Omaha Accountability Thread

Omaha Accountability Thread

I'm making this thread mainly to hold myself accountable so I don't tilt.

I'm currently playing PLO 10 and have been having some success this month. I turned my $200 bankroll into over $500, but earlier today I tilted off $100 chasing after a 1 buy in loss :(

I feel that if I make my results public using this thread I will be less likely to do this type of thing in the future

I will also post hands if people are interested

A little bit more about me:

I have been playing poker for a bit over a year now. I started out playing hold em cash on my phone, but after blowing around $100 I decided to switch to play money on poker stars. I was a losing player in play money for a few months before I finally turned my 15000 free chips into around 3 million. After this I began to play NL 2 and turned my $20 deposit into around $80. Unfortunately I had a losing session one day and then tilted off that money + a little more playing NL25. I then switched my focus to plo for the first time, but was ultimately just a losing player at plo5 and could never really get off the ground. After this I swtiched my focus primarily to tournaments. I had some success early on, final tabling a few, and winning a few, but would go through long droughts where it seemed I would take a bad beat every tournament for weeks and months on end. I was playing, and mostly losing, in tournaments until about 2 months ago when I fully shifted my focus back to PLO cash. This has been a great decision for me and I have been consistently winning for over 20000 hands so far. Today was my first losing session in over a month.

In terms of studying, I have read a couple of Jeff Hwang's books, and also Jnandez's book. Both have been incredibly helpful to my game. I also have read a lot of hold em books, but I found that none of them were as heavy on strategy as the PLO books. I also used to study using GTO Wizard for hold em tournaments. I'm thinking about investing in a PLOGenius subscription, would be interested to know if anyone has found this site useful. Any tips around study methods would be appreciated. my study to play ratio at the moment is probably 1/99, even though I find that whenever I do study I experience a massive boost in my game. I think one of the things I struggle with is that I can read a book in a day or two, find that I'm applying what I learnt when I play, and it feels like I don't really need to study any more, since I'm now winning at greater rate than before. Would be interested in some advice on how to approach studying/ what studying really is.

Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to rebuild some of my bankroll, I will keep in mind that it may take a few days and try not to rush and then tilt trying to get it all back at once. I will not buy in to PLO50 or PLO100 trying to get it all back. I will play PLO10 and steadily get it back the same way I got it in the first place.

I also will update the thread daily.

I might post some hands tomorrow, I need to learn how to do that though.

Also I'm a bit nervous that people may discover who I am through this thread and get insights into my game.

Hopefully people will read this and be able to give me some advice.

Poker goals:

Study more

Do not tilt

Do not lose


28 September 2024 at 12:47 PM

38 Replies


Nice job with the bankroll increase. As you know, PLO is a very swingy game and you can easily have a downswing of 10+ buy-ins in a short amount of time even when you are doing things correct. So, while tilting away a bunch of buy-ins is never ideal in any format, it's going to *really* hurt you in this format.

I've only used PLO Master Mind to study, but it's been tremendously helpful - so I can recommend that. All of the good players I know of spend more studying than playing. Study a lot, then have some shorter focused sessions and make time to review your play. It's more useful to study and get good in the most common spots than studying some more esoteric spots that don't occur often. It's important to study GTO. It's even more important to understand what adjustments you need to make against the player pool. When you study solver solutions, you want to understand *why* its using certain cards to build its strategy as opposed to trying to memorize specific combinations. Once you develop a good set of heuristics, you'll be better equipped to navigate unfamiliar situations. Study spots and take notes on the macro-overview.

Because of rake, at 10PLO you probably need to play tighter than what's optimal. And for the same reason, it would be good if you could find a way to play higher stakes sooner (i.e. save up for a bigger bankroll to play with). Although the practice will still be ok.


Daily update:

Went down in stakes and played some 5PLO. Dropped 5 buy ins, mostly bad beats. Haven't been running great. I guess it should be expected since I've been running so good lately. I noticed I haven't been tilting much the past few weeks, but it's a lot easier when I'm runnning good.

