The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by d2_e4 k

Who are all these 145 IQ people supporting Trump? I guess Musk probably puts himself in that category, who else?

David Gelernter

by David Sklansky k

David Gelertner

Looked him up and he's a religious nut. Quelle surprise.

by Luciom k

if there are 2 focal points at the extreme of a spectrum with extremely low numbers of cases in between that's actually what is binary in nature allowing for imperfections in DNA transcription, development in the uterus and so on.

some people are born with failed organs, but it doesn't mean that you can clain that humans are born with a number of kidneys that is on a spectrum.

One point about showing that something is possible within this mythical definition argument is that we can then make it happen for people who want it. That leaves the refuge of insisting that by definition it's determined at birth - as I say you better pick your defintions very carefully and inevitably they will still lead you into a mess somewhere so be prepared to change your defintion when it fails.

The main point though is to demonstrate that there is no scientific answer. Defintions aren't scientifically proved facts or immutable transcendtal truths.

The 'biological fact' argument is bogus.

by Luciom k

so she has a study that says 90% reduction 2 weeks from the second dose, and goes in national tv claiming CDC data suggests 100% efficacy against infection.

the **** up was so insane the CDC had to later "clarify"


these people are the reason non leftists lost all trust in "experts".

It was just a careless over-statement for someone in her role. Fellow SMEs immediately pointed it out, rightfully so, and the same week the CDC clarified which was also correct.

But what happened was this triggered all whole lot of anti-science types to hold it up as hard evidence that the scientific community is all garbage

And your last statement is a flat out lie. These people didn't lose their trust because of it, they'd already been long swayed by whatever nonsense they found online. These weren't people that look to experts they're the ones watching Joe Rogan and YouTube chemtrails videos.

by nohands k

It seems weird to you because he views life from a different perspective. One of faith. I don't believe Tucker is claiming to 100% know why God does what He does, it's speculation. There are examples of sin being punished in the Bible and that is what he is referring to. If you believe in God you will see all of the actions people take against Him. Without this perspective, he looks like he belongs in a rubber room.

If you believe in God, then God is sovereign and punishment / justice for abortion begins and ends with him.

by craig1120 k

Gender expression is not equal to gender. Gender transcends biology.

I concur. It's why I decided to add "expression" to my response.

by d2_e4 k

I think I'm just overawed by your irresistible conservative masculinity, it's clearly wreaking havoc with my liberal hormones and causing my little feminine brain to malfunction.

I know

by zers k

Yeah, I was just about to edit, but I'll respond to this instead. I mean that there are some traits that are masculine and others that are feminine. However, individuals can encompass one, the other, or both, and that can vary from trait to trait. Culture may play a role, but given that differences between the sexes have emerged throughout history and cultures, it seems that the biological foundation precedes culture, otherwise the differences would never have come about in the first place.

Sure evolutionary biology has been key to our development. It just pretty much never produces binary results even though there are peaks in the spectrums. Humanity can increasingly intervene so we can shift our position on various traits.

One of the problems is that we have many concepts and traits etc which we try to shoehorn into the two concepts of sex and gender. I dont think it even fits.

by d2_e4 k

If you start from a point of crazy beliefs not being crazy, then they don't seem that crazy at all! Deep.

D2 I'm just glad you weren't permanently banned yet. Not sure where else I could receive so much logical insight.

by nohands k

D2 I'm just glad you weren't permanently banned yet. Not sure where else I could receive so much logical insight.

You don't need me for logical insights, if you were able to master some sort basic reasoning tutorial for small children, that would already be a marked improvement.

by d2_e4 k

You don't need me for logical insights, if you were able to master some sort basic reasoning tutorial for small children, that would already be a marked improvement.

