Folding flop flush draw
Hero opens UTG 4bb 10d9d
3 callers OOP to two players
8d3d2h 32bb
Bet 30bb
Hero fold
I was OOP with a medium flush draw vs a pot size bet if this bad spot to fold
6 Replies
It would be better to post a couple of hands with reads, rather than just spewing multiple hand histories, some of which are pretty standard.
4 callers x 4 bb = 32bb? If it really was a 30bb bet, I'd fold too.
Stakes/game setup and reads would be pretty, but at least give us the stack sizes.
Also if you have 3 callers and are OOP to two of them, and the flop action goes check, bet and then Hero folds, did you cbet and then immediately thrown your cards into the muck?
fold pre!