Also I played a few MTTs today. Was playing well and running well in a couple until inevitably I took a bad beat and busted out just outside the cash. If I had won these I hands I would have definitely cashed, had a really good shot at going on a deep run, final tabling ,and potentially winning. I find MTTs exhausting at this point and probably won't be playing many in the future. Busting out when I have my opponent drawing to 5 outs and under just sucks. It's happened so many times at this point and I'm kind of just done. I did cash in one but busted out early in the cash and never really had much of a chance of winning.

My focus from now on will be purely PLO cash, even though it is tempting to try and bink a 1 or 2 dollar tournament for a couple hundred or so.

Hopefully will get back to running good soon

Hey thanks for the reply and advice

I'm thinking I'll buy a PLOgenius subscription, since it's cheaper than PLO master mind, and I'll have a 1 - 2 hour study session after my play sessions. I'll also spend some more time analysing hands post session.

What do you think would be a sufficient bankroll to play at 25PLO ? I was thinking I wouldn't move up until my bankroll was at around $1000 or 40 buy ins.

Played a short session of 5PLO and got another 2 buy ins back. Would have been 3 but was coolered at the end, nut flush vs second nut flush. Things happen fast in PLO. This is something I need to remember.

What are people's opinions on calling/ betting with a non nut flush? I know this is something you are technically not supposed to do in PLO, but I find I rarely get in trouble for it, and it seems to be an EV positive decision over all. Maybe at higher stakes I would be getting coolered more often, but at these stakes I'm mostly running into bluffs and worse flushes. Also if we are both holding a flush draw it's less likely for the flush to hit in the first place? So if the flush draw hits it's less likely that my opponent also has the same flush draw?

Good luck! Making your results public is unlikely to prevent your tilt. Gotta just internalize the fact that whatever money you have left over, on the account, after your downswing etc. is worth protecting. You might still get frustrated, but at least there’s not that YOLO everything into higher stakes bs.

Daily Update:

Only played around 200 hands of 10PLO today. Went up 400bb. Dont't really know why I was freaking out about the 1000bb downswing. Wasn't really in a good headspace I guess. Also on that day I had played for 10 hours only to end up down by 100bb. I then played for another 2 hours or so and dropped 9 more buy ins. I think I would rather play shorter sessions where I play well, than long sessions where I'm enevitably going to be playing worse towards the end of the session. Trying to find a healthy balance of putting in a decent amount of volume without sacrificing the quality of my play

Also played in an omaha tournament. Was running well and playing well until 2 of the shorter stacks went all in. I tried to squeeze one of the larger stacks out of the hand. He called me off with a 3 card, double suited rundown plus a jack, versus my double suited 99TJ, same suits. Short stacks had KK and AA hands. Larger stack won the whole thing. Assuming the larger stack folds I think it was worth a gamble but eh. Should've just folded

Forgot to post yesterday. I went down by a few 10PLO buy ins to kick the day off. Bought in to 25PLO a little tilted and dropped another buy in. 2 of these buyins were 50/50s. One the opponent didn't wanna run twice, which I hate, the second was run twice and I lost both runs. Took a break, ate some food, then played 25PLO for around 5 hours until I finally ended the day $50 in profit. Felt good. Going to try and not feel too guilty about playing 25PLO from time to time. I feel I'm semi well rolled for those stakes as long as I'm not dropping and chasing 4-5 buy ins. Going to run a 1 buy in stop loss for 10/25.

Today I played 10PLO went up around 3-4 buy ins, lost it all back, running pretty bad, and having all my bluffs called. Bought in to 25PLO and went up 2-3 buy ins and ended the day $50 in profit. Running at 20bb plus at 25PLO. Feels good.

