Joe Rogan
As an aside the way the sharks are now circling for Rogan, I find despicable but also template.
I think it is exactly why many on the right have learned you never apologize as that leads to a feeding frenzy, on the left to try and end you. It is what they call the left eating their own, and yes, Joe Rogan is a lefty even if you believe he is left who says wrong things and lacks polish.
In the very segment I am watching on CNN as i type this Jim Costa keeps saying "Joe Rogen was caught repeatedly saying the 'N-Word' when Jim is doing the same thing. Rogen just thought hiding behind saying the 'N-Word' instead of saying the actual word was not productive or silly.
So Costa says 'that guy just the said N-word' and every one says, that is fine to say.
Rogan says 'That guy just said n*&^er' and they say that is wrong to say and worse they cut the reply of that quote so tight you only hear the word said without context so you will assume he was using it despairingly when he was not.
And I am not saying Rogan has never, in all his years of making long form public statements said anything that does not sound off or bad as he has and has admitted it. But anyone who has listened to much of his comment and context over the years would never assume he was anything but a lefty. this idea of him being a righty only really took root as he was in opposition to much of the science around covid and some people believe being so then requires you be put on sides.
Hey guys, it's totally reasonable that a channel with 17M subscribers and a video with 1.7M views that features Rogan interviewing Trump is nowhere in the search results when you search "rogan trump interview". I mean, I know the video has been up for the last 3 days, but before that they took it down briefly so it makes perfect sense.
This is what caveman must have walked around telling each other when they didn't understand anything around them.
Hey guys, it's totally reasonable that a channel with 17M subscribers and a video with 1.7M views that features Rogan interviewing Trump is nowhere in the search results when you search "rogan trump interview". I mean, I know the video has been up for the last 3 days, but before that they took it down briefly so it makes perfect sense.
35M views. 1.7M likes.
Nothing to see here.
Those views and likes were before the video was taken down. YT likely handled hundreds of thousands of queries for those terms while the video was unavailable, which built up the weighting for those alternative links. Like I said, as more people search and arrive at the relisted video the weighting will build up again. Welcome to 'Search Engines 101'.
I'm starting to see how you guys fall for all the conspiracy theories. I guess if I didn't understand basic technology I'd walk around dumbfounded as well. Do you even crypto brah?
It's a conspiracy or maybe I just suck at the internet/yt searches?
First hit for me 😀
Because you searched for zero pockets defined search term.
Should be the first hit for a variety of search terms.
But because it was delisted for a bit, only one search term shows it at the top, whereas other search terms don't show it at all.
This is normal and all in accordance with proper search algorithms. Nothing to see here.
Now been fixed, seemingly on account of it potentially being mass marked as spam
If 00 doesn't recognise the difference between temporarily hiding the video from public search results (days ago) and actually deleting the video then wow
That was close call - another deep-state conspiracy against the American people averted. Now they need to turn their attention toward toilet paper and why our bowel movements require so much of it. They can start with what they put into the food supply.
That wasn't a "deep state conspiracy". That's a transparent attempt by a company that is #1 in the USA for employee donation to the Harris campaign, to favor Harris in any way they see fit.
Which is legal and proper under the extensive view of the 1a that is the law nowadays (thanks god).
The only thing which is improper and kind of evil is to deny the transparent attempts to help Harris by companies affiliated to her.
Yep, search engines not serving up non-existent links is the most transparent attempt of favoritism since the invention of the Bubble Sort.
These networks (especially CBS) are doing anything possible to sway people towards camela. They've committed election interference and went against government rules for news programs (they lied to help a candidate. That's treason). Their FCC licenses are gonna be pulled if Trump wins and they know it.
Broken YouTube LinkhEy GuYs dId u hEaR aBoUt tHe tReAsOn?
These networks (especially CBS) are doing anything possible to sway people towards camela. They've committed election interference and went against government rules for news programs (they lied to help a candidate. That's treason). Their FCC licenses are gonna be pulled if Trump wins and they know it.
I can picture the sweat dripping down your forehead as you typed out your post.
Yep, search engines not serving up non-existent links is the most transparent attempt of favoritism since the invention of the Bubble Sort.
google also allowed the Harris campaign to abuse the advertisement under search, not sure you followed that to misrepresent her campaign ads as "news".
i understand that being under 50% of winning against a convicted, semi-dement 78 year old, probable rapist felon, with the sp500 at all time high, must feel so bad you need to cope somehow, so admitting you are behind even with one of the most powerful companies on the earth as your lapdog is even a bigger indictment of how terrible your candidate is.
Still, google transparently helped democrats since 2016, and hasn't stopped today.
you get qq-aa every hand and you still risk losing, I understand it must feel terrible
No meathead who listens to Rogan wasn't already voting for Trump. It was about as good a use of Trump's time as his rally today at Madison Square Garden. He should be spending every minute in the swing states but he's Trump.
Rogan was a Bernie Bro last election cycle. this shows how far fascist the Dems have moved.
google also allowed the Harris campaign to abuse the advertisement under search, not sure you followed that to misrepresent her campaign ads as "news".
i understand that being under 50% of winning against a convicted, semi-dement 78 year old, probable rapist felon, with the sp500 at all time high, must feel so bad you need to cope somehow, so admitting you are behind even with one of the most powerful companies on
Definitely not a good look for Kamala's campaign.
I've already posted why I think a Trump victory is what this country needs so your mind-reading about me feeling terrible is about as accurate as all your other posts.
Because you searched for zero pockets defined search term.
Should be the first hit for a variety of search terms.
But because it was delisted for a bit, only one search term shows it at the top, whereas other search terms don't show it at all.
This is normal and all in accordance with proper search algorithms. Nothing to see here.
I only searched joe rogan trump fwiw.
I did "trump Rogan interview" on my phone, 1st result.
To be fair the tab has been open on my desktop since Friday. Everytime I try to continue it I only last 5min or so and have to turn it off. I'm not even a massive trump hater and usually think he's pretty entertaining but I'm so sick of hearing the guy talk about himself.
Straight from the horses mouth. But search is fine right guys?
Lol pocket zeros.
Joe Rogan saying there's a search issue supposed is to mean something? He's a search engine algorithm engineer now?
How many times has he delisted and relisted a popular video and monitored how the search engine behaves as a result?