1/3 - JJ on 456 board, 100bb
I’m wondering if either calling or jamming is better here. Or doesn’t matter. Villian is a dealer but doesn’t seem good.
300 off -
MP open, villain call, 3b to 50 with JJ, only villain calls
FLOP $120
x, cbet $35, v xr to $70 - has about $220 left
easy jam and gg if he has better?
15 Replies
Do you have a specific seat or are you levitating above the table?
Is V a bad player because he’s too passive or too aggressive? Too tight or too loose? Against a typical loose passive who calls a 3bet pre then check min raises the flop, I'm calling and reevaluating the turn. Because he called a limp, V can have all the sets, two pairs, plus top straight and paired straight draws.
oh that’s what he meant, i co
and villain just doesn’t seem good, seen him limp a few trash hands like 97o. maybe he’s amazing but it’s my initial read.
Most dealers play no better than the regs they deal to.
Spr 2.5 in a 3b pot I jam flop.
What was the initial raise size? If 15/16 then the 3bet to 50 is way too small. I'd probably go 60-75 depending on if they are a foldier fish or stickier fish. 50 is basically asking to go 3 way to the flop.
3b is too small.
as played i dont think anyone here can give you a good answer unless you know his range for calling a jam. if he only calls better then jamming is foolish.
Hey OP, V’s range depends on the MP’s opening bet. What was the bet?
sorry open was 10
SPR is 2 and I haz an overpair (and a vulnerable one at that), so I'm feeling committed on the flop. Not really in love with downbet sizing when committed (leave that to big SPRs, imo), but maybe it got him to overvalue. Think I just jam now given how ~half the deck ain't exactly an awesum card for us.
I think it's fine to just flat call and see what he does on the turn, but I don't hate getting it iin.
Thought about this more after my post above.
I'm never folding to a min-click x/r on the flop, but it's probably worth taking a moment to think about what sort of hand double-flats pre, then min-check-raises this flop.
If we've been playing with V a while, and have reads on him, or if he's likely to think we're aggro enough to spaz-jam with all our over-pairs here, I might just flat call. This line sort of reeks of 1P + OESD, like 76 or 43, that might check to us on a brick turn, hoping we'll check back.
I don't know for certain what the highest EV play is here, but it seems like we might be able to either save ourselves $220 or make another $220 if we just flat call.
We can always call off if he jams turn on a brick, and sometimes we'll be ahead. But if we jam flop, he's going to call with all his 2P+, and possibly some worse hands, but he might also fold those worse hands, whereas if we flat call, he might jam turn with them, or check with them.
If the turn is another low connected card, and he jams, I think we can find a fold.
At 300 eff, V has taken two to the face and has called preflop getting 6-1 IO OOP? And he xr the flop?
Even with our downbet, which I don't love in this spot with JJ, I think we have compressed his range to 88+. I would prefer to call here and hope for a broadway turn that will slow him down.
This is a gross spot. Overall I'm trying to get to a cheap showdown here, which may not be possible.