Preflop ranges changes with increasing stacks
Do they keep changing forever as stacks increase or do they settle at some point?
Let's take BB 3bet range vs BU as an example.
The changes comming from very short stack, to 100bb to 200bb is clear. With 200bb, we see the GTO raising a lot more of suited hands compared to 100bbs, including both big and more lower speculative ones, instead of big off suited hands.
But what happens after we keep increasing the stacks to the infinite?
I don't see much incentive for BB to keep changing his range tbh, once stacks are really deep is clear they will prefer to 3bet hands with good playability postflop.
I guess what could change more is responding to 4bets and so on as preflop action continued but yeah that's the question.
Another extreme example could be comparing 500bb ranges to 1000bb ranges and see what's happening there, I don't know if there are computers powerful enough to do such work though?
Thanks in advanced!
2 Replies
Fun question.
The effects of stack depth tend to level off after a while, as there are fewer reasonable opportunities for IP to leverage that extra stack depth. Plenty of hands stack off 20bb deep. Very few hands stack off 200bb deep.
Let's examine how strategies change in a HU cash game as you change the stack depth:

BB vs 2.5x RFI:

Winrate: (rakeless) - you can see it increases quickly at first then levels off. Generally HU win rates roughly scale with the log of the pot.

Fun question.
The effects of stack depth tend to level off after a while, as there are fewer reasonable opportunities for IP to leverage that extra stack depth. Plenty of hands stack off 20bb deep. Very few hands stack off 200bb deep.
Let's examine how strategies change in a HU cash game as you change the stack depth:

BB vs 2.5x RFI:

Winrate: (rakeless) - you can see it increases quickly at first then levels off. Generally HU win rates roughly scale with the log of the pot.

Interesting thanks Tombos!