[CoinPoker] - Ex-Official - Bringing the Game Back to Players

[CoinPoker] - Ex-Official - Bringing the Game Back to Players

Hello Everyone,
This is the Official Thread of CoinPoker (previous thread)

CoinPoker: The Decentralized Poker Room Built for Players, by Players

Developed by an ambitious team of poker lovers, CoinPoker is a revolutionary platform that uses blockchain technology to address key issues in the poker industry. Despite being far from our vision for CoinPoker as the biggest poker room in the world, our team is proud to be the first project of its kind to deliver on the promises made during its ICO period.

Lengthy payment processing, limited transparency on fair play, as well as a blase attitude towards community feedback are just some of the prevalent problems in today’s online poker world. Since CoinPoker launched at the end of 2017, it has attracted a growing community of players and investors who share the same goal of bringing the game back to players.
Using Decentralized Technology to Ensure Fair Play
One of the key benefits of the blockchain movement is that it empowers users by adding transparency and convenience to traditional services. Poker rooms in particularly reserve the rights to hold player funds and release them at their own discretion, and as a result of complex payment systems simple transfers can be delayed by as much as weeks.

The Benefits of Cryptocurrency Powered Bets

All deposits, withdrawals, and bets on CoinPoker are powered by the cryptocurrency token CHP (Chips). The use of CHP speeds up payments, and gives players the ability to track payments to and from their account on the public Ethereum network.

CHP token holders are able to quickly move funds to and from their CoinPoker account, and for passionate advocates of the project it is a means to invest in the platform as it continues to grow and expand. It is also possible to exchange ETH tokens to CHP inside the CoinPoker app, making it as easy to acquire as one of the most popular assets on the crypto market.

Available on a growing list of exchanges including KuCoin and HitBTC, CHP tokens are in the process of being adopted by other gaming businesses in the near future.

Player Impact Shown on a Decentralized Random Number Generator (RNG)

Fast payment processing is not the only way CoinPoker wields decentralized technology for the benefit of the player. Random number generators (RNGs) used to shuffle decks in a variety of card games (poker included) have often been scrutinized by players as mysterious and, as a result, they are often approached with suspicion.

Trust is essential between a player and poker room for the experience to be optimal, which is why CoinPoker will be introducing a fully decentralized RNG this year. The feature will be the first of its kind in the poker industry, and will give players the possibility to view their impact on dealt hands in a visual dashboard alongside hand history.

Internationally Accessible on Desktop and Mobile

Players from all over the world are able to access our desktop client, and our launch of an Android app has already resulted in thousands of players hitting the tables while on the go. Coming soon is the release of the CoinPoker app for iOS, which we expect to release this summer.
CoinPoker’s Community-Centric Business Model
Central to our operations is carefully monitoring feedback from our players. The success of our ICO is owed to a diverse group of small and large investors, many of whom are now active players, and we feel a strong obligation to make sure their needs and wants are met.

This is why we have invested heavily in hosting epically proportioned promos from the get-go, in line with the promises made during the ICO period.

Millions of CHP Awarded in Large Scale Tournaments and Promotions

Since launching, CoinPoker players were given the opportunity to win a Tesla, collect over 400ETH in various tournament series like ETH Madness, participate in a 10,000,000 CHP Added Crypto Series of Poker (CSOP), and win millions of CHP in daily freerolls
and freebuys.

Introducing Rake after Operating Rake-Free Since the 2017 Launch

After boasting zero rake on games for over half a year, CoinPoker will be introducing rake as a means to facilitate future growth. The revenue will be allocated towards future promotions, development costs, and the funding of new and ongoing partnerships with leading poker associations to establish our brand and give players exciting opportunities to play across the globe.

Community is the Key to CoinPoker’s Success

If you’re an active player, investor, or curious passerby please feel welcome to [U][COLOR="Blue"]join our community on T... or [U][COLOR="blue"]check out our blog[/COL... for the latest news on promotions, app updates, and partnerships as CoinPoker reaches for the moon.

Our Community Manager Nathan will keep an Eye on this Thread so if you have any Questions regarding CoinPoker & CHP feel free to ask and He would be happy to help you.

We Thank you for being Part of Our Amazing Community,
The coinpoker team

You can check our One Pager here:

** Mod Edit - Previous official thread: https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/28/in...

) 54 Views 54
05 July 2018 at 04:51 PM

767 Replies


by PokerZil k

They gotta fix the RB system and quickly.

I really want to support this site, but just dont feel like playing when 33% rb of useless chp feels like 0% rb.

