[extracted] New(?) 9-11 stuff
KSM got a plea deal. The guy who supposedly masterminded the 9/11 attacks is not getting the death penalty.
If you still think that AQ did 9/11 you should be in adult day care.
As Deuces pointed out unthread, just look at the people who jumped on the UFO hype train. I disagree with Deuces that it's just a test to see how dumb you all are as I think there is more behind it, but it does also show that.
No I understand that perfectly and now I'm only confused why you wouldn't just phrase it that way the first time.
Lol no, now you sound like Deuces. "Not believing the narrative" can mean a lot of different things, depending on which parts you don't believe. Disbelieving some parts might be reasonable, disbelieving other parts makes you batshit insane. You're not talking to anyone ITT who believes something just because the government said it, so you can drop that bullshit if you want to have a discussion rather than getting trolled like the rest of them.
I haven't seen anyone like that here. You do understand that there is a difference between "believing something the government says" and "believing something because the government said it", don't you? Because I'm not convinced that you do.
Wtf? My brother in Christ, have you lost the ability to read?
In this case though there are going to be plenty of the latter types and you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise.
Have you also forgotten what "ITT" means?
You're far from anyone's "brother in Christ", and that I can assure you.
A true Christian and follower of Christ would never talk down to people and troll them the way you do bud, just because you have a different believe system then them (implanted, which isn't your fault, but talking down to people is) and call them names like a 12 year old.
Did you ever hear this verse from the book of Matthew (7:16)? (that's the bible, in case you were wondering)
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
It's talking about people and trolls like you.
JFC. Is it me or are the usual suspects even more brain****ed than usual today?
Shout out for "different belief system" as a euphemism for being a delusional headcase who lives in a fantasy world and whose only contact with reality is fleeting and incidental, though.
Ok, so now we're clear on what I meant, is it still your contention that there are posters in this thread who believe things just because "the government" says they are true? If so, names please.
Gorgorian seems to fit the bill. Trolly as well
They might not believe some unemployment numbers or something but if the lie is big enough they'll believe it
Conspiracy theorists are indeed a dime a dozen, and their unifying characteristic is that they think they are the special enlightened ones that can see what no one else sees. What they fail to realize is everyone else saw that nonsense too, we just rejected it because evidence doesn't support it.
a lot of conspiracy theorists just read wikipedia and realized that the White Empire has always just lied stole and murdered on a massive scale. you think the people that brought mind control experiments, human experiments, Tuskegee, COINTELPRO, Operation Gladio, Operation Mockingbird, etc on and on, just started telling the truth one day?
Oh good, the last missing member of the looney tunes crew has finally arrived to complete the set.
my favorite d2 story is him getting all bent out of shape when I casually mentioned that the US govt was involved in assassinating MLK. he was like wtf no and then lo and behold that was so ruled in a court of law.
most people would accept that they were wrong and move on and a select few would actually question their own narratives and biases. but d2? he was like no thats a conspiracy theory bc the govt said they didnt do it.
my favorite d2 story is him getting all bent out of shape when I casually mentioned that the US govt was involved in assassinating MLK. he was like wtf no and then lo and behold that was so ruled in a court of law.
most people would accept that they were wrong and move on and a select few would actually question their own narratives and biases. but d2? he was like no thats a conspiracy theory bc the govt said they didnt do it.
I didn't really delve into it too much, because it was comically irrelevant to the point you were trying to make anyway. Anyway, in that particular case, I was more inclined to disbelieve it not because of anything the government said, but because you specifically brought it up, and I've found just assuming you're always lying or wrong about everything you say is a pretty reliable rule of thumb.
Newsflash: courts of law are part of "the government" and it was some nuisance civil suit. But we believe the judicial branch and not the executive branch now? Do we believe them on everything, or just the cases that fit our narrative? What about the legislative branch?
iirc someone was saying that the USA does not treat dissidents like Russia. but MLK is one of many that have been murdered or imprisoned for standing up against the govt. just like in Russia!
iirc someone was saying that the USA does not treat dissidents like Russia. but MLK is one of many that have been murdered or imprisoned for standing up against the govt. just like in Russia!
I really can't be bothered responding to this and this thread is about 9/11 specifically, but someone else will probably pick up the baton in a futile effort to disabuse you of your foolish notions.
In any case, even if everything you allege about the MLK case is true, which I seriously doubt, it still goes nowhere near towards supporting the statement "the US treats political dissidents like the Soviet Union". At best it might show that there were some rogue operatives in the intelligence services 50+ ago, which I don't really doubt anyway.
my foolish notions that the USA has run massively detrimental conspiracies for decades at every level including assassinating MLK?
like I said, US propaganda is amazing. theres also probably something to be said about how much most people just love authority. maybe thats from propaganda or its human nature. I do wonder what it would take for some people to disabuse themselves of the notion that the USA led White Emipre has no boundaries and will murder everyone and anyone. maybe if they were friends with MLK or Medgar Evers or Daniel Hale or some Tuskegee man that was tortured.
my foolish notions that the USA has run massively detrimental conspiracies for decades at every level including assassinating MLK?
like I said, US propaganda is amazing. theres also probably something to be said about how much most people just love authority. maybe thats from propaganda or its human nature. I do wonder what it would take for some people to disabuse themselves of the notion that the USA led White Emipre has no boundaries and will murder everyone and anyone. maybe if they wer
Sir, this is the 9/11 thread. We are only equipped to handle one mind-numbingly dumb view at a time please. Kindly take the rest of your brain****ery elsewhere.
when judging if the govt is lying, d2 claims that it is "mind-numbingly dumb" to consider how often it has lied in the past. would he extend this sort of analysis to Stalin or Putin?
