Complexity VS simplicity (with example: "GTO vs M-RT")

Complexity VS simplicity (with example: "GTO vs M-RT")

"Simplicity refers to the clarity and ease of use of a product. It involves removing unnecessary elements and streamlining features to create an intuitive experience for users. On the other hand, complexity encompasses the depth and intricacy of a product."

I think this definition succesfully shows the outlines of the conflict between both styles / approaches. If we assume that NL HOLD'EM is a "product", then it matches the point of this thread perfectly. Especially when we consider the very simple mechanics of NLHE and its very deep strategy.

I like to swim in deep waters and set my bar high, so I'll try to compare both strategic approaches on the example of GTO and my newly developed M-RT.

It's difficult to precisely define the functioning of M-RT. But as the name of the project suggests, it's a solution for HU tough spots that helps you track your opponent's range. That's the main feature. You can also use it for a deeper insight into your emotions and mind states - this can be very useful in live poker. The most simple way to use M-RT is to follow your "confidence level" (%) and base your decision entirely on it. That's my favorite option, probably because I've just started learning it. You can also adapt it to your personal guidelines and style. It's a quite flexible tool. Generally, it helps you find the way when you're somehow lost.

From what I've noticed after using and testing this thing is:

- my self-confidence during the game is better
- my concentration is better
- I play faster
- tough spots no longer irritate me
- tilt is also not a problem

These may have to do a lot with the game psychology and my mental zone, but only partly. Tough spots usually involve really big pots or even your tournament life, so if you want to be a good player you need to be able to cope with those and overcome such obstacles.

I'm testing M-RT in tough spots I encounter in 360 players MTT's against very clever and demanding AI bots, trust me on this one. It's not real money, but it can be fairly compared to a normal freeroll. Besides, you can play really fast (average hand takes 5 - 10 seconds when folded, or 10 - 20 seconds when with showdown), so your overall perspective on your action during this MTT's against bots is better when compared to real tournaments.

Anyway, let's get to the point. My personal choice is ...

1. Simplicity
2. Complexity
3. Both balanced

... of course number 1.

Complex interfaces like GTO solvers may be good for players who want to get deep into the game and eliminate negative details in their play that matter in the long run. Or people who can almost simultaneously process and use different data types for example. My approach is kind of different, you can call it laziness, but I always choose simplicity and easier access to important data. I think you can use a simple interface for a longer time than a complex one, and you are less tired after a long session, regardless of the category whether it's poker or something else.

Ok, that's the outline of this confrontation, I hope you find this interesting. If so, please post. Don't worry, I won't be posting as much graphics as I usually do in my threads, because the work is over and ... here is the FINAL VERSION of my "M-RT" graphic. It may not look simple, but it's just one graphic, so I think it's the essence of simplifying your strategy and condensing useful information with "all - in - one" method:

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20 October 2024 at 09:48 AM

32 Replies


Complexity of GTO solvers makes players more addicted to them. Poker in general is an addictive game and when you add something that can be used in 1000 different ways - even exploring all these possibilities without going deeper into any of them can be addictive. And if you decide what your strategy will be, you can always switch to a new one. Of course this is all cool and interesting, but sometimes I have a feeling that it only improves your game by eliminating the fear factor and gives you more confidence with your strategy just by the fact that you've studied the game deeply.

I'm not sure how solver users can remember and memorize particular scenarios and their solution to later use them at the poker table. The probability of encountering a scenario you've studied is so low, after all. And when it's not, how can you recall this information ? That's still a mystery to me.

Anyway, my invention is cool because it's free, completely undetectable by a poker room, there's no AI bot in the world that can fully use it and from what I've noticed - super tough spots are now more rare. It gives so much confidence with your game. Simple thing, but very powerful. I recommend trying.

Let me know what you think

Aaah, please don't forget to hit the "like" button if you like the graphic. Let's get this thread going 😀

Initial thoughts:

What will happen when this M-RT technology gets inevitably open sourced and co-opted by world famous hypnochads like Jordan Peterson et al to game elections and fund their evil campaigns for human betterment via degeneracy and chaos?

Does it have a child lock? Does it have a gangster lock? Do you have any concern for the lives of those who will change if this device goes viral?