I'm serious, I'm sincerely glad you're still around.

nates silver comingot with his final model after 80k simulations and whatnot only tocome out andsay thesame thing he has last 2 days I assume."" its 50/50"

released by Dartmouth for the semi-battleground state of New Hampshire:

Harris: 61.9% (+28.4)
Trump: 33.5%

RCP average: Harris +3.5
2020: Biden +7.4
2016: Clinton +0.4

by craig1120 k

If you believe in God, then God is sovereign and punishment / justice for abortion begins and ends with him.

so why do religious people cry when their friends and family die? no one sincerely believes this at least they don’t act like they do.

people can still be punished or sent to jail for having abortions or conversely not punished or sent to jail for having abortions whether there is a god or not god world.

I think both candidates have known NH is going harris

by d2_e4 k

Looked him up and he's a religious nut. Quelle surprise.

Does someone who will vote for trump automatically qualify as a "supporter"?

If so, you can add John Sununu (the father), maybe Victor Davis Hanson, and about 2% of the American Ashkenazi Jews.

I reserve “trump supporter” for maga myself.

by the pleasure k

nates silver comingot with his final model after 80k simulations and whatnot only tocome out andsay thesame thing he has last 2 days I assume."" its 50/50"

I don't see how he couldn't, look at what the pollsters are doing. Most are getting deviations but validating them against consensus until they're consensus. There's just no way the actual results are that uniform.

You have one lady in Des Moines who apparently has enough in her retirement fund to not GAF, a couple others. LOL maybe we should eliminate all results within 2 pts of consensus as outliers instead and see what's left then.

by checkraisdraw k

so why do religious people cry when their friends and family die? no one sincerely believes this at least they don’t act like they do.

people can still be punished or sent to jail for having abortions or conversely not punished or sent to jail for having abortions whether there is a god or not god world.

God predominantly does not want to be condemned, so he will impose his will on people to prevent it. The primary way he does this is through atheism / agnosticism. Atheism + freedom were always inevitable as the desire for justice began to outweigh the desire to worship within the collective human psyche.

Still, it’s all in service to the story in the end.

by d2_e4 k

You don't need me for logical insights, if you were able to master some sort basic reasoning tutorial for small children, that would already be a marked improvement.

by craig1120 k

God predominantly does not want to be condemned, so he will impose his will on people to prevent it. The primary way he does this is through atheism / agnosticism. Atheism + freedom were always inevitable as the desire for justice began to outweigh the desire to worship within the collective human psyche.

Still, it’s all in service to the story in the end.

lol I’m not going to make this a philosophy discussion. Again I’m just super curious how it’s possible that if believers truly believed in God that they act all the time like they don’t. Even demanding that Christian morality be codified into law is very strange if you consider God to be the ultimate sovereign. But what do I know?

by Luciom k

so she has a study that says 90% reduction 2 weeks from the second dose, and goes in national tv claiming CDC data suggests 100% efficacy against infection.

the **** up was so insane the CDC had to later "clarify".


and to be clear, everyone knew that 90% protection was going to get lower with time, as the exact same happened to people who got infected and the immunitary response

Many never believe experts , been liked that for decades .
Vaccine bad
Cigarettes not bad
Climate change not real
We went to the moon
Etc ….

by d2_e4 k

So, you post a meme about IQ and when pressed, you explain how it's actually not about IQ but about how ruggedly masculine conservatives are, even though the meme was clearly about IQ. Cool, I guess, thanks for popping in to leave us with no doubts as to which side of your diagram you're on.

I think the telling this is even someone like Elon, who's not the smartest guy in the world but went to college, studied science and deals with some level of managing engineers understands that a significant portion of MAGA people believe in MAGA because they are stupid and in a completely different way that some really dumb people voted for Mitt Romney because he got 60 million votes and it's impossible that some are very dumb.

by checkraisdraw k

lol I’m not going to make this a philosophy discussion.

Too late. It’s ok, I listened to Dr.Phil’s full speech at madison square garden about how Trumps not a bully. I can read this discussion too then.

Elon said on his rogan interview that his diablo 4 video game account is the number 19 ranked account right now which can be semi-corroborated on the leaderboards.. that account has at minimum 7-8 hours PER DAY logged on it since the game came out in october to reach the level it's at..

not sure what that says about his honesty, his work for Trump's ground game, or how much he's involved in any of his companies...
