Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

Post if you want in, ideally 8 people but the normal game - guess your stuff and ideally go fast bolding away a guess at a time(Snapguess + guess + etc). Spirit of the game is to just bold away at what you think, keep 0-1 max backup and go quick.

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22 December 2021 at 07:01 AM

3691 Replies


Jupiter/Belt/Revolution seem good.

Not sure I get the band connection for reason for plural (though I don't know what the reason could be). If it were capitalized, Asteroids Galaxy Tour is a band, but that might be obscure. So not really sure what the fourth would be. I'd rather go back to espionage for China and/or Jack.

by eyebooger k

Not sure I get the band connection for reason for plural (though I don't know what the reason could be). If it were capitalized, Asteroids Galaxy Tour is a band, but that might be obscure. So not really sure what the fourth would be. I'd rather go back to espionage for China and/or Jack.

it's the same connection as belt. or row. plural has been used to try to hit row a few times before

but i'm fine going back to the first clue as well

don't think he can capitalize for something that obscure if he needs to avoid words related to the game


start with these?

Ok with that


red x3

I think we have a better shot at getting the remaining ones from the first clue rather than shooting for the last one for this clue.

I'm good with Jack next and I guess we should find another

I like China, maybe even more than Jack.

I'm okay if we say both here.

Tho I don't dislike the row idea for why it's plural

by AmazingErvin k

Tho I don't dislike the row idea for why it's plural

I don't hate it either; I just think our odds are better trying to get 2 espionage words here.

i'm cool with whatever

are jack/china clearly better than sub?

Feel I like sub more than china but idk, they had that spy balloon recently so maybe it's a fine guess

I can be swayed pretty easily here

by insanity31 k

i'm cool with whatever

are jack/china clearly better than sub?

To me, yes. But it's not by a ton and I wouldn't be surprised if one of jack/china was wrong and sub was right.


i guess i prefer jack/china too. hopefully it's 2 reds and a neutral


1. Really didn’t expect y’all to go jack when I clued espionage instead of spy…passing over the opportunity to ensure you know I want a person when otherwise espionage = spy means a person is super dangerous unless I know from from prior turn discussion that they are a top discussion option

2. Y’all didn’t discuss last turn but Jack was mentioned by one person as last option so I really didn’t think I needed a 0 clue here…going last word mentioned on one post of mentions is pretty close to jumping down list on spymaster in a normal game

3. Insanity was dead on this game in first instincts on the turn I clued each word; sub and China in his first list and a band of asteroids (ie asteroid belt) for last asteroids word were all my intentions

4. I think no list is to not have lists going beyond for future turns but discussion of a four clue on turn one like you did on turn two would be super helpful to spymaster; otherwise we think a barely mentioned word isn’t your top candidate

5. Good game; we were close

6. I go spy if Jack is ours; if eye is theirs/assassin so I wanna avoid it, I go counter-intelligence or CIA because Jack Ryan and Jack Bauer are counter-intelligence and CIA agents and that still hits the same words as espionage; not going spy didn’t mean Jack couldn’t be it, but def made it the least safe option since I passed over the chance to make it clear I wanted a person for the clue

well, ****


i was trying to figure out why espionage specifically, and all i could really make out was that you were avoiding eye (with spy)

i thought CIA could be avoiding china, but don't think i mentioned it


wonder if blues woulda got there next turn

Oops. Sorry, Nich.

Gg, great guessing team.

Well was also ours btw. I really wanted to do a 6 clue, but I was worried about jack making an appearance if I pushed it that far. I could've easily done an unlimited to finish off since it was the only other word mentioned, so reds were very unlikely to win anyway unless I totally miffed it.

no problem; I knew d1 was gonna have a banger so had to put together big clues for us to have a shot

battery was our final unclued word; which actually goes well with sub/china with nuclear type clue

my only hope was you didn't guess sub the first 2 rounds and it blocked his water words (well, tube, whale)

I feel like the spirit of no list is that the guessers should never infer spymaster intent. Clues don't have meta meanings.

by IBeDrummin k


There were 8 items in your list. Here they are in random order:






Doctor Zeus


Neil S


eb v DZ imo

Eb v zeus

