$25----->25k Bankroll Challenge on Ignition

$25----->25k Bankroll Challenge on Ignition

I am going to be starting with $25 in my Ignition Account and try to spin it up to $25,000.

I will start at 5nl since it is the lowest stake on the site and be playing Ignition Reg tables only.

I will be updating every 5k hands with my progress.

My expectation for each limit is as follows:

Expected Winrates for each limit:

5NL: 30bb/100

10NL: 25bb/100

25NL: 20bb/100

50NL: 15bb/100

100NL: 12bb/100

200NL: 10bb/100

Variance will be a decent factor in a lot of these winrates but these are just ball park numbers. Once I hit 25k I will take a 10buyin shot at 500nl! As far as moving up I'll move up whenever I feel like it, but probably after winning 30-40 buyins at the limit.

There will be no cherry picking here since you can't cherry pick a Bankroll Challenge. Wish me luck (or not) and follow along in this thread.

) 74 Views 74
19 April 2024 at 06:36 AM

1502 Replies


by Mlark k

Yeah, I've seen this spot mentioned in a couple of videos. AQo is good enough to just call a 3bet on the button vs SB most of the time rather than 4bet. And it is good enough to defend a 4bet in the SB vs button. So SB is doing really well on q high flops. And on A high flops, SB not only has all the AQ, they have some AA, and on this particular flop they have all the sets as well. Meanwhile button has loads of KK, QQ, JJ, TT that might not 4bet as much from earlier positions. BU is forced

I'm assuming you mean how wide is BU defending vs donk leads?

They slightly over fold but way over raise, so we won't get to the turn nearly as often in practice in the Donk flop call flop node. This will be another reason why we should have a donking range but skew it towards value. And then just Donk/3bet jam our draws as a default.

Nice one

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NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
BTN ($28.67) [VPIP: 19.2% | PFR: 16.9% | AGG: 47.6% | Hands: 177]
SB ($18.02) [VPIP: 25.7% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 18.8% | Hands: 183]
BB ($26.50) [VPIP: 18% | PFR: 14.8% | AGG: 22.8% | Hands: 3954]
HERO ($30.58) [VPIP: 27.8% | PFR: 23.3% | AGG: 38.7% | Hands: 98093]
HJ ($33.12) [VPIP: 26.2% | PFR: 19.8% | AGG: 46.7% | Hands: 1485]
CO ($27.91) [VPIP: 20.5% | PFR: 17.8% | AGG: 36.6% | Hands: 1156]

Dealt to Hero: K K

HERO Raises To $0.55, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Raises To $2.87, HERO Raises To $30.58 (allin), BB Calls $23.63 (allin)

Flop ($57.18): 8 4 J

Turn ($57.18): 8 4 J 4

River ($57.18): 8 4 J 4 5


BB shows: Q Q

HERO wins: $50.45

B25 and Jam sizing only on this board.

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and Database Software

NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
BTN ($25) [VPIP: 23.3% | PFR: 20.2% | AGG: 40.8% | Flop Agg: 45% | Turn Agg: 40.2% | 3Bet: 10.9% | 4Bet: 11.8% | Fold to 4Bet: 55.6% | Hands: 1580]
HERO ($48.94) [VPIP: 27.8% | PFR: 23.3% | AGG: 38.7% | Flop Agg: 42.2% | Turn Agg: 35.2% | 3Bet: 10.1% | Fold to 3Bet: 57.5% | 4Bet: 11.3% | Hands: 98920]
BB ($32.63) [VPIP: 25.8% | PFR: 20.5% | AGG: 35.6% | Hands: 136]
UTG ($25) [VPIP: 20.9% | PFR: 10.1% | AGG: 59.4% | Hands: 949]
HJ ($14.21) [VPIP: 16.3% | PFR: 11.6% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 44]
CO ($25) [VPIP: 18.6% | PFR: 14.4% | AGG: 29.5% | Hands: 535]

Dealt to Hero: A Q

UTG Folds, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Raises To $0.62, HERO Raises To $2.91, BB Folds, BTN Raises To $6.12, HERO Calls $3.21

Hero SPR on Flop: [1.51 effective]
Flop ($12.49): 4 J T
HERO Checks, BTN ?