Yes I'm bascially done playing here until this is fixed or they change it to something like usdt rakeback, if it doesnt get fixed I'm done completely.

by GrouchyWalrus k

Can you run HM3, DH2, or H2N for other sites while disabling the HUD for Coinpoker? I have no interest on using it for Coinpoker but for Ignition or ACR i absolutely need it.

I asked and they said it's fine to run HM4 and intuitive tables. They respond to emails fast can ask if your worried.

by Mckittrick19 k

I asked and they said it's fine to run HM4 and intuitive tables. They respond to emails fast can ask if your worried.


Thanks for reaching out.

We don't allow any HUDs, trackers, or any other assisting software use.

Using such software can result in your account being banned indefinitely due to T&C violation.
We promote poker as a skill game without any help from external software.
The long term view of CoinPoker is that Heads up displays and trackers provide the player with an "unfair advantage" by giving them additional information that other players at the table do not have access too.

As such, they have only been permitted to use when the CoinPoker client is closed as a method of analysing previous hands, EV Graphs etc.
However, we appreciate that other online poker sites do permit them.

As such, we have relaxed our policy on this. Players are still not permitted to use a Heads up Display on CoinPoker, however, using a HUD/tracker on another site whilst the CoinPoker client is open will not trigger our automated security systems.

We must stress that using a Heads up Display on CoinPoker *will* still be considered a violation of our Terms and Conditions and may result in a temporary or permanent closure of your account.

We trust this explains our position on the matter, but should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

We appreciate your collaboration in understanding our rules.


CoinPoker Support Representative“

by GrouchyWalrus k


Thanks for reaching out.

We don't allow any HUDs, trackers, or any other assisting software use.

Using such software can result in your account being banned indefinitely due to T&C violation.
We promote poker as a skill game without any help from external software.
The long term view of CoinPoker is that Heads up displays and trackers provide the player with an "unfair advantage" by giving them additional information that other players at the table do not have access too.

As such, they have

Meanwhile, you can literally open every table as an observer and datamine it. This site has a lot of potential, but they're a complete joke as of now.

I do not like the fact that Jnandez has a PLO MM member only rakerace/ and other promotions totally separate from coin poker. This creates a super reg heavy environment and games are largely a bunch of regs playing to win LB. Makes the games complete trash.

two things:
rakeback is not good at all, please remove that nonsense chp thing and do as it has always been done in online poker.
As soon as you open your site, Messi and other players from the world champion Argentina national team appear.
You have one of the best known and loved people in the world as your sponsor, but it seems like no one knows it. in short, you are not using this collaboration 100%, I don't follow football much but I know people who live for football, they know everything about statistics, matches, gossip, etc. and no one knows this about you and Argentina/Messi.
But how many guys around the world would sign up to your room knowing about Messi...

Polygon fees are back to zero now - restart the client so it updates if you have it open

by Mckittrick19 k

Since you can't exchange chp for usdt any more and i can't cashout chp and convert it. Is there any reason to keep buying it?

It can be cashed out to a wallet - now zero fees again over Polygon - and swapped using Quickswap exchange to USDT. Understandably this is confusing for some players, we are going to produce a tutorial video with our ambassadors to explain the process.

In the longterm there are plan to overhaul how CHP works exactly which may help address some of the feedback ITT.

by Cubeblue k

I know people who live for football, they know everything about statistics, matches, gossip, etc. and no one knows this about you and Argentina/Messi.
But how many guys around the world would sign up to your room knowing about Messi...

We have more planned for this, we have done quite a bit of marketing on it but can always do more. Help us share the tweets Argentina made with your friends:


To some extent we're limited by the no. of tweets they agree to make but we'll order some more twitter ads and marketing. Currently we are on cardplayer, highstakesDB etc. with articles about this but can do more I agree.

by GrouchyWalrus k

Can you run HM3, DH2, or H2N for other sites while disabling the HUD for Coinpoker? I have no interest on using it for Coinpoker but for Ignition or ACR i absolutely need it.


by MicroDonkYT k

Meanwhile, you can literally open every table as an observer and datamine it. This site has a lot of potential, but they're a complete joke as of now.

IMO - probably tons of players using HUDs on CoinPoker, so it seems like a damned if you do damned if you don't kind of situation. All sites should just allow HUDs.

A non zero number of players are always going to figure out a way to use them, which puts "honest" players at a disadvantage.

This has even been seen on the regulated WSOP.com site (someone got caught ... but only because they were streaming). Not sure if there have been other cases.