Don't have an accurate way of tracking my hands to see my true results atm. I had the trial for PT4 when I used to play on pokerstars, but it never worked on my mac, at least for HUD. Anyone know of any good pokertracking software? Mainly just to make a graph of my results so I can see EV, rakeback etc

Also I haven't been studying at all. Not sure if I should feel guilty about this. I only really have time for either a decent play session or a decent study session since I work during the day. Might nominate one day of the week to be a study day. The times where I'm most motivated to study is when I'm losing. When I'm winning it just feels like my time is better spent playing. I wanna take advantage of this upswing. I know it's mathematically wrong to think this, but I've been on some absolutely brutal downswings in the past and I just wanna make the most of running good. I'm also playing good imo, but I can't lie about how good I'm running. Feels good

Went on a huge downswing then a huge upswing. ended session 1 of the day up $10. Then bought in to 3 10PLO tables, played heads up at 2 while I waited for tables to open. Went down 2 buy ins playing heads up. I hate playing heads up and will try to avoid it at all costs from now on. I hate it so so so ****ing much. I've never won a single buy in playing heads up. Usually just try to keep losses low while I wait for people to join or other tables to open. Bought in to a few 25PLO tables and ended up losing a buy in against a straddling fish, top set got cracked by a 9 high flush. I hate so many aspects of this game and the people who play it. -$40 for the day. Hate this ****

Played another short session and went up a few buy ins. Finishing the day and going to sleep now. Down $12. Not bad and should be able to get back up tomorrow. I wanna make sure I'm not dropping a ton of buy ins to start off the day and then chasing for hours the rest of the session. I'll make sure I'm in the right headspace before I start playing. I feel so much different now than I did a few hours ago. If I didn't have to go to sleep and work tomorrow I'm pretty confident I could keep playing and run it up quite a bit. But work comes first atm. Also I'm kind of paranoid my opponents will be able to figure out who I am from this thread and gain insights into my game, so I might stop posting here. Might just keep a personal journal or something, since I do find posting in this thread useful. PLO is still a pretty small community compared to NL, and it's really not hard to figure out who people are from little details. I was always kind of confused why people are so willing to give out info on this forum, even posting hands they've played in, which I'm super reluctant to do, and I probably never will. Since It seems like no one is reading this anyway I might keep posting here, but it might be more wise to just keep a journal where I go over mental game things. Plus I would be more willing to talk strategy privately with myself than post it publicly. I actually think talking strategy with people who are likely your own opponents is ****ing stupid

by HaiTekk k

Played another short session and went up a few buy ins. Finishing the day and going to sleep now. Down $12. Not bad and should be able to get back up tomorrow. I wanna make sure I'm not dropping a ton of buy ins to start off the day and then chasing for hours the rest of the session. I'll make sure I'm in the right headspace before I start playing. I feel so much different now than I did a few hours ago. If I didn't have to go to sleep and work tomorrow I'm pretty confident I could keep playing

I understand the concern with being targeted for sharing information, but I sort of doubt that this will actually happen in reality. To me, it feels like 10PLO players aren't going to come across your thread and figure out a bunch of exploits on you. Consider this - if there are a set of players who are playing a bad strategy, those players aren't putting in the extra effort to learn a good strategy. Therefore, I think it's unlikely they put in any effort to search a random player in their pool and find some small sample of hand histories he's shared online *and* figure out how to exploit him based on that. For the players who *are* already playing a good strategy, they're likely not to do the same as their time is better spent studying and they'll likely just figure out what you're doing wrong just by playing with you. That's not to say you should or shouldn't share hand histories - that's your choice. I just think the reasoning isn't great.

To put it into perspective, I'll share my experience. I have the same concerns. I play a bit higher at 100PLO on reg tables - people can search my name and find me on here. But, I'm sort of doubting the 50-90% vpip players are going to find my hand histories. And if they do, I don't think they'll take anything meaningful from them. And as for the few people that have decent stats, this is also not a concern if I'm playing a good strategy. They'll take any information they need from the hands we play and I don't think their strategy is great in the first place.

Think about the high stakes players that are streaming their games with hole cards shown - if they're not concerned, I'm not sure we should be either in a similar situation.

On another note, you mentioned that playing is a priority over studying. My 2 cents is that you should reverse that. Since you don't have a lot of time to both study and play, I would take more days to study and then a day to have one good, committed session. I'm just saying this because there is so much to learn if you haven't been studying a lot already and you've mentioned how much it benefits you.