What do you think would happen to the thread if it went in the direction of litigating every single conspiracy theory going where the government is alleged to have lied in the past? Even your tiny pea brain must be able to understand that it's just not a viable proposition if we're to stay even remotely on the topic of 9/11.
Im not trying to litigate those conspiracy theories bc they are not in fact theories anymore. theres nothing to litigate. I am pointing out the flaw in Gorgonians argument that only idiot believe in conspiracy theories when its been confirmed that our govt did indeed engage in massive and diabolical conspiracies. in fact, they have been confirmed to have many times over.
so when considering govt involvement in 911 or in covering it up then I think its past execution of multiple wide ranging and murderous conspiracy theories is important.
Im not trying to litigate those conspiracy theories bc they are not in fact theories anymore. theres nothing to litigate. I am pointing out the flaw in Gorgonians argument that only idiot believe in conspiracy theories when its been confirmed that our govt did indeed engage in massive and diabolical conspiracies. in fact, they have been confirmed to have many times over.
so when considering govt involvement in 911 or in covering it up then I think its past execution of multiple wide ranging a
Yes, it's a variation of the "government did MKULTRA so they did 9/11" argument that we've had in this thread, at last count, about 4,639 times.
theyve done a lot more than MKULTRA!
JFC. Is it me or are the usual suspects even more brain****ed than usual today?
Shout out for "different belief system" as a euphemism for being a delusional headcase who lives in a fantasy world and whose only contact with reality is fleeting and incidental, though.
Again, I think that the observations from the attacks demonstrate some buildings were demolished while you think some fires (if you believe what the official story actually says) did it. And it's not like there is a ton of counter evidence against my view of events. In fact the person they said was the mastermind of 9/11 was just offered a plea deal by the prosecution.
You take the other side, that the observations align with collapse resulting from fires. You had this position while you revealed you had never really looked into the matter.
Compare the difference between your and my thoughts compared to the difference between your thoughts and someone who believes in God and related supernatural phenomenon. Do you label every religious person as a total delusional lunatic? Let's say I was wrong and I'm wrong because I'm dumb or uneducated. I'm misapplying Newton's law or the videos showing no deceleration are flawed in some subtle way. What's with the accusation of being delusional? You keep correcting people on word usage like bitter little scold. Do you know what delusional means? What's more delusional? believing in a religion or assessing the buildings falling on 9/11 as demolitions?
Maybe calm down about those who don't believe in your particular conspiracy theories. Even if it comes from specious thinking, in terms of deviance from shared notions of reality it's really nothing.
You're going to have to explain what "conspiracy theorists are the main generators of modern history" means if you want some sort of points for your unique insight.
Violent conflicts are the drivers of modern history. Even when we change modes of work it is accompanied by violent conflict. There seems to always be a belief in a conspiracy which is manufactured and distributed to the masses but, critically, crafted by the elites. Someone pointed out the conspiratorial thinking about the South and the way to villainize the South and galvanize support for conflict resulting in civil war. The Northern elites would talk among themselves, constantly, about a "slave power", a small cabal of Southern elites, which was pulling the strings behind the scenes. They thought this cabal (and it was probably true) was trying gain footholds in newly created states in order to gain political power, enough to eventually have the free states living under their boot.
I noticed that this pattern is more the rule than the exception. Conspiracy charges have driven and are driving most major conflicts. You talk about delusion. If you think Harris believes what she says when she, on her interview on The Breakfast Club, blamed Russia for the Colin Kaepernick kneeling scandal then you have to label her majorly delusional. The Russia focused conspiracy theories are flowing again and, wouldn't you know it, we are in a proxy war with them. I think most all of the elite originating conspiracy theories are false, though you find them as the motivations behind war.
Violent conflicts are the drivers of modern history. Even when we change modes of work it is accompanied by violent conflict. There seems to always be a belief in a conspiracy which is manufactured and distributed to the masses but, critically, crafted by the elites. Someone pointed out the conspiratorial thinking about the South and the way to villainize the South and galvanize support for conflict resulting in civil war. The Northern elites would talk among themselves, constantly, about a "sla
Wow, this has to be the weakest, most pathetic attempt I've ever seen of someone torturing all logic and reason until it agrees to make them seem relevant and important.
Again, I think that the observations from the attacks demonstrate some buildings were demolished while you think some fires (if you believe what the official story actually says) did it. And it's not like there is a ton of counter evidence against my view of events. In fact the person they said was the mastermind of 9/11 was just offered a plea deal by the prosecution.
You take the other side, that the observations align with collapse resulting from fires. You had this position while you reveale
The accusation of being delusional is not to do with your specific beliefs, it's more to do with how people like you and Playbig react when confronted with facts and logic that run contrary to those beliefs. Normal people onboard information, process it, and update their mental model accordingly. Your ilk equivocate, lie, shift goalposts, come up with specious criticisms, and failing all else just straight up ignore facts in order to discard any and all information that might result in having to admit that you're wrong (your behaviour in relation to the Wikipedia article being a prime example of pretty much all of those). You do this seemingly as some sort of psychological defense mechanism in order to maintain your beliefs, because you have invested so much of your identity in them being true. That is delusional in the extreme, and is also why everyone who has dealt with you considers you a liar and a bad faith actor. Also, it is damaging to society as a whole when people like you spread disinformation to others who are not capable of seeing through your bullshit, which is why it's not just a harmless little hobby. Conspiratorial thinking gets people like Trump elected.