79s on btn

79s on btn

1-2 NL. V in bb just called an all in pre with K9o and doubled to 300 which is the effective stack. Seems like a station.

Hero on btn with 97cc

Pre: Hero opens 7, only bb calls

Flop (15) : 873r
Check check. Maybe a bet was in order

Turn (15) : Kss
Bb checks

30 October 2024 at 08:43 AM

18 Replies

We did not have a bdfd on flop.

I mostly bet flop. Probably closer to 100% against described player.

Turn is a coinflip for me as played, but again probably lean bet against described player.

The main reason to checkback this hand on the flop would be if we thought Villain was going to check/raise a bunch and/or bluff later streets. Against a loose/passive station type, I think you should bet the flop for value (he calls with plenty worse) and protection (if QTo folds, it's pretty good for us).

As played, I would bet half pot on the turn and plan on checking back any river we don't improve on.

I bet the flop vs. this guy basically for value. As played, bet turn, but give up on non-favorable rivers.

I agree about betting the flop, and as played bet the turn and if he calls check back the river.

I dont think ive ever raised to less than $10 pre at 1/2.

Bet flop. As played, check turn and you can call a bet otr or bet a blank river small for value, like $7.

by Tomark k

I dont think ive ever raised to less than $10 pre at 1/2.

Me, neither, but the people in one of my games do it all the time. $7 is their norm. Of course, they will call a $12 - $15 raise with their entire limping range, which is VERY wide.

by Javanewt k

Me, neither, but the people in one of my games do it all the time. $7 is their norm.

When I play 1/2 sometimes in the morning some people are opening for 5 straight (whatever that means).

by Tomark k

I dont think ive ever raised to less than $10 pre at 1/2.

Bet flop. As played, check turn and you can call a bet otr or bet a blank river small for value, like $7.

No need to drag our Discord arguments into the public for everyone see.

My standard for 1-2 is 10 but that seemed excessive for a button open.

by OmahaDonk k

My standard for 1-2 is 10 but that seemed excessive for a button open.

I wouldn't go any lower in a typical rake-pot structure.

by Always Fondling k

I wouldn't go any lower in a typical rake-pot structure.

Putting aside the argument of whether you should overbet raise as the first person in, I'd think if nothing else you would raise a max of $9 to avoid creating a $20 pot, which is like nut worst pot size for rake.

Even at 1/3, raising to exactly $10 is just a great way to line the pockets of the house.

by RaiseAnnounced k

Putting aside the argument of whether you should overbet raise as the first person in, I'd think if nothing else you would raise a max of $9 to avoid creating a $20 pot, which is like nut worst pot size for rake.

Even at 1/3, raising to exactly $10 is just a great way to line the pockets of the house.

"BTN raises to $9, SB calls, BB folds...pot = $20"

by Always Fondling k

"BTN raises to $9, SB calls, BB folds...pot = $20"

by RaiseAnnounced k

Putting aside the argument of whether you should overbet raise as the first person in, I'd think if nothing else you would raise a max of $9 to avoid creating a $20 pot, which is like nut worst pot size for rake.

Even at 1/3, raising to exactly $10 is just a great way to line the pockets of the house.

you can go like $12-15 and get about the same range of calls, its just free money. I usually go $13 at 1/3 because it makes it easier for them to call cuz they dont have to bring their white chips back lol.

Bet flop. Check back turn. Call a moderate sized river bet, or bet if checked to.

Daytime games I'll use the $7-8 open on the button but that's based on room having a jackpot rake.
As mentioned, under $20 rakes $1 and the $10 raise triggers the $2+2 rake which makes the extra $3 rather pointless.

I guess it's true that the BB will call much more widely if they just have to flick in one $5 chip...but it seems like they check fold like 60-70% of flops.
This is all small ball....

+1 bet the flop

Result: Hero bets 5 on turn and V folds.
