay, not because we are scared of anything, so im quite happy to gii against jj i guess based in the fact this is a thread.

well played, would up flop bet a bit, but that is neither here nor there, your bet was fine.

Don't check back the turn.

I would size down with our c-bet in a 3B pot. Maybe make it $70. Assuming V flat calls, then I'd probably bet around 1/2 pot on turn, but I don't think a check back is terrible. V could have a lot of Jx that opens from the CO pre, including some J8.

Hard to fold turn, but not fist pumping to get it in here.

I think all the sizes were too big, but that's just me. I would 3bet to 90, cbet 80 into 180, and bet like 150 into 340 ott. We do want more of his range to call besides the very top of it and then we might have room to fold to a turn jam (we're unknown to him and we just 3bet pre, so we have all the over pairs in our range especially after making a big cbet and turn bet which he's jamming over). I don't think he's as wide as some of the ranges above are suggesting.

I think a little larger on flop (66-75%) and 50% on turn would be slightly better, puts a good price on applying substantial amount of pressure on his lower pairs/overcards that is best for our range. As played, easy call, we only lose to 12 value combos (of which the lower end may not be calls at all preflop) and are getting over 3:1. We don't need to come up with too many value combos or semibluffs we beat to make this a profitable call.

This would be a pure turn c-bet for me, I would think a check here is not terribly off the EV of betting without a diamond in our hand but I think in general we are betting here a lot so not checking too much value.

Pre seems a bit big, but could be fine with meta/history or something.
Is 3x std. open, what did others 3bet to?

Flop I 100% go smaller, going big seems pretty insane here ... V has all the sets and we have maybe 88.

Turn JJ gets there, and like 7d6d gains a lot of equity. I think I go big or check planning to shove without the Ad. 60% seems bad, I prefer going smaller if you don't want to bet big ... seems less likely V bluff shoves for this size but I probably call it off without any other reads.

by Playbig2000 k

I think all the sizes were too big, but that's just me. I would 3bet to 90, cbet 80 into 180, and bet like 150 into 340 ott. We do want more of his range to call besides the very top of it and then we might have room to fold to a turn jam (we're unknown to him and we just 3bet pre, so we have all the over pairs in our range especially after making a big cbet and turn bet which he's jamming over). I don't think he's as wide as some of the ranges above are suggesting.

I agree a bit too big but i think yours is l a bit small. $90 pre is more “correct”, but people call too much so im fine with 100 pre.

Flop id go half pot (so like 105 on OP or 90 in your example), and then im going geometric sizing ott and jamming river.

given this exact line I'm expecting to get shown QQ here a lot