Another concept that I still mess up but is important.

On these Ace high + BW boards you have 2 targets.

We can target the gutshots OTT and the BW card OTR or we can target ATs/AJs over 3 streets.

HH here. Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2

and Database Software

NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
BTN ($41.67) [VPIP: 21.7% | PFR: 19.1% | AGG: 37.5% | Flop Agg: 33.3% | Turn Agg: 41.7% | River Agg: 40% | 3Bet: 10.5% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 160]
HERO ($31.49) [VPIP: 27.8% | PFR: 23.3% | AGG: 38.7% | Flop Agg: 42.2% | Turn Agg: 35.2% | River Agg: 41.3% | 3Bet: 10.1% | Fold to 3Bet: 57.5% | 4Bet: 11.4% | Hands: 99225]
BB ($30) [VPIP: 23.6% | PFR: 20.1% | AGG: 33.1% | Hands: 1227]
UTG ($25.10) [VPIP: 17% | PFR: 5.7% | AGG: 31.6% | Hands: 54]
HJ ($32.77) [VPIP: 26.8% | PFR: 18.3% | AGG: 36.3% | Hands: 539]
CO ($30) [VPIP: 19.8% | PFR: 15.8% | AGG: 26.2% | Hands: 1309]

Dealt to Hero: 7 7

UTG Folds, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Raises To $0.75, HERO Raises To $3.10, BB Folds, BTN Calls $2.35

Hero SPR on Flop: [4.4 effective]
Flop ($6.45): A 8 K
HERO Bets $1.21 (Rem. Stack: $27.18), BTN Calls $1.21 (Rem. Stack: $37.36)

Turn ($8.87): A 8 K 3
HERO Bets $6.65 (Rem. Stack: $20.53), BTN Calls $6.65 (Rem. Stack: $30.71)

River ($22.17): A 8 K 3 4
HERO Checks, BTN Checks


BTN shows: Q A

BTN wins: $21.07

So here I messed up OTT, I should go small OTT to make gutshots 0EV and then non all in OTR to go after Kx if the river didn't complete a flush.

And then there is some cooler blocker games going on I always forget about. So if we are OTR and let's say it comes a 4 no . You would rather call A5s than AJs.

I guess we want to unblock folds OTR, that does make sense but I still really want to bet turn.

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and Database Software

NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
BTN ($110.91) [VPIP: 27% | PFR: 20.2% | AGG: 45.6% | Flop Agg: 42.7% | Turn Agg: 50.6% | River Agg: 51.7% | 3Bet: 7.6% | Fold to 3Bet: 53.8% | 4Bet: 11.8% | Hands: 1588]
SB ($52.70) [VPIP: 17.5% | PFR: 14.2% | AGG: 24.5% | Hands: 338]
BB ($26.89) [VPIP: 21.1% | PFR: 17.8% | AGG: 59.1% | Hands: 94]
HERO ($33.16) [VPIP: 27.8% | PFR: 23.3% | AGG: 38.8% | Flop Agg: 42.2% | Turn Agg: 35.4% | River Agg: 41.4% | 3Bet: 10.1% | 4Bet: 11.5% | Hands: 100028]
HJ ($30.79) [VPIP: 23.5% | PFR: 11.8% | AGG: 47.1% | Hands: 34]
CO ($18.41) [VPIP: 35.3% | PFR: 11.8% | AGG: 51.9% | Hands: 34]

Dealt to Hero: 7 6

HERO Raises To $0.50, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Raises To $2, SB Folds, BB Folds, HERO Calls $1.50

Hero SPR on Flop: [7.16 effective]
Flop ($4.35): 9 2 8
HERO Checks, BTN Bets $1.50 (Rem. Stack: $107.41), HERO Raises To $5.17 (Rem. Stack: $25.99), BTN Calls $3.67 (Rem. Stack: $103.74)

Turn ($14.69): 9 2 8 K

76dd/76hh are 100% checks OTT.

Makes a lot of sense and I think it's probably true of my game 😅. Is this hand2note?

by DooDooPoker k

I guess we want to unblock folds OTR, that does make sense but I still really want to bet turn.

76dd/76hh are 100% checks OTT.