I'm an investor (i'm not, but pretend). What guarantees can you provide that this technology isn't fasttracked to the Kremlin for humanity's doom?

Oh wait - you said it was free didn't you? ignore that last bit. The rest of it was serious though.

by Ceres k

Initial thoughts:

What will happen when this M-RT technology gets inevitably open sourced and co-opted by world famous hypnochads like Jordan Peterson et al to game elections and fund their evil campaigns for human betterment via degeneracy and chaos?

Does it have a child lock? Does it have a gangster lock? Do you have any concern for the lives of those who will change if this device goes viral?

I'm an investor (i'm not, but pretend). What guarantees can you provide that this technology isn't fa

I didn't know that Jordan Peterson plays poker.

M-RT does have a gangster - child lock though.

And to be serious, it's just one of many different strategies. Each strategy is a projection of someone's thoughts, this one projects my point of view on NLHE. So if you choose to use it - at least you know that you follow a crazy poker mind. That's my way to connect. Efficiency of M-RT isn't possible to prove, so you can't prove that it doesn't work. But if you look at NLHE from the mental side as if it was a phenomenon, then it works perfectly.

ok ok...I can see you've gone over all this with your lawyers already.

Then i shall test this out at 5nl tonight! If it works and I'm in a good mood I will award the project a 5* review. If it works and I'm in a neutral to negative mood I will lie profusely and say publicly it failed me ('grasping at straws mate') whilst secretly, cunningly siphoning off any additional crzy-EV to pay off my crippling alimony and credit card debts. Crossing my fingers this isn't some kind of elaborate hoax.

by Ceres k

Then i shall test this out at 5nl tonight!

Awesome. You'll be a pioneer then 😀

Last night I won a pretty sick 360 players MTT on Playstation 2. It wasn't easy, because I wasn't lucky with cards. In the final HU, I used M-RT in a $194K pot ($360K is the total number of chips in play) and this is what happened:

- I used M-RT twice in one hand (two very tough spots) and it was the only hand in this tournament that I used it
- in both situations I used the "mind state indicator", because I was in a serious tilt
- both times I made the best possible decision (turn CALL and river BET)
- I had only 3 8 and I made two pair TT33 on the turn, 2 flush draw possibilities on board, but no flush draw for me
- I made a CALL on the turn
- I made a BET on the river
- opponent was holding 2 2
- I won $194K pot

I played three hands more and because of my chip advantage I was able to successfully bully my opponent with some trash hole cards and win the whole thing.

To me, hand like this is a great proof that M-RT really does the job well. And everything was based only on reading my own state of mind. The level of M-RT sickness is also pretty high, so please handle with care and good luck with it 😉

>>> Play your normal game like always and use M-RT in emergency situations only. That's it.

In GTO v GTO situation there would be no loss in EV for either player as it is a zero sum solution meaning the game would end break even (likely not the case with variance as a factor). This is why GTO is referred to as a defensive strategy. The real appeal in GTO isn’t the solver applications themselves but how one goes about applying them and exploiting their opponents tendencies to over-rely or under utilize GTO strategies. It serves as a baseline

M-RT seems the opposite from GTO in that it is more reactive in it’s nature, which may or may not be the reason why some might argue that it is a less advantageous strategy than GTO as GTO is more proactive as it gives you what you need to know and then allows the user to be creative as they navigate it based on the situation.

So for me, as I consider myself to represent the GTO gangsters (we have no child proof gangster locks or any of that nonsense), I have to ask - does M-RT work in a similar fashion? Does its ability vary between users? And are you going factor these ideas in when designing next generation system?

by Stumeister k

I have to ask - does M-RT work in a similar fashion?
Does its ability vary between users?
And are you going factor these ideas in when designing next generation system?

GTO I would say is 100% poker math, while M-RT is a mix of psychology and logic. It is indeed totally different as you said. M-RT is based on a geometrical and logical pattern that is like a core for its mechanics. It does reach poker math also, but in a slightly different way - it's not as precise and complex in this manner as GTO is.

In general, what M-RT does, is it opens up your game mentally even more plus it teaches how to recognize a very tricky spot. I would say that it all depends on the player if it will give you an advantage or not. It's about how you use it and how much do you trust it. For example, you can successfully use it at 50 NL and find it helpful, but would you still trust it if you reach higher stakes and play $50K pot for example ? So it all depends on the player. But I think it can change your game 180 degrees and I am good example of this. I play with bots now only, but I can see and feel the difference.

