[extracted] New(?) 9-11 stuff

[extracted] New(?) 9-11 stuff

KSM got a plea deal. The guy who supposedly masterminded the 9/11 attacks is not getting the death penalty.

If you still think that AQ did 9/11 you should be in adult day care.

01 August 2024 at 05:08 PM

1502 Replies


by Deuces McKracken k

I've been busy. I see that the article is citing some book "The Looming Tower", some commercial venture and not a government source. I'm not going to buy the guy's book just to find out he is twisting a bunch of stuff KSM said under torture.

Yes, that's right, everything KSM said under torture is no good. I'd be surprised if anything else puts these hijackers in AQ.

You will accuse me of wriggling out of it but this is the crime of the century and the event that reorganized our society around a fe

There are probably more than a dozen footnote references in the sections I copy-pasted for you alone. Why are you focusing on one book? I have no idea what that book is.

You asked for something showing that Mohamed Atta was part of Al Qaeda. I linked you to the Wikipedia article on Mohamed Atta. You lied and said the article did not discuss his membership in Al Qaeda. I copy-pasted parts of the article to show that you were lying. What the **** are you claiming now, and why the **** you talking about this book?

Why the **** are you talking about evidence that supposedly doesn't exist (we only have your word on that, so it probably does, but whatever), and completely ignoring the evidence that does exist and was curated and presented for you ITT? Are you actually capable of maintaining a single thread of discussion without dissembling, deflecting or going off on a tangent in every single post? Actually, never mind, I know the answer to that.

by d2_e4 k

I wonder how the conspiraloons celebrate their special day. Fireworks seem a little tasteless.

Lol. Classy.

i'm changing my theory, mattress store perpetrated the attacks in order to boost sales

by rickroll k

i'm changing my theory, mattress store perpetrated the attacks in order to boost sales

pRoVe mE wRoNg

by d2_e4 k

I wonder how the conspiraloons celebrate their special day. Fireworks seem a little tasteless.

Absolutely perfect day here today and it looks like the heatwave we've been experiencing is over making today the first unofficial day of fall. Reminds me of the actual 9/11.

by Deuces McKracken k

Did your search include the word "patent"?

What are the relevant patent numbers?

"A picture is worth a thousand words".

by Victor k

See how the mattresses toppled over but they were still there? If they wanted to make the vid more accurate they would turn the mattress filler into fine dust and melt the springs with a raging inferno that sustains temperatures of 1000s of degrees for months on end. Terrible reenactment.

by Victor k

I saw rhem live in berkeley or oakland cant remember. If i remember right reverend horton heat was playing either at that venue or near by or somerhing and a group of us went.

"Soon to be dead" had a mixed riff of All of my love, zep and breaking the girl RHCP.

by Victor k

I saw rhem live in berkeley or oakland cant remember. If i remember right reverend horton heat was playing either at that venue or near by or somerhing and a group of us went.

"Soon will be dead" had a mixed riff of All of my love, zep and breaking the girl RHCP.

ya they are pretty amazing. I saw them at a shitty punk club in the Northeast. they were asking the crowd for...well...you know.

by formula72 k

The world trade center towers were designed strong enough to withstand a hit from a commercial airliner. But at that time, Leslie calculated a 707 hitting it and not a 767.

But the towers did withstand the impact of a 767 and my very first post in this thread stated that the towers would still be standing if the planes hit but didn't continue to burn it literally down. I honestly don't think there is anything peculiar about what happened there.

If you could demolish skyscrapers with few cans of well placed gasoline the world would look entirely different. Peculiar is the starting point on the towers collapse. There is a long list of observations which are not explained by the going collapse theory, which even those who crafted that theory admit is novel. You sound kinda brain washed. Like you are taking it above and beyond what even the government officials say.

Most of you do that. I have to constantly remind you of the official story's concessions to reality as you constantly come in here like a bunch of clapping seals.

(I have no mutuals with this account, afaict they just post puppy art)

by Deuces McKracken k

I have to constantly remind you of the official story's concessions to reality

I apologize for that. Could you remind me one last time?

by Victor k

(I have no mutuals with this account, afaict they just post puppy art)

is this the new version of "asking for a friend"

no I am being sincere bc I have posted things from dodgy twitters before so I try to do some due diligence and its rare that I come across a post that is retweeted by someone I know that has 80k followers and no mutuals. so it kinda makes it even funnier that some random apolitical ai dog art account just posted this.

by d2_e4 k

There are probably more than a dozen footnote references in the sections I copy-pasted for you alone. Why are you focusing on one book? I have no idea what that book is.

You not knowing anything about the sources you cite, and having never read a word of them, is emblematic of the social pathology of sheeple. If you don't have knowledge, why do you have belief?

by d2_e4 k

You asked for something showing that Mohamed Atta was part of Al Qaeda. I linked you to the Wikipedia article on Mohamed Atta. You lied and said the article did not discuss his membership in Al Qaeda. I copy-pasted parts of the article to show that you were lying. What the **** are you claiming now, and why the **** you talking about this book?