I don't know how to contribute here as of yet.

1) What is your bankroll? Is it fixed or just 'play money' that you take out of your left pocket and put into your right poket?

2) How long are your typical sessions? Are they fixed? Are you table selecting and/or cutting your sessions short when the game is not to your style?

3) You say you are tilting off BI .. don't really see a hand breakdown (other than tournament) to know what you consider tilt?

4) You need to study .. or at least get an equity App on your phone to check certain spots.

5) Bad trips? Bad Aces? Underboats? 7-9 high Flush draws? Too much play from out-of-position? Do you know what all that means? How much of a 'Reg' Player Pool are you playing in?

Position is a huge element of PLO .. check your stats for each position at the table if you can on your site. Check your Showdown stats and how often do you end up folding to a C/R?

Lots of Players play PLO like a bull .. I play more like a bird, peck, peck, peck and then nail um with the nuts. The closer you are to a true equity Player the larger your bankroll needs to be. I've lost 5-6 BI in a session and played very well before the session variance turned around and found profit by the end.

Poker/Cards doesn't 'owe' you anything even if you are playing 'perfect'. You just have to know/trust that the numbers will level out. YOU need to know what your numbers are before you can hold yourself accountable for anything. Your current results may be exactly what you 'deserve' based on your play and until you know where you are here for just a diary rather than holding yourself 'accountable' to a standard. GL

Going to make a daily update later. I bought pokercopilot mainly just to analyse some hands and look at graphs. It's a janky, buggy mess that doesn't even work. I bought it because I could never get pt4 to work on mac, and pokercopilot worked straight away for HUD. But it honestly just sucks. Waste of money imo, unless you play on a hud supported site. On that note GG was down for maintenance yesterday, so I thought I might play on stars. There were literally 2 tables of 10PLO running. Is stars dying? Or PLO isn't popular on that site? It was honestly a little scary. Like seeing a glimpse into the future where poker has lost all popularity. PS desktop client made me feel like I was living 2005 as well. I didn't really wanna reveal where I play, but I guess it's pretty obvious since other sites don't even have the player base to support multiple tables and stakes of PLO?

If anyone has any tips on how to get pokercopilot working properly let me know. I have an M1 macbook pro. Crashes when I wanna see my EV graph. Yesterday I could see BR graph but today it freezes

by answer20 k

I don't know how to contribute here as of yet.

1) What is your bankroll? Is it fixed or just 'play money' that you take out of your left pocket and put into your right poket?

2) How long are your typical sessions? Are they fixed? Are you table selecting and/or cutting your sessions short when the game is not to your style?

3) You say you are tilting off BI .. don't really see a hand breakdown (other than tournament) to know what you consider tilt?

4) You need to study .. or at least get an eq

1. My bankroll in the past didn't really exist. I would just play with spare money. Deposit $50, boot up 2 tables 25PLO, run it up to $100+, lose it all the next day, do that couple times again, feel like **** that I lost too much money, stop playing. Recently, a few months ago, I decided to become more disciplined. Deposited $100 and played 5PLO until it was at $220. I had a bad day and lost a couple buy ins at 10PLO. I then went for the "poker martingale". I bought in at 25PLO, busted. Bought in at 50PLO, busted. Bought in at 100PLO, busted. This was really dumb I know, but I've done it in the past and it worked. As with the martingale you will always lose eventually. I reloaded my whole bankroll, then ran that up to $500. When I started this thread I was at $400 bankroll, decided to top it back up to $500, and now I'm sitting at around $650. So I'm basically even. Would be up by quite a bit without the martingale day. Basically a fixed bankroll at this point, but I can afford to top it up if I need. I would prefer not to, and hope to become a semi semi pro at some point soon and start taking money out to buy things.

2. Sessions last from 1 hour to 2-3 hours. I'll take a break after a couple hours or if I feel the games are getting a little stale, I'm losing focus, need to pee, wanna eat, need caffeine etc. So no fixed times or length, I just play when I wanna play.

3. I'm playing too many hands, calling too many 3 bets, chasing bad draws, too confident in bad hands, bluffing too much and too aggressively.