Not to do with unblocking river folds imo

It’s a disaster to get jammed on with 76 of flush draw because there’s so much equity there yet we’d have to fold. We’d rather just not open ourselves up to the option.

76 non-fd bets because the fold to jam is trivial.

by DooDooPoker k

I guess we want to unblock folds OTR, that does make sense but I still really want to bet turn.

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and Database Software

NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
BTN ($110.91) [VPIP: 27% | PFR: 20.2% | AGG: 45.6% | Flop Agg: 42.7% | Turn Agg: 50.6% | River Agg: 51.7% | 3Bet: 7.6% | Fold to 3Bet: 53.8% | 4Bet: 11.8% | Hands: 1588]
SB ($52.70) [VPIP: 17.5% | PFR: 14.2% | AGG: 24.5% | Hands: 338]
BB ($26.89) [VPIP: 21.1% | PFR: 17.8% | AGG: 59.1% | Hands: 94]

Would you double xr this vs regs? My instinct is that its underfolded but never really experimented with that line too much.

by norwich k

Not to do with unblocking river folds imo

It’s a disaster to get jammed on with 76 of flush draw because there’s so much equity there yet we’d have to fold. We’d rather just not open ourselves up to the option.

76 non-fd bets because the fold to jam is trivial.

Yeah that could be it. But Ace high FD's fold to a jam after betting turn and they still bet a bunch so I don't know exactly.

by TheRealHobo k

Would you double xr this vs regs? My instinct is that its underfolded but never really experimented with that line too much.

I would be more passive as their range is stronger than GTO OTT when they stab. But you need river donk leads for sure when you play like this.

by DooDooPoker k

Yeah that could be it. But Ace high FD's fold to a jam after betting turn and they still bet a bunch so I don't know exactly.

I think in general with OESD+FD on turn spots oop we can check call vs reasonable size or check jam. Naked A high FD probably struggles check calling. Naked A high flush draw may not have the direct odds to call and have trouble realizing implied odds on river after check calling. On this particular board without looking at how solver defends vs the flop check raise, there are probably some good blocker properties to having the A high flush draw. You block them having floated flop with bdnfd, maybe some combos of AK, and AA. I'd imagine things are getting pretty dicey for TT, JJ, probably starting to fold turn some? Which is a good result for the NFD.

by Mlark k

I think in general with OESD+FD on turn spots oop we can check call vs reasonable size or check jam. Naked A high FD probably struggles check calling. Naked A high flush draw may not have the direct odds to call and have trouble realizing implied odds on river after check calling. On this particular board without looking at how solver defends vs the flop check raise, there are probably some good blocker properties to having the A high flush draw. You block them having floated flop with bdnfd

All those reasons seem plausible.

The biggest takeaway for me is you don't want to play weak FD's too aggressively in tight range spots because you risk being dominated too often. You also don't want to take aggressive actions with vulnerable hands that don't know what to do versus a jam.

You see this with OESD's too and I think it's basically the same concept.

SB3BETvsBU 542r board we have 76s and BTN stabs 1/3 pot.

You never XR here because a jam leaves you in a 0EV spot.

by DooDooPoker k

SB3BETvsBU 542r board we have 76s and BTN stabs 1/3 pot.

You never XR here because a jam leaves you in a 0EV spot.

It’s like 4betting pre - you want to 4bet hands that have easy decisions vs a jam.

76 wants to realise equity - fundamentally it is 7 high so facing a jam is a disaster. it’s a dog to bluffs if it were to raise/call off

Okay so I am still digging into this Front door Flush complete vs Backdoor Flush complete phenomenon in Triple Barrel spots. I ended up asking Tombos (Tom from GTO Wizard) about this and he looked at some GTO bots to see how Theory actually arrives at the river.

He sent me some pictures and he allowed me to share them with you guys.

BTNvsBB SRP 100bb. When BTN bets river they have the same amount of weak hands in range so theoretically there is no difference between a Front door flush complete and a backdoor flush complete.

Front door Flush Complete:

Back door Flush complete

Both are 31 weak here.

But something interesting happens in B-B lines or when BTN arrives to the river after double barreling.

