Is this solver output possible in PLO?
Hi guys, I'm checking solutions for PLO and sometimes find unexpected results.
I don't know if it's just how GTO would look like, an error, or I'm missing something.
On this case I'm studying UTG vs BB 100bb 6max SRP on flop AAA.
We do some bet and some check with poker on the flop, but when I explore the range, all Axxx hands are playing the same strategy no matter the blockers.
I would expect AKKx for example to bet less often than other Axxx given we block one of the main hands our opponent could call us.
Isn't this weird? Thanks!

6 Replies
the right question is why are you studying AAA flop
I agree with previous post
Imagine you're trying to generate an image of a suspect by asking the witnesses questions.
Would you:
A- Begin by asking 30 questions about the first hair of the left eyebrow until you got it down to the pixel, then move on to the second hair of the left eyebrow...
B- Ask about the general features and shapes, get a rough sketch down and then maybe iterate by asking more and more concrete questions as you go
Study habits aside, this solver output is suspicious.
It’s unusual to see identical betting frequencies across so many hands. That just doesn't happen. It's probably caused by some card removal issue. For example, if the Ace of Diamonds is already on the board then these hands don't exist and never got solved.
Contact the developers.
Study habits aside, this solver output is suspicious.
It’s unusual to see identical betting frequencies across so many hands. That just doesn't happen. It's probably caused by some card removal issue. For example, if the Ace of Diamonds is already on the board then these hands don't exist and never got solved.
Contact the developers.
Piggy backing off this.... yes something is wrong here, all the outputs are identical for different hands--I don't think that makes any sense.
Study habits aside, this solver output is suspicious.
It’s unusual to see identical betting frequencies across so many hands. That just doesn't happen. It's probably caused by some card removal issue. For example, if the Ace of Diamonds is already on the board then these hands don't exist and never got solved.
Contact the developers.
Yep, mainly fooling around with the software, I already wrote them about it and waiting for a response, but I've reading their discord and apparently they are using not that detailed buckets yet for a lot of situations, so that would explain the anomaly.
That's good to know, because this could create confussions, I have found similar results on others sims too where tons of different side cards seems to not play much of a role in frequencies, and in PLO they often do.
Thanks Tombos!
Ahh yeah that makes sense. Solvers sometimes bucket similar hands together to reduce computational complexity. For ex, preflop solvers bucket postflop hands together to make solving easier. But that abstraction isn't typically shown to the user.
I guess you have to bucket a bit more aggressively in PLO because of there are so many combos to deal with.