4. I honeslty need to do more research into what kind of study schedule I should be following. I've studied in the past by reading books, and re reading certain parts when i want to refresh. Jnandez's book is really detailed and helpful. After certain hands I'll go back to the book and see what he says about playing certain styles of hands on certain boards etc. I thought buying pokercopilot may help me to break down hands, but its a pos. Will get access to a PLO solver at some point and start studying spots post session, and may dedicate a couple days per week to study after work. It's not like I've never studied, It's just not currently a part of my routine, but I will work on that

5. Yes I know what all of that means. I would say at a 6 max table, there will be 1 or 2 legit reg players, 2 decent recs, and usually 2 or 3 complete fish.

I had a look in pokercopilot at what my best and worst seats are. It looks like I'm profitable from every seat but the big blind, which I think would be expected since I technically have to lose money there? Also there's a glitch saying I won millions of bb from the sb. Don't know if GG sabotages their packs so it's hard to analyse on other software or if co pilot is just trash. I defend my BB pretty wide and it seems like I may be defending a little too wide? I'll so some deeper analysis and calculate how much I would be losing if I never defended at all vs how much I'm losing defending.

Thanks for the reply and and advice 😀

by okseaj k

I understand the concern with being targeted for sharing information, but I sort of doubt that this will actually happen in reality. To me, it feels like 10PLO players aren't going to come across your thread and figure out a bunch of exploits on you. Consider this - if there are a set of players who are playing a bad strategy, those players aren't putting in the extra effort to learn a good strategy. Therefore, I think it's unlikely they put in any effort to search a random player in their pool

What kind of study schedule do you think I should be following? What does a typical study session look like for you? I know you have access to PLO Mastermind so I'm guessing you're going through video courses etc.? If I had access to more study material I think I would study a lot more, but atm I'm a little nervous about dropping so much money per month on a mastermind subscription. There probably are some free resources on Youtube that I could look up, I've always been more of a reader. though. And I've read what I would consider the 2 best PLO books out. I'll look into getting access to a solver and begin using that.

I figured out what's wrong with co pilot. There's some glitch that says I've won millions of big blinds sitting in the small blind. So if I remove small blind from my stats it will display. But it gets stuck trying to display millions

Daily Update:

Playes 2500 hands of 10PLO. Break even day. Don't feel too bad about it though. Wasn't running great. Lost a lot of 50/50s that were either only run once, or run twice and I lost both runs. Felt completely emotionless today and didn't make any decisions based on emotion. Pure psychopath play today. Would have been nice to end in the profit, but I guess I grinded some of my rakeback up and got some cash dollar rewards for volume.

by HaiTekk k

What kind of study schedule do you think I should be following? What does a typical study session look like for you? I know you have access to PLO Mastermind so I'm guessing you're going through video courses etc.? If I had access to more study material I think I would study a lot more, but atm I'm a little nervous about dropping so much money per month on a mastermind subscription. There probably are some free resources on Youtube that I could look up, I've always been more of a reader. though

Ah yeah, to be fair I forgot that you didn't have access to any solver tools when I wrote that - sorry. For me, I try to study 2-4 hours a day (although I'm not always as focused or efficient as I should be). So, for a study session, I'll look at some hands that I marked out from the previous session and run them through the solver to see if I did something wrong or my opponent did. Then I'll review that same spot with other hands and try to get an overall understanding of how it should be played. I'll watch some videos to learn some new concepts. And then I'll run through some other hand training. For preflop training, I'll do 100 hands from each position. For postflop, I'll choose a certain board I want to learn better and do 100 hands of training and then multistreet play if available. Then I take notes on that specific board and try to describe the macro approach I think the solver is using. I'll also go through population hands and try to see if I can find any tendencies that stand out in their play.

If you had access to a solver, I would recommend doing the same - studying hands you marked, trying to understand the macro strategy, and taking notes. Review the notes every day and find a way to test yourself. If you only had 2 hours each day to dedicate to poker, I would either do an hour of study and then an hour of play or dedicate a few days to studying and then some longer sessions.

