Sued over a car accident

Sued over a car accident

I was involved in a minor accident earlier this year. I was near a stop light, the light was still in orange when the car in front of me suddenly stopped. I didn't have time to stop fully and had a collision. We exchanged insurance information, cop was called and he gave me a ticket. I forgot about this incident thinking insurance handled it. But I got a letter from county court about a hearing. I think they're suing me for reckless driving as the other driver got internal injuries that prevent that person from working.

What is my play now? Lawyer up and this is standard for them to handle or should I be worried about the excessive damages they're seeking(over 20k)?

I have a pretty healthy car insurance policy and they have that information. Why are they sending this to me after all this time instead of going to my insurance company?

04 August 2014 at 07:54 PM

4 Replies

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interesting bump.

Better Call Saul (505) 503-4455

by 702guy k

interdasting bump.

by Alobar k

what country has orange lights?

Looks like Australians call them orange, UK call them amber and US calls them yellow.

When I used my app to determine the color based off a picture it was called Urobilin. Which is the chemical primarily responsible for the yellow color of urine.

So we should refer to them as urine color for consistency within the thread. thanks

by KB24 k

I am called in to give deposition. This means the lawyers haven't reached an agreement yet. Still in 'standard and nothing to worry territory'?

what was end result? only been 10 years. probably still in court.
