Ain't no party like a DKB party
Greetings Everyone,
Plan is simple but hard to achieve 10k€ in the bank+bankroll and ~+2k$ income/monthly from poker.
After unexpected success in my first blog, where I succeed in making 1k$ profit in a month playing 25nl.
Wanted to continue keep myself accountable and have a good place for reflection.
In this blog I will be posting:
-Weekly updates (Result Graph,Sessions,RB,Interesting HH)
-Weekly goals and plans (upfront)
-Monthly updates
-Monthly goals and plans (upfront)
About me, I'm 26 year old male from Latvian and currently working full-time job(15days a month, 12h shifts). For now I'm playing 25nl PartyPoker Regular/Zoom tables and have a rakeback ~25%. In future might look into other options but for now I'm satisfied with 25nl pool of PartyPoker. Will be using aggressive bankroll management 20bi up with 2bi shots.
P.S. Will not end this blog until I achieve my goal, for how ever long it takes.
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or thinks I could do better is much appreciated.
Week 19 Recap
Weeks was going pretty well, but on Sunday after not getting the best sleep and focusing too much on Rake-Back goals had a very terrible session. Big issue with this -575$ session was me thinking I can push trough this variance and can still perform to break-even/winning level which was very faulty logic and cost me more. Did handle this big loss surprisingly good and even played later that day, so I will try to take positives from that and shot-taking 100nl doesn't seem that scary after this session. In Future will cut my session length to 90min max. Also will focus more on routine and quality of play rather the volume. Also decent concern is other Regs getting their Rake-back cut short to 20% max... Canadians/Brazilians/UK.
Cash: -184,3$
RB: +125$
Total: -59,3$
Cash Graph:
Some interesting hands:
Some positive message from other Reg:
(I guess action is drying up at 100nl and he want me to punt at 100nl, he did say play not win.)
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or things I could do better is much appreciated.
Week 20 Recap
Fine week, still running below EV and feeling like being unlucky...I guess hitting two straight flushes for all the money makes up for it but not really. In other news skipping work as I'm again semi-sick and will have next week completely free as well. Still working on my tendency of calling way to often. Also Been studying more then usual but could do a lot more and will try to use the spare free time smart. Overall better week then last one and small comeback in not the best month. Still a lot of work has to be done mental/strategy wise so I could be Full-time poker player (will try again 100nl at the start of October).
Cash: +181$
RB: +125$
Total: +306$
Cash Graph:
Some interesting hands:
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or things I could do better is much appreciated.
Week 21 Recap
Weeks was going great as I had all week free from work. But even if results look great on paper I'm very disappointed with how I played and handled Tilt. Played every day not being concern about taking days off and my game became worse starting Friday. Friday had 2 separate guys getting tilted and playing Semi-Paistings style which is great, but I came out short and that added to accumulated tilt/emotions. So the smart move would be to take a day off and reset, obviously I don't know what that means and results where as to be expected. Weekend was eye opening and as I was hoping to leave my gym at the start of November. From now forward I'm playing online cash maximum 3 days in a row.
In other news did have a little bit of fun playing some mtt and even binked one.
Next week (23.09-29.09) will work (Mon Tue Thu Fri) and hoping to play solid poker during weekend.
Cash: +261$
MTT: +295$
RB: +210$
Total: +766$
Cash Graph:
Some interesting hands:
(At the same time, lost both and Villain calmed down)
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or things I could do better is much appreciated.
Week 22 Recap
Decent week, had a lot of work so I took it much easier. Played few mtt while watching movies and made a nice profit. Happy with how I played for the most part, did make few dubious plays, noting too crazy or tilt related.
Next week will have work Thu and Wed, plan is to get back to solid grind and play around ~14k hands.
Cash: +67,67$
MTT: +202$
RB: +50$
Total: +319,67$
Cash Graph:
Some interesting hands:
Mtt Bink:
So good people are asking my opinion on strategy:
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or things I could do better is much appreciated.
Hi fellow partypoker player here, been following your blog for a while! Here's some thoughts on the spots
Biggest Win:
HH1: Vs 2 fish, thanks to the boys for letting me catch up, much appreciated.
Biggest Loss:
HH2: Vs Fish, in spots like these I feel like Reg are super value heavy and fish are bluff heavy (not sure just a feel).
HH3: Vs Aggro-Fish, over-card and fd seems loose but will do vs fish that was raising a lot thin and capable of folding, being OOP decent to go all-in.
HH4: Vs Maniac ,that lost few big pots and started to play in semi-Paistings mode.
Biggest Bluff:
HH5: Vs Reg and fish, this reg has sizing tells postflop and is risk averse. having said that I got scared when he didn't snap fold but after 10sec he folded.