I have had an issue with a deposit and sent a few emails to support but no one has contacted me. What is the turn around time to hear from support?

I'd like to play - but almost impossible to buy CHP (tried on a few exchanges for about an hour) - so let me know when they fix the issue. You should be able to buy and sell CHP on the site, or just get rid of that token all together and play for USDT.

I'm playing on Globalpoker for the time being.

by Coin_poker k

It can be cashed out to a wallet - now zero fees again over Polygon - and swapped using Quickswap exchange to USDT. Understandably this is confusing for some players, we are going to produce a tutorial video with our ambassadors to explain the process.

In the longterm there are plan to overhaul how CHP works exactly which may help address some of the feedback ITT.

Polygon withdrawal fee is ZERO now again. Thanks for you to help restore to 0 fee with polygon network!

by djevans k

I'd like to play - but almost impossible to buy CHP (tried on a few exchanges for about an hour) - so let me know when they fix the issue. You should be able to buy and sell CHP on the site, or just get rid of that token all together and play for USDT.

I'm playing on Globalpoker for the time being.

You could USE: quickswap, Uniswap, and if u make a wallet - simple swap with myetherwallet (MEW) on polygon network ( USD-T swap to CHP, but you need small amount MaTic(new coin name POL) in your wallet for network fees, but this really cheap.

by G-H-O-S-T k

You could USE: quickswap, Uniswap, and if u make a wallet - simple swap with myetherwallet (MEW) on polygon network ( USD-T swap to CHP, but you need small amount MaTic(new coin name POL) in your wallet for network fees, but this really cheap.

There is just no liquidity there - I can't even get someone to buy an ETH for it. It shows up as 0 tokens because no one selling them.

CoinPoker are gonna have to change something with this rakeback CHP thing, everyone on Reddit and here are complaing about it. Theres threads everyday on Reddit about these same issues. Why should we have hundred or thousands of $ stuck in CHP which cant be converted to money? Without being some crypto genius and using multiple mthods of getting it out. Please fix this and either make CHP->USDT swaps or better yet pay the rakeback in USDT and you will have a very vibrant site, this CHP thing is a comeplete farce and off putting for people plus makes the games worse, imagine if you made it easy how many more fish there would be.

I'm to lazy to create several new accounts and do swaps. Since chp is worthless to me will have to wait till to change it some how before i buy any more.

by Mckittrick19 k

I'm to lazy to create several new accounts and do swaps. Since chp is worthless to me will have to wait till to change it some how before i buy any more.

I guess you can't edit a post if you do quick reply. Was suppose to say since chp is worthless to me will have to wait till they change it some how before i buy any more. I'm sure a lot of people are like me and just leave the site. Unfortunately i play HU so this is about my only playing option.

if you can't figure out how to swap a token on a dex maybe a crypto poker site isn't for you

can u make those deposits again and ill be happy to help u get rid of the money

by freddy10-4 k

if you can't figure out how to swap a token on a dex maybe a crypto poker site isn't for you

I mean it's fairly simple but i really don't trust smart contracts. I dnt see why so many people do aswell.. if u can tell I'm not an eth maxi then good guess

by MicroDonkYT k

The reg to fish ratio is the worst I’ve ever seen on any site, on a hands played metric.


ETA: "Tell me you live in the USA without saying you live in the USA."

They used to have it so you could swap CHP to USDT for 5% vig in the client. They should have kept it.

Hey Guys! Make a mew myetherwallet wallet its about 5 min, set it to polygon network, send usdt on polygon with your cex (coinbase binance etc etc) to your mew wallet, swap your usdt to chp in mew wallet easy, and you could deposit with usdt than chp and thats it. Write an email to coinpoker support for delete your old connected wallet than connect your wallet with a deposit, add your mew wallet numbers and deposit. Thats it, in the future you can swap chp in your mew wallet, and use polygon network cheap and fast!

by freddy10-4 k

if you can't figure out how to swap a token on a dex maybe a crypto poker site isn't for you

Why do we have to? When we signed up they had a function to easily swap in client usdt to chp and back again. If you accrue chp as rakeback and then they suddenly disable the capability to get your usdt without jumping through absurd hoops (personally have 1k+ worth of usdt), then it’s basically misrepresentation and a scam it’s not even rakeback you’re just getting a discount and it paid into chp. There’s also no way random fish are going to be doing any of this ****, plus liquidity having rakeback in usdt the actual currency you play in would make the games infinitely better. This is just such poor execution from a brand that could actually get it right.