I'm not sure what happens when two players use M-RT in the same hand. This made me think. It's probably a very rare situation and I'm not sure whether my system is ready for a clash with itself

GTO is a guaranteed advantage, while in M-RT it all depends on you. Different users definitely will get different access and different abilities from M-RT. In the last graphic, the one with Resident Evil characters, I skipped the instructions to give the user more freedom. It's up to him whether he will use the range helper or the emotions or confidence level or mix them. You have to adapt it to your play style or to a situation and how you feel about the current hand. It's necessary because different factors may (but doesn't always have to) suggest different decisions. It's good to find your style of using M-RT. I would say there are at least 10 different ways of using it - it's not much, but the minimum is reached.

Totally different tool than GTO, very simple and very user - friendly. Complex interfaces make the mind WORK, while simple ones make it REST.

Some people will probably compare it to a conspiracy theory, but I personally trust it and I would definitely would in a real money game.

What do you mean by "next generation system" ? 😀

by ITryDeuces k

GTO I would say is 100% poker math, while M-RT is a mix of psychology and logic. It is indeed totally different as you said. M-RT is based on a geometrical and logical pattern that is like a core for its mechanics. It does reach poker math also, but in a slightly different way - it's not as precise and complex in this manner as GTO is.

In general, what M-RT does, is it opens up your game mentally even more plus it teaches how to recognize a very tricky spot. I would say that it all depends on th

All I was saying is that GTO is a multi-faceted tool.

Similar to the M-RT that you are describing, it can be used to explore possibility and I think one of it’s main advantages is to help promote creativity as well. This could be expounded on to say that by learning GTO, one is expanding oneself to not only deviate from baseline theory, but also practice qualities of self-control and reptition. So learning how to make the most value driven decision based on logic and also tailoring it to produce the best possible outcome based on the situation and the most prominent factors that are affecting it.

I wanted to know whether or not any of these things that I’m saying may go into the development of the next system of M-RT or any of your future projects as I think they would be useful from someone who sees themselves as having a good understanding of GTO principles and thinks that it may be beneficial for the end user to see some of the ideas I mentioned before implemented. Is it something that you are open to?

by Stumeister k

Is it something that you are open to?

As you will be able to see in my next post, I'm always open to any advice or criticism - that's a big inspiration for my work. It turns out, that poker (NLHE to be precise) serves as a proof for a scientific hypothesis, or theory I should rather say. I still haven't written it down, but everything starts to finally fit all together. If this new M-RT strategy is proven to work, this will become a fact.

Graphics are coming within next 20 - 30 minutes ...

I’m a fan of the new design, and it seems as though M-RT has some very “real life” applications.

Are you considering encompassing the application of M-RT and it’s system of making use of things like logic, emotions, and confidence for non-human, interplanetary being (alien) use?

You kind of have to now that you’ve added in the astrological aspect in the above design.

Also - have you considered charging a fee for these tools as they may prove to be profitable, allowing you to fund further developmental projects and to keep spreading the good word of M-RT. Or maybe a donation model is more appropriate

All hail

by Stumeister k

I’m a fan of the new design, and it seems as though M-RT has some very “real life” applications.

You kind of have to now that you’ve added in the astrological aspect in the above design.

Thanks, I hope it looks good. It's not the highest resolution, but I think the colors look nice. Especially when resized.

Yeah, I applied my secret tarot knowledge to M-RT and it all perfectly fits there. I don't know yet if it's useful at poker, but it just keeps things together even more than before. All 4 categories (poker actions // questions // emotions // astronomical phenomenons) are based on a pentagram and if you analyze it more deeply there are lots of connections, like the 2nd and 3rd column for example which are different from the rest.

Donations are not needed at the moment 😉 but ... if one day I plan to build a temple, things might change a bit 😃

RE: Tile 02: What would you want your opponent to do if you were in his place and he was holding your cards?

If I was in their place then I (now we) am (are) holding their (our) cards, not mine?

by Ceres k

RE: Tile 02: What would you want your opponent to do if you were in his place and he was holding your cards?

If I was in their place then I (now we) am (are) holding their (our) cards, not mine?

