Should I go for broke in a limped pot?

Should I go for broke in a limped pot?

I think I know what people will say about this hand, but 2+2 never ceases to surprise me…

1/2. Saturday afternoon. Six Vs are loose-passive, two are loose-aggressive.

V (800+) is a sagging thirty-five-year-old with a friendly smile, a shiny bald head, a red baby face, and a blond beard, graying prematurely. Preflop, in the 30 hands since I sat down, he’s open-limped once, over-limped three times, called an open-raise twice, open-raised four times, and 3bet twice. In a previous hand, after three players called an UTG open to 15, he raised to 60, and showed down A2s. He’s been even more aggressive post-flop, making a big bluff on a wet turn but folding the river to a shove.

Hero (325) has open-raised twice, 3bet once, and folded the rest preflop. He hasn’t yet shown any hole cards.


Loose passive open limps. Hero with K9ss in the CO? Hero calls. V in SB calls. BB calls. 4-way.

Flop (6 after rake): KhTs8d.

V checks. Checks. Hero bets 6. V check-raises to 20. Hero?

27 October 2024 at 11:34 AM

13 Replies

I'm never overlimping next in with shiny crap like K9s, especially with this V in the sb. It's raise or fold.

Not surprisingly, you're now in a tricky situation with TP w/meh kicker and some backdoor draws. You can't fold to the c/r, but I'm not awake enough to figure out if you should 3! the flop.

call, see a turn

I would raise pre - this hand is not good multiway. I'd fold to the flop raise - don't think people x/r 4 way light enough, and even if you call here you're going to end up folding the turn/river probably 90% of the time.

Raise or fold pre, call flop and see a turn vs. this guy.

the rake is 1/4 pot? I'm never limping pre and hate it in general - G thinks its 'safer' or whatever but I think you end up in way more tough spots for smaller pots and it just makes the game unnecessarily tougher. Raise pre, go heads up, spike your K + backdoor stuff, check back flop, call or pot turn, stack the guy once you hit your running spades or straight.

Pre is whatever, I'd raise (near always) but limp can't be that bad if you're the virtual BTN a decent amount.

I don't mind checking flop, if betting I'd bet less probably 3 or 4 but 2 can be fun as well
After the x/r I probably sigh fold, unless I felt like calling down a lot with just top pair ... or somehow turning it into a bluff. There are roughly 666 draws, and he probably has all combos. of the two pairs and 88. Maybe TT too.
Yeh, we have position but roughly no idea wtf he has.

Calling flop to fold to a big bet on the turn seems the worst line possible vs. this guy.

I fold to the check raise. Pre seems whatever all 3 options probably close to 0.

see a turn

by adonson k

V (800+) is a sagging thirty-five-year-old with a friendly smile, a shiny bald head, a red baby face, and a blond beard, graying prematurely

Gosh small world, was fun playing against you

I'd fold flop. Just can't see a path to victory here when the turn and river involve a lot of bad cards and facing a lot more bets. Maybe pot size bet is a bit steep although actual bet size is small so probably OK

by adonson k

I think I know what people will say about this hand, but 2+2 never ceases to surprise me…

1/2. Saturday afternoon. Six Vs are loose-passive, two are loose-aggressive.

V (800+) is a sagging thirty-five-year-old with a friendly smile, a shiny bald head, a red baby face, and a blond beard, graying prematurely. Preflop, in the 30 hands since I sat down, he’s open-limped once, over-limped three times, called an open-raise twice, open-raised four times, and 3bet twice. In a previous hand, after three p

Raise pre. Against only a single limper you can 'ignore' the limper and open your normal CO-range. And K9ss is a clear open from this position if it had folded to you.

As played, seems like an easy call on the flop and see what happens. TP, and two backdoor draws.

I would raise or fold pre and heavily lean towards a fold but that's just me.

I would call the raise but if I don't improve ott I would just fold unless we're being offered good odds to call again. I don't wanna go to SD with just a king med kicker.

by BigWhale k

As played, seems like an easy call on the flop and see what happens. TP, and two backdoor draws.

by Playbig2000 k

I would call the raise but if I don't improve ott I would just fold unless we're being offered good odds to call again. I don't wanna go to SD with just a king med kicker.

Don't make me keep pointing to the sign.

by illiterat k

Calling flop to fold to a big bet on the turn seems the worst line possible vs. this guy.


Hero thought, why am I playing an aggressive V in a pot I just limped into? Will I make another error by calling? Hero folded. V mucked.

Next time, with K9s in the CO, I will 3bet or fold.

by Stupidbanana k

the rake is 1/4 pot?

When you include the tip (dealers work for tips only), it’s more like 3/8 pot rake and promotion. More reason to fold or three bet: do we ever want to call 2 dollars to win 5 dollars four-way?