Theoretically, GTO has more weak hands on Front Door Flush Complete boards as opposed to Back Door Flush Complete boards:

Front Door Flush complete:

39% weak

Back Door Flush complete:

36% weak

So the pet theory here is the reason population is weaker on Front door flush completes is because they don't compensate OTR for this weaker range. If you arrive to the river with a weaker range than normal (i.e. Front door flush draw complete) you are supposed to give up more but population is not doing that.

Big shout out to Tombos21 for the sims/pictures and helping me understand this subject better.

Thanks for the shoutout, DDP!

To be clear, the pictures above aren't filtered for double-barrel spots. It's measuring all river spots, regardless of flop/turn actions.

That said, the same heuristic holds even if I apply a double-barrel filter (FDFD = 36% weak, BDFD = 33% weak). Same is true for BB defender after calling both barrels.

"Weak hands" are defined as any unmade hand on the river.

Villain doesn't know he is punting. Also go look at the EV's between calling and jamming a hand like AKo. They are almost the same.

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and Database Software

NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
BTN ($30) [VPIP: 19.7% | PFR: 16.9% | AGG: 48.8% | Hands: 259]
HERO ($59.96) [VPIP: 27.8% | PFR: 23.3% | AGG: 38.7% | Hands: 101952]
BB ($30.34) [VPIP: 18.1% | PFR: 14.9% | AGG: 22.3% | Hands: 4553]
UTG ($29.35) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 5]
HJ ($33.62) [VPIP: 24.4% | PFR: 21.1% | AGG: 42.9% | Hands: 269]
CO ($34.23) [VPIP: 29.1% | PFR: 22.7% | AGG: 43.2% | Hands: 1695]

Dealt to Hero: A A

UTG Folds, HJ Folds, CO Raises To $0.60, BTN Folds, HERO Raises To $3.05, BB Raises To $6.50, CO Folds, HERO Raises To $59.96 (allin), BB Calls $23.84 (allin)

Flop ($90.90): Q K 8

Turn ($90.90): Q K 8 7

River ($90.90): Q K 8 7 K


BB shows: J J

HERO wins: $58.28

Regarding shoving preflop vs 3bets, have you done any study on exploiting players who 3bet too wide?

Basically, it's very easy to overfold vs 4bet shoves if you are 3betting too wide, which can lead to CRAZY wide 4bet shove ranges.

A while back I ran a sim where I node-locked BTN to 3bet 18% vs CO RFI and only call 99+/AK vs 4bet shove, and CO responded by tightening the opening range and then literally never folding to the 3bet and shoving a huge part of his opening range -- even down to hands like 33, K4s, Q9s, A4o, JTo, etc.

The only hands that really preferred to 4bet small was AA-JJ and AQ+.

My biggest leak by far is calling too much. I need to fold here (interesting that it is a high frequency turn bet for me after I donk).

Over 23bb mistake to fold in made up solver land.

Probably -50bb mistake in real life to actually call, there are no natural bluffs.

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NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
BTN ($46.03) [VPIP: 23.2% | PFR: 19.3% | AGG: 34.7% | Flop Agg: 37% | Turn Agg: 29.8% | River Agg: 41.2% | 3Bet: 10.7% | 4Bet: 19.2% | Fold to 4Bet: 60% | Hands: 744]
HERO ($37) [VPIP: 27.8% | PFR: 23.3% | AGG: 38.7% | Flop Agg: 42.1% | Turn Agg: 35.4% | River Agg: 41.4% | 3Bet: 10.1% | Fold to 3Bet: 57.4% | 4Bet: 11.5% | Hands: 102020]
BB ($19.10) [VPIP: 37.5% | PFR: 18.8% | AGG: 28.6% | Hands: 16]
UTG ($25.35) [VPIP: 24.3% | PFR: 20.9% | AGG: 42.9% | Hands: 271]
HJ ($8.14) [VPIP: 18% | PFR: 7% | AGG: 10.7% | Hands: 105]
CO ($36.41) [VPIP: 28.5% | PFR: 18.8% | AGG: 40.6% | Hands: 289]

Dealt to Hero: A Q

UTG Folds, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Raises To $0.60, HERO Raises To $2.75, BB Folds, BTN Raises To $5.10, HERO Calls $2.35

