POG Politics Thread Version 3

POG Politics Thread Version 3

Come on in! Since Dustin is taking his ball and going home, it's time to start a new politics thread.

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17 September 2020 at 09:34 PM

1664 Replies


If I were going to invest money in betting on the presidential race, I'm pretty sure I'd be loading up on Harris every time there is a big dip like that. I wouldn't be betting on Harris as much as I would be betting that Trump will do something so monumentally stupid that he'll torpedo his own chances.

he couldn't possibly do anything meaningfully more stupid than anything he's done before.

I mean the **** he's done before is so elite on the stupidity scale

"grab em by the pussy"

four seasons landscaping

stealing documents and selling them

trying to steal the election

Jan 6th

"COVID will be gone by easter"

I took a bullet for this country

partying with a pedo

stormy daniels


publicly hot for his daughter

claims to know more about more subjects than anyone

...... I mean this is all just of the top of my head. it's amazing the **** he gets away with

by filthyvermin k

he couldn't possibly do anything meaningfully more stupid than anything he's done before.

I mean the **** he's done before is so elite on the stupidity scale

"grab em by the pussy"

four seasons landscaping

stealing documents and selling them

trying to steal the election

Jan 6th

"COVID will be gone by easter"

I took a bullet for this country

partying with a pedo

stormy daniels


publicly hot for his daughter

claims to know more about more subjects than anyone

...... I mean this is all just of the top of my

I think that is a list of crap. You should have said "a lying convicted felon" which would be true.

Those are all sunk costs, filthy. None of them move the needle with the public at this point, because they're known. Despite all of them, we're more or less in a dead heat. It's going to take something new and different and stupid.

Of course that says a lot about how monumentally terrible Harris is as a candidate (and Biden before her), but still.

There is a reason the "hide in the basement" strategy worked for Biden in 2020 -- just shut up and hide and Trump will set his own house on fire. Kamala's version is to avoid interviews and policy discussions and such and just vibe her way to the job.

Do people "hate" Harris as much as they hated Hillary?

Feels like not but I could see the apathetic vote costing her at least some. Also will black men turn out to vote for a black woman?

Those are the deciding factors and everything else doesn't matter imo.

by Booker Wolfbox k

There is a reason the "hide in the basement" strategy worked for Biden in 2020 -- just shut up and hide and Trump will set his own house on fire. Kamala's version is to avoid interviews and policy discussions and such and just vibe her way to the job.

Kamala just did an interview with 60 Minutes that ****Face backed out of.

I think what she's doing is avoiding MSM interviews where the questions are all react to this ridiculous thing ****Face said at one of his Hate Rallys.

by filthyvermin k

he couldn't possibly do anything meaningfully more stupid than anything he's done before.

"immigrants are stealing/eating your pets" might be the hottest take of either campaign to date

possible runner-up: "we won't have a country anymore"

It looks like the swing states are going red...

25 days to go!

I actually think Harris is losing voters more than Trump winning them... She was such a bad decision after Biden dropping out. smh.

Wait wait Trump said something that actually resonates!

by Mark_K k

It looks like the swing states are going red...

25 days to go!

I actually think Harris is losing voters more than Trump winning them... She was such a bad decision after Biden dropping out. smh.

I would be surprised if Harris loses.

by Booker Wolfbox k

Wait wait Trump said something that actually resonates!

And nobody loves the poorly educated more than Trump and the GOP.

by TBobLP k

And nobody loves the poorly educated more than Trump and the GOP.

It is the trend by the powerful countries. Perhaps always has been.

Trump is the betting favorite again just barely

by A missread issue k

I would be surprised if Harris loses.

As would I, given the massive resources being deployed in her favor.

according to the state polls that I kinda looked at, and based on my memory of how the states go, it will end up like this... and all the gray states are polling as flips, within 1% of each other...

so Kamala will have win the PA flip, and then also have to win 2 of 3 flips

if I have all that right, which I don't. but I might?

oh, and she'll win the popular vote pretty easily, which means most Americans will vote for her, but she still might lose cuz lol at usa "democracy"

OMG, I agree with Filthy and his analysis. 😮

by Mark_K k

OMG, I agree with Filthy and his analysis. 😮

we should totally be a mainstream media announcing team on election night

by filthyvermin k

we should totally be a mainstream media announcing team on election night

You bet! 😀

Last week I was streaming the Pittsburgh Steelers football game. It was crazy that 70% of the commercials were political ads.

meanwhile in LA... maybe a Harris ad

by Mark_K k

You bet! 😀

Last week I was streaming the Pittsburgh Steelers football game. It was crazy that 70% of the commercials were political ads.

meanwhile in LA... maybe a Harris ad

yeah! I was watching an Ohio one, and the political ads were insane! non stop. and it was all like "she wants to give illegals sex changes"

by filthyvermin k

according to the state polls that I kinda looked at, and based on my memory of how the states go, it will end up like this... and all the gray states are polling as flips, within 1% of each other...

so Kamala will have win the PA flip, and then also have to win 2 of 3 flips

if I have all that right, which I don't. but I might?

The polls are just weird. I saw one yesterday that had Harris +3 in PA and Trump +3 in MI. If anything I'd expect the exact opposite. I don't think Harris will lose MI, WI or NV.

Then again, that map has Harris winning Idaho, so ...

oops!!! lol I meant to put Idaho for trump duh! total blunder... good spot!

I think it's gonna be easier for Harris to win one or 2 of those reds than it is for trump to win one of the blues.

an extreme example is Texas and CA. it's more likely Harris wins Texas than it is for trump to win CA

Lots of Californians have been moving to Idaho so it's in play

by Luckbox Inc k

Lots of Californians have been moving to Idaho so it's in play

Also the DNC is plotting to send a hurricane through all the reddest Idahoan communities as we speak.
