1/2 Wild Hand Giant Pot PAWM

1/2 Wild Hand Giant Pot PAWM

1/2 $300 Max. Hero MAWG covers table with about $700. Playing aggressive in position and playing good. Taking a ton of medium sized pots with targeted bluffs at capped ranges. Was up to about $1100.
Got coolered by a true drooler twice in the last half hour all-in pre $200 KK vs 95o and $150 pre AA vs 84o and stacked off on flop for $100 more where he hit a gutter on the river. Sadly, the drooler left but the table is still good and still feeding on that actiony feel even though the main action left if that makes any sense.

Hero straddles button $5.

V1 SB raises to $10. He's kind of aggro but not total spewy. Mid 30's WG with about $450 stack.
V2 BB calls. He's just bad. $135 stack.
V3 MP mid 30s WW very attractive 3-bets to $40. Plays mostly ABC but with some spazz if that makes sense. $250

Hero red AA makes it $125. And.... everybody calls V2 goes all in for $10 more.

I think pre is standardish so skipping to flop. If you strongly disagree feel free to let me know.

Flop $400: KhQh7h V3 bets $50 with $75 behind. V1 left to act with $325 behind.

Hero: ???

28 October 2024 at 05:31 PM

15 Replies

My thoughts are if we are ahead everybody is drawing to 1 or 2 outs. If we are behind we have 0% fold equity drawing to 10-11 outs. So I am feeling lost here.

Pre: If there is a size ($70?), whereby v2 would reopen the action if he shoves, so we can re-raise, that's something to consider.

Post: I'm just shoving.

Flop is $500

I would just jam otf, it's less than a psb at that point and we have equity if we're behind.

I don't understand what makes this a threadworthy hand. PF was standard, and so is the flop jam.

Flop jam is 325 into 540* (alil more than hp)

1) without pictures of V3 this thread is useless.
2) standard flop jam is standard.
3). NH
4) see 1)

by twitcherroo k

1) without pictures of V3 this thread is useless.
2) standard flop jam is standard.
3). NH
4) see 1)

I may have noticed her appearance but not a creep to say hold on let me take a picture. If you want a mental picture, 35 blonde, tall, well put together, good makeup, wearing a nice casual outfit. She married a rich guy kind of look.

OTTH. Am I just stupid or does my thinking that if I'm behind I have zero fold equity and if I'm ahead both opponents are drawing to 1 or 2 outs (assuming they mostly have PPs either with or without a heart) and except for AK specifically or maybe JJh I'm not getting any worse calls to a jam either. Or maybe I'm just gunshy and wimpy at this point and want to see what V1 does so I call. V1 calls.

Turn $500 + $150 side: KhQh7h 7x.

Now I'm almost certainly WA of the live players especially V1 as any possible combos of KQs is counterfitted. V3 now lol bets $25.

Was kidding about the pictures.

I’m still stuffing that turn.

We are not in a way ahead way behind situation. For example we are flipping with 2 pair. Also they may call off with hands like AK, AQ, maybe KJ or QJ with Jh. Just stick it in on flop.

If the table is loose and wild, I might use a larger raise size pre.

Based on the description of V's, and the action, it seems unlikely V3 has much of a hand, I don't think we want to fold out V1, and it shouldn't be too hard to get it all in by the river, so I might just call flop, and look to jam some turns. Jamming flop mostly folds out worse hands, I'd think.

Think I just call the board pairing turn. We're beating all other 2P. No straight on board. Still losing to flopped flushes and now turned trips. Hard to think a jam gets called by very many hands we're beating, other than KQ.

What docvail wrote. I, too, am fine with the flop call although a jam would have been fine, too.

As to rest of hand.

Hero agrees with docvail and calls. V1 calls again. River is a complete blank like 4x and hero bets everybody folds.

Short stack shows 86hh to take the main. Hero barely over breaking even on the hand takes the side.

I think looking back on the hand trying not to be results oriented possibly jamming flop might be better but as played I wound up with best possible result once the shorty put his $125 in.

V3 had 22. V1 had red 99. Welcome to Florida 1/2 I guess.

LOL. Did the 22 and 99 at least have hearts?

OTF: We want to call the $50 flop bet to price V1 into a call, it would be horrible to raise flop and allow SB V1 to easily fold a pair with a heart, like TT-JJ w/ heart, or KxJh, AxJh.

OTT: the board pairs. V3 bet $25 with $50 behind and SB V1 has $275 remaining...IF V3 went all-in for $75 hero should call again to get V1 to continue. But with the $25 bet I could go eitherway, with raising all-in or calling OTT.

by donkatruck k

As to rest of hand.

Hero agrees with docvail and calls. V1 calls again. River is a complete blank like 4x and hero bets everybody folds.

Short stack shows 86hh to take the main. Hero barely over breaking even on the hand takes the side.

I think looking back on the hand trying not to be results oriented possibly jamming flop might be better but as played I wound up with best possible result once the shorty put his $125 in.

V3 had 22. V1 had red 99. Welcome to Florida 1/2 I guess.

What size did you bet? Please say small.
