Asking the Father for his spirit
Did you know that if you ask the Father for his spirit he will give you it? He gives it liberally to anyone who asks. God by the way.
I'm not a heretic by the way, I guarantee you this will happen I'll even talk to you after. There is no one good but God alone.
The enemy will imitate the spirit of truth so be on guard. You must use your conscious self to regularly re-affirm the connection to the father. Anyone who just assumes they are still in connection without this repeated conscious intervention will become lost.
There are certain things which can only be known through direct experience. If you are sincere about exploring the topics discussed in this sub forum, I suggest making yourself a friend to Christians and identifying with them rather than your current posture.
There are certain things which can only be known through direct experience. If you are sincere about exploring the topics discussed in this sub forum, I suggest making yourself a friend to Christians and identifying with them rather than your current posture.
I hear the exact same thing from Muslims. What makes their experiences invalid and if not, why shouldn’t I worship Allah?
There are certain things which can only be known through direct experience. If you are sincere about exploring the topics discussed in this sub forum, I suggest making yourself a friend to Christians and identifying with them rather than your current posture.
Why would I need to connect with christians if I want to connect with god ?
If I was stranded alone on an island or in a foreign country with no christians then I would be facked ?
Why would I need to connect with christians if I want to connect with god ?
If I was stranded alone on an island or in a foreign country with no christians then I would be facked ?
It’s a suggestion, not a need, which is why I said “suggest” and not need.
You’re a troll in this subforum. Do you realize that? Do you have any sincere interest in spirituality?
Which god, OP? Or are you just presuming that as obvious, because it sounds like you are?
How about "matters of the human spirit are spiritual?" What other word could be better?
What is the human spirit?
There is nothing in human experience that requires any belief that our minds operate on anything other than physical processes. And there is a tremendous amount of evidence that demonstrates that.
What is the human spirit?
There is nothing in human experience that requires any belief that our minds operate on anything other than physical processes. And there is a tremendous amount of evidence that demonstrates that.
It is religion that requires an incarnate supernatural spirit. In humanism, the human spirit is as simple as anything that deeply effects our "spirits," our emotions, our mood, our fulfillment versus emptiness, our joy instead of despair. "How spirited or dispirited is a person?" is a question that bears directly on this. Quit looking for a supernatural element to spirit. It's as easy as how spirited or dispirited a person is and why.
It is religion that requires an incarnate supernatural spirit. In humanism, the human spirit is as simple as anything that deeply effects our "spirits," our emotions, our mood, our fulfillment versus emptiness, our joy instead of despair. "How spirited or dispirited is a person?" is a question that bears directly on this. Quit looking for a supernatural element to spirit. It's as easy as how spirited or dispirited a person is and why.
Spirited and Dispirited are merely synonyms for Energetic or Depressed.
There is no reason to use the word "spirit" on threads like these where its easy to confuse them with religious supernatural definition of spirit.
Spirited and Dispirited are merely synonyms for Energetic or Depressed.
There is no reason to use the word "spirit" on threads like these where its easy to confuse them with religious supernatural definition of spirit.
What if it helps people understand what the actual spirituality of humankind is, and that religion merely hijacked the words into territory such that people now can't see the simple truth that your spirits are your natural spirituality, as measured by fulfillment versus emptiness, joy versus despair, happiness versus misery, etc. The problem is the whole thing has been ceded to the religious and their spurious claims of incarnate spirits, when the real thing is right in front of our faces in the natural "spirits/emotions" of being human. Drop the Pearly Gates spirit. The "how are your spirits?" answer IS the spirituality of man when not hijacked into lala lands by various religions.
Why is god a "father?" That's not because of the extreme patriarchy of the culture that invented the god, is it? And it isn't influenced by the lack of adequate fathering experienced by many children, such that a perfect one in the sky is a magical projection of the subconscious, is it? And it's not because women are so obscenely devalued by the doctrine of the religion that like, "just duh obvious ... god is a man" type of thinking, is it?
The fact that whatever force produced the universe is personified into any being is extremely dubious, of course. What other options did a non-scientific, "God will kill you if you misbehave," "god will kill you, and maybe we will, if you aren't in our religion" ... obscene type of morality which dominates and permeates the religion and its history.
So we are to think Holy Spirit (once called the "Holy Ghost" and being a ghost is the exact claim there) ... we are to think this comes to people. There are zero descriptions from people's lives of how this happens, and no one will even try to describe how it happened. They know it will sound utterly mundane, not the least bit supernatural, and easily accounted for by a simple internal narrative around some emotions.
I'm not a heretic by the way, I guarantee you this will happen I'll even talk to you after. There is no one good but God alone.
There is a sense in which this is true and does "happen." When we believe in a certain god, the archetype comes alive in our consciousness, and we can relate to it regardless of whether it is literal, actual, or "there." Because it is there in the same sense that we can continue to relate to a dead parent, a dead spouse, a profoundly important mentor to us, an inspirational figure from fiction, and so on.
It comes alive in this sense, in any and all religions as is readily apparent. It's alive like the Great Spirit was to Native Americans, like Krishna is to Hindus, like Zeus was to ancient Greeks, like Allah to Muslims, like Yahweh to Christians, like Osiris to the Egyptians, etc. There are some 10,000 of these known. Hello. Please look at what is happening.
The dueling gods are just fabrications, concoctions, projections. They are not mutually exclusive; that too is just part of the story the religions tell. It's in the mind. The varieties of religious experience are in the mind.
Just ask and he'll give you his spirit, it happened for me if I'm not incorrect.
There is nothing in human experience that requires any belief that our minds operate on anything other than physical processes. And there is a tremendous amount of evidence that demonstrates that.
The evidence shows correlation, not causation. If there are physical processes that gives rise to consciousness (sentience), what are they? What is it that makes someone "aware?" The "hard problem of consciousness" is very real. As far as I can tell, no one has come close to solving this problem.
The evidence only proves correlation, not causation. If there are physical processes that gives rise to consciousness (sentience), what are they? What is it that makes someone "aware?" The "hard problem of consciousness" is very real. As far as I can tell, no one has come close to solving this problem.
Check out psychologist and neuroscientist Mark Solms (various youtube talks, a book called "The Hidden Spring: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness"). In it, he takes consciousness back to its rudimentary forms of particles simply interacting with the environment, all the way up to its more elaborate, highly evolved forms manifest in brains today. It's beautiful. Dude comes off sounding like Einstein, and looking like him on bad hair days. His model reduced Chalmers' incessant rambling about the subject to a moment of shocked embarrassment. Every organism feels its way to what is good for it, to what it needs, right down to amoeba in the lab. This feeling and sensing is itself consciousness, with the more advanced forms of self-consciousness and meta-awareness coming much later in the evolution.
To further the Chalmers quandary, any specialness of the "hard problem" of where consciousness comes from seems to evaporate when we realize that we also don't know where matter comes from, where energy comes from, where spin comes from, where charge comes from. We don't know where any of the building blocks of the universe and nature come from. Singling out consciousness as a mystery because we don't know where it comes from, seems meh.