Biggest Hero:
HH6: Vs Fun Player(in-between Fish/Sh**-Reg), my read was that he is loose pre, but not capable of going for thin value post, I put him on Jx or 8x and a lot of knowing he has wide range on scary board seemed to me like an easy call.
Biggest Punt:
HH7: Vs Sh**-Reg, that I have note ''Never Bluff''
Hi fellow partypoker player here, been following your blog for a while! Here's some thoughts on the spots
Hi, thanks for your thoughts, much appriated and I agree with everything you said.
Have we played each other? If yes, hope im winning 😃
Are the reg sizing tells meaning they size for their hand strength or they size for your (perceived) hand?
He sizes for his hand strenght (and avoids big bluffs , maybe because im a station, but haven't seen him bluffing much against other regs) while at the same time he is well studied preflop and has balanced approach.
Will go for 100nl again this month, so say 'hi' when you see me 😃
The last few shots did not work according to plan and Im -900$ at 100nl(scarded money). But my BR is deeper now and having had -550$ day and +850$ in September 100nl does not look that scary.
GL man you will defo stick the landing eventually the 50 and 100 pools are really similar, just bigger BR swings but you sound ready for those
Plenty of those reg types who have studied preflop charts but don’t apply lot of pressure post
Adding 1 table of next stake and doing 1/2 buy in shot helps me get confidence tbh
Week 23 Recap
Great week, ran golden and feels great. I know this is not sustainable but still gonna enjoy it. For September made a promise not to play higher then 50nl, so was eager to take my shot on first free day of October. Mental was in better spot as I had +850$ day and -550$ day in September, BR was also much deeper. Happy and surprised of how well it went. Will continue to play 100nl and keep improving my game.
As far as my week went...
Monday decided to take it slow and play few mtt for fun, binked one out of three to end September on a high. Tuesday Wednesday work. Thursday Friday one session each, as I had date with GF and Live mtt in which I lost early. Saturday Sunday it was time for online cash, ran great and had two of my biggest winning day back to back (online cash only).
Next week will have work Tuesday, Thursday and Friday... Monday will take it slow, study, play some cash/mtt. Same for Wednesday. And Saturday Sunday plan to put in decent amount of time in Online cash 50nl/100nl.
Cash: +1936$
MTT: +570$
RB: +100$
Live: -80$ (euro)
Total: +2526$
Cash Graph:
Some interesting hands:
Mtt Bink:
Chat Game:
Vs Reg
Vs Reg from first hand (33)
Don't take Cash-out:
(They got all-in OTT and guy took cash-out with 1 out)
Thanks for reading.
Any feedback about how I played or things I could do better is much appreciated.
Blog Update
29.10. is my last employment day.
Very excited and happy to finally go for it. A little bit rushed, but my work is getting more dreadful by each passing day. Will see what I can achieve when I put full focus in poker.
Blog Update
29.10. is my last employment day.
Very excited and happy to finally go for it. A little bit rushed, but my work is getting more dreadful by each passing day. Will see what I can achieve when I put full focus in poker.
Good luck!! Been following the blog since the start. You will crush it I'm sure!
That's great news! What kind of job are you leaving?
good to take a risk then and going pro 😀
I am also stuck in those entry type of jobs (tried different areas) but now hopefully on a good way by switching to Cash Games mainly and most important for me, being consistent. Last year had a lot of free time and managed to only play ~3000 MTT which is a shame given how long and alone the winter was 😃 But lesson learned.
You've had a remarkable growth this year. Best of luck (and discipline) going full-time pro!
You've had a remarkable growth this year. Best of luck (and discipline) going full-time pro!
Big Thanks, Dante!
Discipline is what I'm most worried about, not that much about putting in the volume (because im obsessed with playing), but more about study/habits.
Will see how I manage, at the end of the day... You are the only person who can make this work, and you are the only person who can mess this up.
Great progress bro, keep crushing in the future.
GL going pro
Blog Update
29.10. is my last employment day.
Very excited and happy to finally go for it. A little bit rushed, but my work is getting more dreadful by each passing day. Will see what I can achieve when I put full focus in poker.
You seem extremely solid from your posts so I have every faith you can do this technically. I would guess mental game will be the biggest hurdle, dealing with the ups and downs of poker, if you can do that long term and keep pushing forward you got this I'm sure. GL, will be rooting for you 😀
You seem extremely solid from your posts so I have every faith you can do this technically. I would guess mental game will be the biggest hurdle, dealing with the ups and downs of poker, if you can do that long term and keep pushing forward you got this I'm sure. GL, will be rooting for you 😀
Thanks for support, mate!
Have been putting more and more focus into my mental game lately. Trying to understand myself, what triggers me and so on. At this point I feel like work on mental is higher EV then working on my technical side.
You might be the first and last one to call me that lol.