4-bet sizing question

4-bet sizing question

1/2 NL $300 max. Hero MAWG $275ish. I play tighter and more aggressive than typical 1/2 player. That should be my image.

V covers. On a massive sun run. He's a solid player at this level. He's on the aggressive side but not a lag-monkey. Had a hand earlier when he jammed over my turn semi-bluff after he tanked for about 3 minutes and I called clock. He was very upset about me calling clock.

I have not seen him 3-bet much but the table is stupidly passive and I have been card dead so he has not faced many raises. The typical 1/2 3-bet here is mostly QQ+/AK. I think given his other play he's capable of wider, but not overly light.

OTTH: Hero AA raises to $10 UTG. 2 calls, V 3-bets $45 from SB.

What's your play here?
1. Flat in position keep one or more of the callers in
2. Click it back to something like $90 to set up an SPR about 1.
3. Jam or go something more traditional like $130-$150 and make set-mining unprofitable.

Does him being mad about me calling clock matter? Does him being on an ungodly sun run matter?

19 September 2024 at 10:36 PM

23 Replies

I think I personally would go something like $105 here. Jamming is another option that is tempting. I don’t think I would do an in-between size nor would I call.

The dead money incentivizes us to 4bet, so imo the only question is sizing.

In this configuration, SB's range is very tight. The last thing we want is for a flop to come that makes KK-QQ consider folding when facing action.

Probably just jamming because this will force them to make a tight fold, with which population generally struggles.

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It's not even close, raise to something like $110 - $130. Depending on the flop and the callers you're either shoving the flop or betting something like 1/3 pot and then getting the rest in on the turn.

Since we have $275 behind, I would wanna put him more towards a jam or fold decision pre (if he's calling 105 he's calling/jamming over 155). If he's a good player he should be at the top of his range unless he's tilting because you called the clock on him. If he's raising you light he's still folding to 105 anyway (and because you're image is tight, a jam would be telling him you're very strong so I'd rather try and entice him to jam instead if possible).

I like a jam here. Make him think you have JJ or AK and not wanting to see a flop.

And if he folds it's hardly terrible we are picking up 35BBs uncontested.

by hitchens97 k

I like a jam here. Make him think you have JJ or AK and not wanting to see a flop.

And if he folds it's hardly terrible we are picking up 35BBs uncontested.

I'm sorry, but this sounds like scared poker. Just make a normal 4-bet to $100ish.

by Always Fondling k

I'm sorry, but this sounds like scared poker. Just make a normal 4-bet to $100ish.

It's supposed to "look" like scared poker, with it not being a disaster if he folds.

With two callers behind you need to 4bet. Those two callers make you want to go a little larger so more than your 2.2x or whatever. You barely have any stack size to play with to find that sweet spot, you could probably get away with 130 but I'd probably just jam and that's nothing to do with being scared or wanting to look scared, it's a function of not wanting to make a fishy 4bet with like 40% of effective stacks. If there's a size that's not all in it's probably 130 but I'd jam here a lot and that's going to be with something like JJ+, AK, AQs, A5s

jam. only question is what your jam range should be. maybe AK, JJ+.

Say “guess it’s time to go home” and rip it in.

$100 is good. Flatting is also fine. Shoving isn’t NOT fine…

by RaiseAnnounced k

$100 is good. Flatting is also fine. Shoving isn’t NOT fine…

He just 3b a utg open from oop. His range is very strong, maybe tens+ AK and some AQ. Most (all?) of that range is calling a shove.

by OmahaDonk k

He just 3b a utg open from oop. His range is very strong, maybe tens+ AK and some AQ. Most (all?) of that range is calling a shove.

I think that's kind of an insane range to put him on to pure 3b/GII, but I don't think you can go wrong. There's arguments for each. I think $100>flat>jam, but no matter what your opponents will find new and innovative ways of donating EV to you. All 3 of them.

by RaiseAnnounced k

I think that's kind of an insane range to put him on to pure 3b/GII, but I don't think you can go wrong. There's arguments for each. I think $100>flat>jam, but no matter what your opponents will find new and innovative ways of donating EV to you. All 3 of them.

100 is fine but I’m not a fan of calling and going 4 ways though I understand why we might want to occasionally. If one of the field callers is super special I think we can flat.

For the Love of God, please don't flat AA UTG to a button click 3bet with 4 players already in the hand.