No, it's more like theoretically switching position (or switching the body) with your opponent right after the bet was made.

For example:

ITryDeuces is dealt Q 5
Flop comes
Ceres bets $540
Then ITryDeuces is about to act ...
So I'm thinking:
What I would want Ceres to do if It was ME holding [XX] also with his stack and HE was about to react to MY $540 bet with HIS Q 5 ?

Will it still work if they/we are wearing a motorcycle helmut?

by Ceres k

Will it still work if they/we are wearing a motorcycle helmut?


by Ceres k

Will it still work if they/we are wearing a motorcycle helmut?

I'm assuming it will still work as long as the helmet isn't wrapped in tin foil.

In all seriousness though, I think this M-RT idea is interesting. It has a way of jogging you out of complacency and looking at things from different perspectives.

I'm not sure that I fully understand, but here are a few of my thoughts.

1. The prevalence of mixed strategies in GTO makes it easy to choose an action based upon a desired response then justify it with GTO solutions. We all probably do this to an extent. We can potentially reverse-engineer our opponent's actual strategy if we have insight about what they are hoping to accomplish. They can likely do the same for us.

2. Our emotional state has a relationship with our decision-making process. Not sure if you are implying any sort of causal relationship, but there is undoubtedly value in observing our emotional state over time and how it correlates with our decisions and various outcomes. This can be potentially powerful if we take the data in a feedback loop to make better decisions and promote positive emotions.

3. Not sure how the emotions and state of mind fit into your diagram? Are you implying that emotional states and states of mind are directly correlated with poker actions?

I definitely think there is an indirect connection, and potentially if we can read our opponent's emotional state your chart could help us use that info to make better decisions based on our reads.

Anyway, that's far enough down this rabbit hole for now. Take care.

by GreatWhiteFish k

1. The prevalence of mixed strategies in GTO makes it easy to choose an action based upon a desired response then justify it with GTO solutions. We all probably do this to an extent. We can potentially reverse-engineer our opponent's actual strategy if we have insight about what they are hoping to accomplish. They can likely do the same for us.

2. Our emotional state has a relationship with our decision-making process. Not sure if you are implying any sort of causal relationship, but there is und

@1. Good to know. Reversing M-RT might not be as useful as reversing GTO, because it's rarely used.

@2. and @3. I use the state of mind indicator for reading my current emotion. For example, when I'm stuck in a tough spot not knowing what to do plus I'm seriously tilted, I ask myself: "Which state of mind I'm experiencing right now ?" If it's for example ELEVATION and I feel my mind is progressively into something growing as the time passes, then I choose to make a CALL, because it's the first state of mind in the 2nd column (JOY) and it's likely to change into STIMULATION, after making this call.

Each emotion consists of two states of mind. First one changes into the second one as the time passes. That's my theory. When you look in Wikipedia for "Emotion classification" you can find different ways of arranging human emotions. Different people see it in different ways, I stick to my version because it considers time and ... it's based on pentagram 😀 Also, when you analyze the mid-points of each emotion (state of mind to be precise), they all have same color (both dark or both bright) and this perfectly matches with the illustrated poker situations and other factors also.

I never thought of applying this part of M-RT to read your opponent, I'll think about it - this could work, too. Although I'm not able to test it, since I play with 3D bot characters 😀

Re: #1) I wasn't talking about reverse engineering GTO. I meant more that you could reverse engineer your chart. That's what I would do if I was playing you and knew you were using this strategy.

In close spots most people who think they're using GTO strategies might be "randomizing" using something more emotion-based.

They say as humans we often make an emotional decision and then rationalize it. Like if we have a flush draw the EV is often similar to play it passively or aggressively, but the action we choose to take in that exact moment probably has more to do with our emotions and state of mind at the time.

Anyway your chart does have a certain symmetry to it. Now I'm off to play real poker for real money. I will let you know if I test the reverse-engineering hypothesis (pretty much if I encounter a spot where I have no F-ing clue what to to do).

Ok, good luck.

I just finished 2nd in my 360 bots MTT and this time I realized that sometimes you don't need exactly act as M-RT tells you. But analyzing it during a tough spot can simply wake you up - and this sometimes is enough. So even if you don't get a precise answer, it's better to think about M-RT than just go deeper into not being sure.
