I wanted to post something Survivor related but realized there's no general thread about Survivor. Each thread is about a particular season or votes for hottest, best, etc.

Given that who knows when/if the show will come back, here's a general thread to post all things Survivor.

I won't ruin the OP with my content post, so it will come next.

Enjoy and come on in guys!

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27 October 2020 at 07:51 PM

1038 Replies


Yeah that was the only mark against the episode was how dumb the advantage was, but I've just grown accustomed to that as part of the new era game now that it bothers me less and less.

I thought the advantage was inheriantly okay, just by chance played out in the worst way where all 6 people in group 2 had a no brainer Rachel save making her essentially have implicit immunity the second the challenge finished.

In most other situations the advantage would play out in a lot more interesting way

The conspiracy side of me is suspicious that the advantage was specifically put in to save rachel. Probably not though.

Best episode of the season by far.

by ArcticKnight k

What are the thoughts about the type of advantage Sol found and passed on to Rachel?

I kind of like it because it ends up being a secret which causes distrust and confusion. Only thing is in the particular option; if you're passing to someone without a chance to discuss, you're probably always going to pass the "Safety without power". Block a vote isn't an advantage of equivalent strength.

by ArcticKnight k

Is this addition of more randomness good or bad for Survivor?

I like to give Probst crap about his undying belief that Survivor reflects society, but I actually think it's fair to remind people that sometimes you can do everything right and still lose due to random bad luck.

by Punker k

I kind of like it because it ends up being a secret which causes distrust and confusion.

It seems like Sol will do the right thing and not say anything - at least initially. Too often these days people want to share so they can "build trust".

by Punker k

I kind of like it because it ends up being a secret which causes distrust and confusion. Only thing is in the particular option; if you're passing to someone without a chance to discuss, you're probably always going to pass the "Safety without power". Block a vote isn't an advantage of equivalent strength.

I don't think Sol chooses what was passed. The recipient decides which to use.

If anyone else found that advantage, do you see them giving it to anyone but Rachel?

by housenuts k

I don't think Sol chooses what was passed. The recipient decides which to use.

That's what I thought when Sol read it. But when Rachel read it at TC it sounded like she didn't have a choice. Could be she just ignored the part she wasn't using.

Makes it a little better; I still think at least upping it to Steal a vote would make it more on par with Safety without Power. From Sol's perspective, I'd assume most of the time he'd be most sure of the impact by sending it to someone he figured was in danger.

The block a vote is used maybe 1 out of 100 times and is probably effective 0.5 out of 100 times.

by Didace k

That's what I thought when Sol read it. But when Rachel read it at TC it sounded like she didn't have a choice. Could be she just ignored the part she wasn't using.

Isn't it crazy just how often we get together in this thread and have to figure this stuff out together because Survivor is always so unclear on things? Drives me nuts.

It’s usually pretty clear

I feel like at least once per season there's discussion in this thread trying to figure something out that the show didn't make clear.

by Punker k

Makes it a little better; I still think at least upping it to Steal a vote would make it more on par with Safety without Power. From Sol's perspective, I'd assume most of the time he'd be most sure of the impact by sending it to someone he figured was in danger.

The 5 to 1 tribe split definitely added to the imbalance in advantages. Would have been more interesting if Tuku had been more evenly distributed.

As is, Rachel getting safety without power or block a vote was a slam dunk decision. But she also wouldn’t have chosen steal a vote. Agreed that steal a vote is more on par with safety without power.

by Cardfish1 k

The conspiracy side of me is suspicious that the advantage was specifically put in to save rachel. Probably not though.


Rachel is such a big character guys, we have to save her. Rachel?


Block a vote is really kind of dumb. Why not just make it steal a vote instead? Either way safety is always the no brainer move.

Hard to determine if it was rigged or not. Like, does production always tell them to lie around the camp and go to sleep right after they eat? Did everyone suddenly decide to chill and take a nap together? And the fact Rachel was the clear one that needed to be saved and that was the perfect way to do it makes me think production was scrambling.

I also had an issue with the TC after Rachel left. They should have had the vote immediately without all the talking and strategizing, even though it makes for good tv. That's just annoying, and if they didn't have a chance to talk to each other, might have ended up with a random boot instead of a targeted one, which IMO would make the whole thing way more interesting.

I don’t think safety is always a no brainer move.

I think there are multiple scenarios where block a vote can be the right play.

One is where it’s 3 v 3 between two tribes, assuming the person who receives the advantage has a good relationship and trusts their other 2 tribe mates. They use block a vote and win tribal 3 to 2.

Maybe production thinks steal a vote tips the scales too much in a rando draw 6 person tribal where only 5 can be voted for.

If you're Rachel, and there's some people on Tuku you like/want to work with, probably makes sense to tell them before tribal. She said she found it 20 mins before.

So maybe go to Caroline or whoever you like most and tell her. Listen, I'm leaving tribal. I have an advantage. Think about who you want out. And then even anticipate it might turn into a live tribal. Maybe after I leave, you and your threesome ought to just sit still and proceed to vote.

So now we’re rigging it for Rachel AND letting her ruin tribal.

It’s honestly out of control. Jeff needs to be stopped.

Always love the rigging accusations whenever something like this happens

Like in the sub 1 hour window between the immunity challenge finishing and the reward starting the producers are rushing out to the printers to create the perfect scroll which will save....checks notes....a run of the mill player down the bottom of the confessional counts with no real storyline

by ponyboy k

I also had an issue with the TC after Rachel left. They should have had the vote immediately without all the talking and strategizing, even though it makes for good tv. That's just annoying, and if they didn't have a chance to talk to each other, might have ended up with a random boot instead of a targeted one, which IMO would make the whole thing way more interesting.

This will sound weird, but I think Jeff likes putting players in random situations, but always giving them the chance to figure out how to adjust to those situations; the situation should have some randomness, but the decision should not. I liked them having a chance to talk.

by tarheels2222 k

I don’t think safety is always a no brainer move.

I think there are multiple scenarios where block a vote can be the right play.

One is where it’s 3 v 3 between two tribes, assuming the person who receives the advantage has a good relationship and trusts their other 2 tribe mates. They use block a vote and win tribal 3 to 2.

Maybe production thinks steal a vote tips the scales too much in a rando draw 6 person tribal where only 5 can be voted for.

This would be true if the advantage was just found randomly. The need for an outsider to send it in blindly means it will usually be sent to whoever is in the most danger.

Maybe, but that also assumes the outsider would want to help the person in most danger in the first place. Or even knows who may be in the most danger.

I think there are plenty of scenarios where the person receiving the advantage doesn’t necessarily need safety and is more beneficial staying to vote and blocking another.

I not big on conspiracy theories but I admit I thought there might have been an attempt by production to help Rachel out. Ever since the first magical fire building at final four, I think about everything that happens on the show from more angles.

I didn't care for over half of the merged tribe (or any tribe) having immunity. You're playing for subset tribal immunity...and individual immunity...and maybe an advantage that acts close to immunity is just too much for me.
