Photography Thread
All inclusive Photograph and Photograph thread that you personally took... Smile, you're on Camera.
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Of course. It's that sometimes I get annoyed at people who are proud of their "straight out of the camera" shots as if post-processing is something to be avoided. The amount of processing that goes on in today's cameras/phones is massive.

Not the greatest pics, but still the most exciting and rare for me. My first trip to Costa Rica, seeing a jaguar in the wild.
What is the difference between a Leopard and a Jaguar?
Google says
Jaguars are larger and more muscular, with a distinctive pattern of black rosettes on a yellowish-tan coat, and are native to the Americas. Leopards, on the other hand, have a slimmer, more agile body with smaller, less distinct spots, and are found in Africa and parts of Asia
No leopard has ever eaten a capybara?
Maybe jaguars can change their spots?