Daily Update:

Day was going good, went up 7 buy ins. Took a break, came back. Ended up losing a buy in to a 2 out bad beat, then it was all down hill. Ended up losing 7 more buy ins. Combination of bad beats and and just getting it all in in bad shape. Also a couple 50/50s where I lost both runs, which has been happening way too much. Gonna take a break and maybe play more later. I'm down 1 buy in for the day

Lost about $200 playing higher stakes. A lot of fish at those stakes playing way too many bad hands. I took some really bad beats and bankroll is now down to $400. I honestly feel I'm a lot better than these players but variance always exists so it's important to be properly rolled. I might add some money to my bankroll and start playing 25PLO as my main stakes as I feel 10PLO is pretty reg heavy where as the higher up stakes you go you find a lot more whales throwing away their money. I'll post the hands I played at higher stakes

Pot Limit Omaha $0.50/$1.00
7 players
Formatted by Poker HUD...

UTG - UTG ($217.67)
UTG+1 - UTG+1 ($122.20)
MP - MP ($216.23)
CO - CO ($101.86)
BTN - BTN ($79.19)
SB - SB ($114.19)
BB - Hero ($100.00)

Preflop: ($1.50, 7 players) Hero is BB with A Q T Q
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to $2.00, 1 fold, CO calls $2.00, 1 fold, SB calls $1.50, Hero raises to $8.00, UTG+1 calls $6.00, CO calls $6.00, SB calls $6.00

Flop: 3 9 9 ($32.00, 4 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $23.00, 2 folds, SB raises to $101.00, Hero calls $69.00 (all-in), Uncalled bet of $9.00 returned to SB

Turn: 5 ($216.00, 2 players)

River: A ($216.00, 2 players)

Total Pot: $216.00
SB shows 9 8 8 5 (Three Nines)
Hero shows A Q T Q (Pair of Queens and Pair of Nines)

SB wins $213.00

Poker co pilot formatting is bad but villain had full house and I had nut flush

Pot Limit Omaha $0.25/$0.50
6 players
Formatted by Poker HUD...

UTG - UTG ($61.02)
MP - MP ($51.99)
CO - CO ($143.74)
BTN - BTN ($26.33)
SB - SB ($5.56)
BB - Hero ($50.00)

Preflop: ($0.75, 6 players) Hero is BB with T 4 A K
1 fold, MP raises to $1.00, 1 fold, BTN calls $1.00, 1 fold, Hero calls $0.50

Flop: 9 A A ($3.25, 3 players)
Hero checks, MP bets $2.44, BTN calls $2.44, Hero calls $2.44

Turn: J ($10.57, 3 players)
Hero checks, MP bets $5.29, 1 fold, Hero raises to $26.44, MP raises to $48.55 (all-in), Hero calls $20.12 (all-in), Uncalled bet of $1.99 returned to MP

River: T ($103.69, 2 players)

Total Pot: $103.69
MP shows A K 7 J (Aces Full over Jacks)
Hero shows T 4 A K (Three Aces)

MP wins $101.69

I honestly don't think I would see anyone open raising a monotone hand at 10PLO or calling a 3 bet with a terrible 88 hand. Hopefully I can get to playing higher stakes with a proper roll soon, because these players are just so bad. Feels bad to lose quite a lot of money but good to know that I can destroy these stakes in the future if this is what I'm going to be facing

For the 50PLO hand I either thought he had 99 which I can potentially bluff him off, since me having AJ is pretty likely, or just thin air, maybe a flush draw, it just sucks I was in a low probability situation where we both had an ace and he had made a full house. Not even joking I never see anyone at 10PLO opening with monotone hands. I thought everyone knew just to fold these hands immediately. For the 100PLO hand I can kind of understand he had decent odds to try and flop a set and maybe I would also make that call, honestly just feel I got unlucky in both of these hands and didn't really make a massive mistake or get outplayed in anyway. I could have put my opponent on a 33 type hand since he would be calling with some 33 hands from the small blind. In retrospect it's probably a fold
