A clueless noob reaches 1000 hours of live 1/3 NL
A Clueless NL Noob Reaches 1000 Hours of Live 1/3 NL
Hi, I’m gobbledygeek! I’ve just reached 1000 hours of live 1/3 NL!
Who This Post Is For:
This post is for fellow clueless NL noobs! Maybe you’ve never played poker before and are wondering what’s possible at this live low stakes NL game and how to go about winning at it. Or perhaps you’ve played the Limit version of the game (which I did initially) and are looking to turn to the dark side. This post will be fairly results oriented and more-or-less (a) state my statistics over my first 1000 hours of live 1/3 NL and then (b) do it’s best to describe my general approach to this game.
What’s the difference between making $120K from playing 1-3 on Saturdays for a decade and making $120K from say bartending on Saturdays for a decade at a place where 90% of the customers pay with a credit card?
Assume the logistics and enjoyment derived from both activities are the same.
Don't assume that all county's/state's tax laws are the same...
In the us, no, but you're responsible for reporting your own income. In Canada, I believe poker winnings are not taxed, but I am not sure about that.
is impressive tbh
i did a lot of GG style open limping premiums at 1/3 today with a 65-100 bb shortstack. of the 6 or so times i open limped EP with premiums i got to LRR once and won a 40 BB pot. but i also didnt get stacked wtih premiums either because the pots were tiny. so im still on the fence about it. i can see the appeal when you are running bad, counting every dollar, and always think you will lose at showdown. if you are a confident player though, i dont see how this is a good strategy.
I think a lot of it has to do with game conditions. GGs game seems loose and aggressive preflop, and tight post. I'm more used to a loose passive game (pre and post), so I'm not confident my premiums will get raised if I limp them, and I am pretty confident of making money in a raised pot with TPGK+, so I'm happy to just open with premiums.
I think everyone has to come up with their own reasons for why they play poker. Another one of my fave quotes from this forum (can't recall if I've mentioned this before, I think I have?) is from our very own Feely. IIRC, he once said something along the lines of "I now have a better understanding of where I fit in poker and where poker fits in my life". I think everyone who plays should examine both ends of that quote for themselves.
For me, I'm just a rec. So it's a fairly fun day/night out
A good mindset for sure. If youre making $10/hr and not enjoying yourself, youre doing worse than someone losing $20/hr and having a blast. The first guy is doing the equivalent of working a menial labor job, the second guy is doing the equivalent of paying to go to the movies.
A good mindset for sure. If youre making $10/hr and not enjoying yourself, youre doing worse than someone losing $20/hr and having a blast. The first guy is doing the equivalent of working a menial labor job, the second guy is doing the equivalent of paying to go to the movies.
Very expensive movie.
Odd random bump?
Not really random tho, bc I'm sure there are many of us who, upon waking up with a premium hand in early position, think wwggd? You have a strong brand in this community.
I had aces in back to back UTG. The first one I got 6b jammed on in a clicking war with a noob. The second one I got overlimped by queens :O. I folded to heavy action and she won with unimproved queens.
Lol, the latter happens sometimes. No biggee, we folded the best hand in a small pot; it's a mistake, but not a large session-defining one.
I tried to channel my inner GG. Do the regs still fall for your limp raises? Do you ever limp raise with suited connectors in a juicy squeeze spot?
Last session out, I LRRed AQs against the newish terrible reg. He called fairly shortstacked with KQo. Terrible regs are just gonna do their thing.
But I don't need the better players to "fall for it" (i.e. call the LRR with worse) to do ok. Them putting in a large raise (or even a 3bet) before it gets back to me in the weeds and forcing them to fold all their equity and postflop skillz isn't a great outcome for them. Plus they're put in a horrible spot with middling pairs. Plus I can still win some off them in limped pots with a passively underepped monster (and sometimes even "cooler" them for gobs with hands they would have folded preflop). Meanwhile I avoid the spots I suck at (very multiway offering fine IO to the world with a handcuffing SPR).
And no, I never get too out-of-line; mostly just big pairs / big overs, and tightening/loosening somewhat depending on raiser / callers / table.
Is this where you saw yourself being 10 years ago? Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
There's no point in learning to fish if you're content just eating whatever washes up on the beach.
My guess is the original question was more in tune with the above response, but I'll answer it honestly anyways.
When I reached the 1000 hour mark of 2/4 Limit, I think I was at like a $1.50/hr winrate. Clearly just playing for a good time at the table and a shot at winning a back-then-easily-winnable BBJ (which I did in fact win a year later). But I asked myself whether I could foresee myself playing this virtually unbeatable game decades down the road nearing retirement or whatever. And I concluded that I probably could see myself passing some of my time doing that (as one of many hobbies I would have).
Fast forward to a decade ago, 2014. I've been playing 1/3 NL for a few years and booked some good hourlies (much much much better than 2/4 Limit). I hit my first huge downswing in 2014, but bounced back fairly nice for the year overall. But I never really asked myself where I would be in a decade regarding poker, because I knew I'd still be exactly where I am today: playing the smallest game in the room for entertainment purposes. Course, the smallest game in our room also happens to be the biggest game in the room 99% of the time.
Where I will be a decade from now regarding poker is an interesting one. I mostly think I'll still be at the only ~steaks running = lowest steaks = highest steaks game in my room. Although I highly doubt it will be a 1/3 NL game at that time, and that the steaks will eventually be raised up to 2/5 NL (just as our 1/3 NL game replaced the 1/2 NL game prior to that).
But the real question is where I'll be in a decade and whether I'll even have the opportunity to play. I spent last week in a hick town that, like the overwhelming vast majority of our province, has no poker game available. There are lots of pros and cons to where I live now versus other places, but one pro is that I can sit in a poker game whenever I want with ease. Whether it becomes one of the factors in deciding where my wife and I eventually end up (if and when we ever decide to relocate) remains to be seen.
Regarding taxes, there are no taxes on casino / lottery / gambooling winnings up here.
I'm not a tax expert, and there may perhaps be something about if you're doing this as a job / sole means of income / etc., but I think (?) even Duhamel got away with not paying taxes on his Main Event win (could be wrong, I know there was a court case and I'm too lazy to research). But if they ain't getting it from the guy who won $10 milly or whatever, they're certainly not getting it from small fry like me.
i did a lot of GG style open limping premiums at 1/3 today with a 65-100 bb shortstack. of the 6 or so times i open limped EP with premiums i got to LRR once and won a 40 BB pot. but i also didnt get stacked wtih premiums either because the pots were tiny. so im still on the fence about it. i can see the appeal when you are running bad, counting every dollar, and always think you will lose at showdown. if you are a confident player though, i dont see how this is a good strategy.
I think a lot of it has to do with game conditions. GGs game seems loose and aggressive preflop, and tight post. I'm more used to a loose passive game (pre and post), so I'm not confident my premiums will get raised if I limp them, and I am pretty confident of making money in a raised pot with TPGK+, so I'm happy to just open with premiums.
I think it is suboptimal, but that's different than a bad strategy. The results speak for themself.
My whole reasoning of my strategy is in post #630. If your game and/or skillz set vastly differs from mine, then by all means do whatever works best (or even manageable) for you.