grinders future outlook

grinders future outlook

High-stakes is like just a dream few people succeed getting into , the variance will mostly crush you at around nl2k which happened to me and therefore I sort of gave up on something which seemed rather fueled by illusion rather than reality.

Realizing this was one of the important turning points of my career where I came more aware on the EV of the seat I sit at rather than trying to "battle" at whatever the game is.

In poker you pay a fee called the rake. This means if you are not having a very significant edge over your opponent you are losing money playing that game.

You might perceive yourself very high but if you run in your game hundreds of buy-ins below your EV would you view yourself the same?

I encountered a period like this and I did also look back into hands played in the past judging them terribly misplayed.

My favourite game is a game of headsup with an OMC who folds as many of his buttons as possible.

We can play plo , plo5 or holdem and it still remains my favorite game.

You get old.

You grow a bit of a beer belly.

You get a bit banned from the 2+2s.

But your still the same guy you want to give something back.

You won a lot of money.

I won a lot of money.

Its a great thing.

I only won half a million max over this time and most of it is gone already.

Life is expensive.

Life is expensive.

08 October 2024 at 04:52 PM

293 Replies


You need to be a really tough guy with poker .

With getting to highstakes you need to be very lucky guy and tough guy too.

If you beat the mid-stakes several years you are a tough guy too .

What took my attention and eventually took a lot of money away from me was the chase to get to high-stakes.

It was just a dream and its a very sad thing it never happened to me because I would have deserved it.

I played freerolls since age 12 since age 16 dreamed of doing this for a living .

I loved poker.

So if this is it never became high-stakes player that is to me a certain tragedy.

Which is why I have been writing here of my ambitions with live-poker (in a way a second change)

In those communities they don't really know or care who was good online where and when they are just more focused on the exact task that falls to them

Champions stand up one more time than the rest!!!

I remember this was title of "headsup coach" Raskolnikov at poker strategy 2014...

The title is pure gold.

His content was funny but I don't know if it was good (for that time sure it had made you to crush)

Best Poker Coaching I think they are called ...

I am really writing this to see where are the fcn animals

Who are the ones who make it to nl200

Where are U


i NEED to start coaching people I need to .

Im very driven and ambitious about it I know how the learning path looks like and im also realistic of the difficulties when we reach the 1k nl line.

Indescribable value

I had a Finnish student cool guy we are still friends he wanted cfp-deal for 12 months

first month of getting fundaments to right place he booked mtt 30k + score

then later on ofc. helped him he knew what to do in every spot he was just lost before

problem is people are not great people are **** most people are stubborn and not willing to invest anything

its good topic Raskolnikov spoke about this one in his episodes

by Djerevan2 k

Champions stand up one more time than the rest!!!

I remember this was title of "headsup coach" Raskolnikov at poker strategy 2014...

The title is pure gold.

His content was funny but I don't know if it was good (for that time sure it had made you to crush)

Best Poker Coaching I think they are called ...

I am really writing this to see where are the fcn animals

Who are the ones who make it to nl200

Where are U


Can you give your thoughts what it takes to make it to NL200 nowadays?

Stay consistent with your thread and follow what i say about your hands I want to take you there.

by Djerevan2 k

Stay consistent with your thread and follow what i say about your hands I want to take you there.

Ok from now on ill try my best to leave my ego aside and follow advices, i think my fundamentals need little improvement

How to break their balls how to be the best how to be a crusher

you want to ask yourself this if your serious with poker

put aside all negativity

its all possible

how to outplay them how to be the fckn best

how to make all the difference

Btw you said you took shots at nl2k which was really bad financially

Thinking about it i came to conclusion that taking shots should be executed more carefully and planned because we never know if we success or not, maybe separate bankroll should be for just taking shots snd first bankroll shouldn’t be touched?

I tell you poker guys something very personal :

my grandfather was the commander in Helsinki Zoo for very many years...

my grandma was classmate and very close with Kone OYJ Harlins family - which is why my father had a change to paint picture of the retiring CEO of KONE

He was a professional artist and took the deal which meant this CEO of the time who was working for KONE went to visit our place quite a few times

He was some french dude.

He was extremely arrogant.

He was behaviorally strange I came home from school and he took an odd distance immediately

It was very very odd feeling

He thought he is well above us which he probably was but his arrogance was there

I don't like french guys since then ... I kind of want to teach them a lesson..

Around poker Ive had taken my changes and it has been really great.

But thinking my father made certainly 1 year salary of painting a portrait of this dude which ends up somewhere in the nobodycares wall

its whatever

As poker players I have yet not met a good french player but one or two and whenever I see them I always want to break their balls

Frenchies u faggers. I break ur balls.

Are you rolled do you have 20k to lose?

You take shots and you are supposed to move back and front between limits

It should not be that hard

At first I took shots to totally wrong games whatsoever I was always very ambitious

To be making it to nl1k spreading ur bankroll over sites profiting there should be a great deal / thing

I always thought its not interesting

I honestly wanted to get way above that

And today here and now I think if I have 200k less of not having went for the max rational max profit line I dont care I aimed for my personal max I can get

during my schooling i was forced to have my brothers old clothes bcz my family did not afford new clothes to me

i was bullied heavily yet found the courage at a point to go behind my bully and hit him as hard as I could from behind

i was always an introvert at 1-2 class i made friends only with 1-2 guys who I found similar as me

My summers I spent in Lofoten islands Norway because my parents saved up to rent a house from there over the summer

We climbed the mountains fished and lived off from it.

We didn't need much.


Im going to have a kid and take my filipina wife to finland

there is no middle-ground smart choice between this

With poker Kill them all

In Finland life can be really hard but it can be really great at same time

I really think its about seeing colours having many seasons type of thing

if someone thinks he / she knows everything its kinda something what so ever

but yeah ... ive had some "friends" thinking they are "upper class" Ive had my family being

naturally upper class yet having experienced childhood on poverty bullying etc. is odd

I mean my familys worth was so much more their time they could have ever imagined it being.

Media and stuff, had they been in news like todays news works it had been different.

We were doing great but my father never capitalized on that .

He had no interest on money.

Father like son .

I cant have it.

Its what it is .

It is a very personal thing but to my father having enough to not be broke meant finances are perfect.

This means my lack of wanting to get very rich is copied from there.

Im from a family of very wise and capable men I dont need to materially prove myself.

Its about personal journey .

To be feeling that I accomplished the things my father and grandfather would be proud of.

Big part of my grandparents love-story was they were among the first people guiding Safaris etc. tourist things from Euro to Africa tend to do

Rich people only could attend those safaris it was a very privileged thing yet they managed to be on top of the line people as tour guides

you are poor in absolute poverty you have nothing those people knock windows of my ford everest each time i go home from casino

we really are unfamiliar to this type of absolute poverty in northern Europe yet our countries have went down hill due to that and many other issues

Humans are all same but I want my child to have a change to receive the education we have in Finland .

So we will move there.

I really like USA

Over the Philippines I like Finland

I really don't like the Philippines

I mean this country is a joke