I far prefer jamming to calling here. I would rather give myself a chance to pile in a huge amount preflop than give myself a chance to get my aces cracked by someone behind me or just see a bad flop for further action.

I think either clicking it to 90 or jamming is fine. I don't think it's profitable for anyone to set mine no matter how small you make at this stack depth. Pros to making it 90 are he is tilted and more likely to call with something like AQ, KQ, AJ, AT to 90 but less so to a jam. Cons to making it 90 are he might call AK and fold the flop if he whiffs when he would have called a jam. Same with QQ or JJ if an A or K comes on the flop. If he is just going to jam AK and JJ+ when you 4bet small then 4betting small may actually be better since you won't lose value again AK if he just calls pre and folds post.

I probably lean towards jam just to keep things simple. When the SPR will be less than 1 when you 4bet, just jamming is never going to be a big mistake. He may even call you with AQ and lower PPs if he is bad and/or tilted.

I think going much bigger than 90 is a mistake though. You are basically only going 90 to target specifically hands worse than AK and JJ. When you go more than that when you're already so shallow, you're giving him more of a chance to fold those hands while potentially missing out on value from his AK, QQ, JJ type hands by not getting all the money in now. Additionally, when you go a size that is more than 1/3 your stack and pot committing youself, you are really telegraphing your hand strength. When you jam, it looks more like you could have AK than when you go 130. When you go 90, I think it's still plausible you can have AK or some light 4bet, maybe giving yourself a chance to get away from it in villain's mind.

You could have a whole other discussion about balance and why if you wanted to 4bet bluff with A5s you probably would want to go a size more like 90 rather than a size where you actually probably have to call off if he 5bet jams. But balance is the least of your concerns. I would be more concerned with what villain's range does when we take a certain size and what we want him to do with our exact hand. BUT you have to ask yourself, what does it look like to villain when you take a certain action? You have 3 options at your disposal and 2 of them tell the story that you might not have AA a lot better than the 3rd one.

by RaiseAnnounced k

I think that's kind of an insane range to put him on to pure 3b/GII, but I don't think you can go wrong. There's arguments for each. I think $100>flat>jam, but no matter what your opponents will find new and innovative ways of donating EV to you. All 3 of them.

I take it back, you can go wrong here: making it $130-150. I wasn't getting creative enough coming up with ways to squander EV here.

Also reconsidering earlier position that jam is close to flat. I think flatting and small 4b are probably roughly equivalent in EV (even if you prefer to 4b more), and jam is only one of the three that's notably lower EV.

by Playbig2000 k

For the Love of God, please don't flat AA UTG to a button click 3bet with 4 players already in the hand.

MFW I watch players stick 17.5 more bbs in with hands that have 20% equity against us, setting up a 90bb pot with 1.3:1 SPR:

I appreciate all of the responses here. Glad I'm not alone being a little conflicted. I considered briefly flatting letting a couple of droolers come along but their ranges would be un capped and making it difficult to play out of position vs any number of potential 2-pairs or undersets. I considered jamming but did not want to let V off the hook with a hand like A5s or AQ/AJ type hands.

So I decided on $90. I figured he would probably rejam KK and call most everything else that wasn't a pure spew 3bet bluff. He ended up calling and the results were horrible but I still thought it was an interesting position where even after reflection was unsure what was the best move.

If anybody interested in rest of hand, I think it plays itself but who knows...


Flop $190: KJ3r V checks, H bets $70. V calls.
Turn: $330 total blank but brought in a 2 flush something like 7s (stack $120), V bets $50??? Hero jams. V shows JJ. Hero vomits.
I objously dont like the flop. There's as much JJ/KK (though I think he jams KK himself) as there are AK/QQ and QQ might just c/f. But we left ourselves with about 1 spr not to fold almost ever.

Just a cooler, he is almost certainly stacking off pre too. You are never getting away from this postflop.

by Mlark k

Just a cooler, he is almost certainly stacking off pre too. You are never getting away from this postflop.

We don't want him to fold pre. 🙂

by RaiseAnnounced k

MFW I watch players stick 17.5 more bbs in with hands that have 20% equity against us, setting up a 90bb pot with 1.3:1 SPR:

Im not saying you want folds from them, but their 20% comes almost entirely out of your share. Like HU you win 80% and 4 way all in you win 50% or something.

So its better but not way better. And its even worse than that because they get to see the flop and get away from it whereas youre basically never getting away.

I say 3 bet $105 is the move, but agree call > jam if i had to choose.