A wikipedia article full of an array of claims is not a citation of of Atta's association with AQ. What are you going to do next, just link to Google.com after every claim you make? I didn't lie I just asked you to show me what you said was the evidence. I did that so you could display it and show how pathetic it is. I know you didn't want to do that. But now you have anyway so stop having temper tantrums about it. On casual glance it looked like most of it was from a commercial source, not a government source. Why not just get a government source we can all look at? When the security state pointed one direction instead of another it decided the course of our collective future. There should be some documentation from the government justifying the choice of direction of finger pointing. If there isn't then there is no greater proof of my point that 9/11 is the lie on which our present political circumstances are structured will continue to undermine us from all directions.

Do you people not see the link between 9/11 and the current genocide in Gaza?

by d2_e4 k

Why the **** are you talking about evidence that supposedly doesn't exist (we only have your word on that, so it probably does, but whatever), and completely ignoring the evidence that does exist and was curated and presented for you ITT? Are you actually capable of maintaining a single thread of discussion without dissembling, deflecting or going off on a tangent in every single post? Actually, never mind, I know the answer to that.

Some person making a claim is just an assertion. It's not evidence. Just like Atta meeting with someone in Prague didn't hold up as evidence of a link between AQ and Iraq. It didn't hold up because there was enough opposition to war with Iraq such that the premise was actually examined. The premises behind 9/11 are largely unexamined, as you demonstrated with your admitting of ignorance about your sources.

by jjjou812 k

So what is it about my opinion that is so confusing? I think the cause of the buildings destruction was the destructive forces I saw applied to them. You want to talk thermite and Bush. You probably think the fact that I know the Silversteins make me some type of shill. I also was personally denied access to our hangar at the Venice Airport for weeks due to the FBI investigating the flight school.

I'm not talking about Bush or Silverstein. Is it interesting that Silverstein had weekly calls with Netanyahoo? Sure. I don't know what they talked about. I assume they were engaged in some mutual interest. Were Netanhayoo's eye's were gleaming with joy when he saw the towers go down? I don't think any of us here could even imagine any different reaction from that animal. Does that mean he was planning it with Silverstein? It doesn't and I'm sure they weren't. They were probably further knitting together the state-corporate complex in legal, yet entirely corrupt and contemptable ways.

What confuses me is how you say you explain things but you leave out obviously significant observations, like all the observations indicating demolition. Do you even know that you are doing this?

Deuces, your brain is clearly irreparably broken, rendering it incapable of processing any information that disagrees with your batshit insane conspiracy theories, so you can get ****ed if you think I'm going to waste any more time citing anything for you just for you to hand wave it away. But I do find your performance in this thread entertaining, in the sense and to the extent that I would find a dancing monkey entertaining, so crack on.

by d2_e4 k

Deuces, your brain is clearly irreparably broken, rendering it incapable of processing any information that disagrees with your batshit insane conspiracy theories, so you can get ****ed if you think I'm going to waste any more time citing anything for you just for you to hand wave it away. But I do find your performance in this thread entertaining, in the sense and to the extent that I would find a dancing monkey entertaining, so crack on.

You're the one with the conspiracy theory, the cave guys 20 deep infiltrate our security, learn to fly prop planes then ace their Boeing exam, their final exam in every sense of the word final. You believe in this conspiracy theory you got from someone and you, by your own admittance, don't know what if anything supports it. The only difference between you and a homeless schizophrenic is obedience. The schizo believes wild fantasies they can't prove because their brain is broken. You believe wild fantasies because your brain is broken into.

Sorry to tell you KSM statements made under torture don't count for anything. I heard this phrase from movies with lawyers...fruit of a poisonous tree. I don't know what that means legally but it seems to fit here.

The quote I posted from the 9/11 Commission Report said the investigating of the money trail wasn't worth investigating. So we don't know if the money trail stopped with AQ, given that report. If we don't know that when we can't link Atta to AQ through money transfers.

But you have no curiosity about the money trail. You just want to be told what to think and leave the details to the narrative crafting specialists.

by Deuces McKracken k

You're the one with the conspiracy theory, the cave guys 20 deep infiltrate our security, learn to fly prop planes then ace their Boeing exam, their final exam in every sense of the word final. You believe in this conspiracy theory you got from someone and you, by your own admittance, don't know what if anything supports it. The only difference between you and a homeless schizophrenic is obedience. The schizo believes wild fantasies they can't prove because their brain is broken. You believe wil


Seriously, I don't know why you're bothering, as I said above, you can get ****ed if you think I am going to waste any more time on you. You will of course tell yourself this is because I can't handle the truth, but I promise you it's because you are insufferable and trying to have any sort of discussion with you is like pulling teeth,