Hero SPR on Flop: [3.05 effective]
Flop ($10.45): 7 3 A
HERO Bets $2.61 (Rem. Stack: $29.29), BTN Calls $2.61 (Rem. Stack: $38.32)

Turn ($15.67): 7 3 A K
HERO Checks, BTN Bets $5.17 (Rem. Stack: $33.15), HERO Calls $5.17 (Rem. Stack: $24.12)

River ($26.01): 7 3 A K Q
HERO Checks, BTN Bets $33.15 (allin), HERO Calls $24.12 (allin)


BTN shows: K K

BTN wins: $71.25

by Zamadhi k

Regarding shoving preflop vs 3bets, have you done any study on exploiting players who 3bet too wide?

Basically, it's very easy to overfold vs 4bet shoves if you are 3betting too wide, which can lead to CRAZY wide 4bet shove ranges.

A while back I ran a sim where I node-locked BTN to 3bet 18% vs CO RFI and only call 99+/AK vs 4bet shove, and CO responded by tightening the opening range and then literally never folding to the 3bet and shoving a huge part of his opening range -- even down to hands li

Not specifically, I just over4bet them but shoving lighter makes sense too.

There's not too many players who over 3bet, I can probably count 2 or 3 in the 25nl blitz pool. Almost everyone in this pool under 3bets.

That response from CO is awesome though. It's almost impossible to overstate how maniacal GTO/nodelocked responses are. Theory is usually much more aggressive than population.

Fish don't understand relative value so always jam here vs the minraise of death.

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and Database Software

NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
BTN ($30) [VPIP: 27.1% | PFR: 20% | AGG: 24.2% | Hands: 71]
SB ($27.59) [VPIP: 18.3% | PFR: 15% | AGG: 22.2% | Hands: 4643]
BB ($93.63) [VPIP: 48% | PFR: 24% | AGG: 26.9% | Flop Agg: 30% | Turn Agg: 33.3% | River Agg: 20% | 3Bet: 10% | 4Bet: 0% | Cold Call: 60% | Hands: 26]
HERO ($52.62) [VPIP: 27.8% | PFR: 23.3% | AGG: 38.7% | Flop Agg: 42.1% | Turn Agg: 35.4% | River Agg: 41.4% | 3Bet: 10.2% | 4Bet: 11.5% | Hands: 102093]
HJ ($25.97) [VPIP: 23.2% | PFR: 19.2% | AGG: 42.8% | Hands: 855]
CO ($25) [VPIP: 26% | PFR: 20.6% | AGG: 18.8% | Hands: 288]

Dealt to Hero: K J

HERO Raises To $0.50, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Calls $0.25

Hero SPR on Flop: [47.38 effective]
Flop ($1.10): 8 Q 9
BB Checks, HERO Bets $0.27 (Rem. Stack: $51.85), BB Calls $0.27 (Rem. Stack: $92.86)

Turn ($1.64): 8 Q 9 T
BB Checks, HERO Bets $0.82 (Rem. Stack: $51.03), BB Raises To $1.64 (Rem. Stack: $91.22), HERO Raises To $51.85 (allin), BB Calls $50.21 (Rem. Stack: $41.01)

River ($105.34): 8 Q 9 T A


BB shows: A J

HERO wins: $102.34

This spot is weird. AA jams flop lol and BTN calls with QQ/TT?

Okay cool.

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and Database Software

NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
BB ($25) [VPIP: 50% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 2]
BTN ($28.62) [VPIP: 23.9% | PFR: 19.6% | AGG: 35.1% | Flop Agg: 42.1% | Turn Agg: 36.4% | River Agg: 14.3% | 3Bet: 17.2% | 4Bet: 50% | Fold to 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 95]
HERO ($25.88) [VPIP: 27.8% | PFR: 23.3% | AGG: 38.7% | Flop Agg: 42.1% | Turn Agg: 35.4% | River Agg: 41.4% | 3Bet: 10.2% | Fold to 3Bet: 57.4% | 4Bet: 11.5% | Hands: 102168]

Dealt to Hero: A A

BTN Raises To $0.62, HERO Raises To $2.91, BB Folds, BTN Raises To $6.25, HERO Calls $3.34

Hero SPR on Flop: [1.54 effective]
Flop ($12.75): 3 J K
HERO Checks, BTN Bets $3.18 (Rem. Stack: $19.19), HERO ?

Versus good regs you jam Q8o here.

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NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
BTN ($28.30) [VPIP: 18.2% | PFR: 15% | AGG: 22.4% | Hands: 4684]
SB ($31.47) [VPIP: 19.1% | PFR: 15.4% | AGG: 33.9% | Flop Agg: 38.3% | Turn Agg: 37.8% | River Agg: 23.1% | 3Bet: 8.3% | 4Bet: 5.3% | Hands: 601]
HERO ($35.98) [VPIP: 27.8% | PFR: 23.3% | AGG: 38.7% | Flop Agg: 42.1% | Turn Agg: 35.4% | River Agg: 41.4% | 3Bet: 10.2% | Fold to 3Bet: 57.4% | 4Bet: 11.5% | Hands: 102168]
UTG ($72.01) [VPIP: 29% | PFR: 22.8% | AGG: 42.9% | Hands: 1722]
HJ ($30) [VPIP: 20.6% | PFR: 16.8% | AGG: 30.1% | Hands: 1456]
CO ($30.75) [VPIP: 24.4% | PFR: 18.3% | AGG: 24.2% | Hands: 84]

Dealt to Hero: 8 Q

UTG Folds, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Raises To $0.75, HERO Raises To $2.45, SB Calls $1.70

Hero SPR on Flop: [5.92 effective]
Flop ($4.90): 5 J 6
SB Checks, HERO Bets $2.45 (Rem. Stack: $31.08), SB Calls $2.45 (Rem. Stack: $26.57)

Turn ($9.80): 5 J 6 4
SB Checks, HERO Checks

River ($9.80): 5 J 6 4 Q
SB Bets $3.07 (Rem. Stack: $23.50), HERO Calls $3.07 (Rem. Stack: $28.01)


SB shows: J K

HERO wins: $15.15

by DooDooPoker k

Versus good regs you jam Q8o here.

Turn bet looks nice to be honest.

Don't understand thought process of jamming river. Hand doesn't really get more value and just isolates itself against worse?

by norwich k

Turn bet looks nice to be honest.

Don't understand thought process of jamming river. Hand doesn't really get more value and just isolates itself against worse?

It's a donk spot for OOP so I don't really like betting turn.

We are using a polar strategy with a merged range. A lot of better regs will bet small here to induce.

This guy tried to table Captain me.

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NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
BTN ($38.10) [VPIP: 22.5% | PFR: 19.4% | AGG: 40.2% | Flop Agg: 44.7% | Turn Agg: 39.7% | River Agg: 36.6% | 3Bet: 10.7% | 4Bet: 11.3% | Hands: 1759]
SB ($25) [VPIP: 23.9% | PFR: 18.3% | AGG: 37.8% | Hands: 330]
HERO ($30) [VPIP: 27.9% | PFR: 23.3% | AGG: 38.7% | Flop Agg: 42.1% | Turn Agg: 35.4% | River Agg: 41.3% | 3Bet: 10.2% | 4Bet: 11.5% | Cold Call: 10% | Hands: 102220]
UTG ($12.99) [VPIP: 12.5% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 16]
HJ ($25.77) [VPIP: 19.5% | PFR: 14.7% | AGG: 29.3% | Hands: 4751]
CO ($26.46) [VPIP: 18.5% | PFR: 10.1% | AGG: 36.7% | Hands: 458]

Dealt to Hero: 9 K

UTG Folds, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Raises To $0.62, SB Folds, HERO Calls $0.37

Hero SPR on Flop: [21.93 effective]
Flop ($1.34): 7 K A
HERO Checks, BTN Bets $2.01 (Rem. Stack: $35.47), HERO Calls $2.01 (Rem. Stack: $27.37)

Turn ($5.36): 7 K A 2
HERO Checks, BTN Bets $8.04 (Rem. Stack: $27.43), HERO Calls $8.04 (Rem. Stack: $19.33)

River ($21.44): 7 K A 2 6
HERO Checks, BTN Bets $27.43 (allin), HERO Calls $19.33 (allin)


BTN shows: 8 J

HERO wins: $57.10

*hastily tags hero uber station for revenge
