To Las Vegas Nov. 30 - Dec. 6
It’s a little early, but I’m excited for this trip. It’s been too long.
My husband is attending the MJBizCon conference (
) for his business, and of course I’m going to tag along! I’m looking forward to any samples he gets😉We leave Nov. 30 and fly home Dec. 6 – conference is Dec. 4-6, so he’ll miss the last day. We are staying at our Hilton Grand behind Flamingo – Elara was booked, but we really like the Flamingo HG, and it was so few points it’s amazing.
We have reservations Sunday evening for Bazaar Mar, but now I’m considering The Orleans $40K guarantee NLHE tourney that day. Seems like a pretty good structure, prize, etc. Any advice? Is it worth it. If so, we might change reservations to Monday or Tuesday.
Will post shoes and roll as we get a little closer. Until then, I’ll share some “home” poker stories.
Played in one of the two local 1/2 NLHE games Friday night. This game has a dealer’s choice $5 bomb pot every round followed by two hands of PLO. I usually play w/o my husband, but he joined me this time. I always ask for my seat ahead of time, and someone else had snagged my seat 5. Annoying, but no big deal. I asked for seats 6 and 7 instead.
For background, my husband and I are definitely winners in this game. My husband has played only a few times, but he is very aggressive and a good player. He has won every time he’s been there, but these guys are terrible players. They buy in for $50 to $100 (then rebuy), limp/call almost every hand, and limp/raise or raise only with QQ+ (usually only w/ KK or AA – and then they limp/shove), but they rarely raise – I mean almost never. They call bets w/ any piece, chase draws for the wrong price, etc. Really bad. There is only one decent (and that’s stretching it) player. And they have zero idea how to play PLO, let alone PLO bomb pots.
When we arrived, they had us in seats 4 and 6 with nobody in seat 7. It turns out one of the players didn’t want us sitting together. I was pretty upset, but let it go.
Funny thing is, if these players aren’t related (at least half of them are on any given night), they grew up together and/or they work together. They are good ole boys, and this is a small town. My husband and I are the only ones not born in the area.
There is collusion among these players every game. These guys will check it down, check the nuts on the river, tell the other guy what they have, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if they shared profits at the end of the night. However, they are so bad it’s worth playing. Plus, they feed us and there aren’t many other options – and it’s only eight minutes’ drive.
My husband and I never collude. We never check it down and we sure as hell never check the nuts on the river. Plus, at least one of us always shows our hand, even if we don’t get to showdown, because I never want someone to think we are colluding/cheating. So to have this guy want to separate us was tilting. I desperately wanted his measly $100 stack. My husband got a little of it, but then the guy lost his last $60 KK
Halfway through the night seat 5 left, so we got to sit together. I won $150 and my husband won $500, so it felt good 😉 I didn’t push it Saturday night, but If I ask, I know they will never separate us again.
Always in for a Mrs. Newt TR!
The best part of a conference always happens on the last day. Need to extend.
He doesn't need to believe it's important to be at all days, just to convince whoever it is that pays for the trip that it is.
don't take it personally Java but I don't like people sitting next to their significant others either. tbh I prefer them not to be on the same table, but definitely not next to each other.
I totally understand your point about all the different kind of relationships at those games and all the opportunities they can bring for collusion as well, but splitting up couples is just one less thing to worry about
Here for the PLO and bomb pot hand histories!
…And whatever else you feel like sharing your trip with us 😀
I’m in for the run good
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don't take it personally Java but I don't like people sitting next to their significant others either. tbh I prefer them not to be on the same table, but definitely not next to each other.
I totally understand your point about all the different kind of relationships at those games and all the opportunities they can bring for collusion as well, but splitting up couples is just one less thing to worry about
I would understand it if they didn't collude every single game. I actually said, "If we can't sit together, I don't want to see anyone check the river with the nuts." One of the guys said, "I'll check the nuts if I want to." In the only other game close to me, which has most of the same players, the "brush" doesn't allow checking the nuts on the river, thank goodness. Both places require all hands to be shown at showdown if someone is all in.
There is one game/table on any given night, so my husband and I have no choice of tables. If we were to collude, it'd be just as easy -- maybe easier and more profitable -- to do it if we weren't sitting together, but these guys aren't smart enough to realize that. Next time maybe we'll sit on either side of the guy who complained and just ping pong him for fun 😉 JK, but it would be fantastic!
I will share a few PLO and bomb pot hands from the underground games and even a few hold 'em hands over the next few weeks. Definitely will share lots of PLO from Vegas!
Remember, people don't go to Vegas to fold. Get it in good and it will turn. Also, I'd recommend Momofuku at the Cosmo if you guys haven't been there. My trip report from April of this year had a couple pics. Iberico pork is phenomenal.
IIRC, TDA rules specify one may not check the nuts on the river if the player is in last position. Thus allowing them to try to set up a check-raise.
I understand that TDA rules are not necessarily cash game rules, they are generally a good guide.
But I get what you're saying. You and Mr. Newt are playing seriously against each other, while other partners/buddies/whatever are not, that's not great.
We have reservations Sunday evening for Bazaar Mar, but now I’m considering The Orleans $40K guarantee NLHE tourney that day. Seems like a pretty good structure, prize, etc. Any advice? Is it worth it. If so, we might change reservations to Monday or Tuesday.
Their Sunday tourney is supposed to be a good one. Never played it because I'm usually on the road headed home on Sunday, but a lot of people I've seen there speak highly of it. Plus, it begins around noon instead of at night.
For background, my husband and I are definitely winners in this game. My husband has played only a few times, but he is very aggressive and a good player. He has won every time he’s been there, but these guys are terrible players. They buy in for $50 to $100 (then rebuy), limp/call almost every hand, and limp/raise or raise only with QQ+ (usually only w/ KK or AA – and then they limp/shove), but they rarely raise – I mean almost never. They call bets w/ any piece, chase draws for the wrong price, etc. Really bad. There is only one decent (and that’s stretching it) player. And they have zero idea how to play PLO, let alone PLO bomb pots.
Can you bring them with you to Vegas?
don't take it personally Java but I don't like people sitting next to their significant others either. tbh I prefer them not to be on the same table, but definitely not next to each other.
I totally understand your point about all the different kind of relationships at those games and all the opportunities they can bring for collusion as well, but splitting up couples is just one less thing to worry about
In the Bally's tournaments there's a couple that somehow get seated next to each other. I asked some solid regs about that, and they said they were okay and not to worry. Then I saw a big hand where someone at the far end of the table shoved, and while next-to-act was thinking about it, Mr and Mrs had a long discussion about what Mr should do, and he was still in the hand! I was close to them so I could see it, but the reg I previously mentioned was at the far end. He didn't believe me when I told him what went on. Maybe he'll be less trusting from now on.
Their Sunday tourney is supposed to be a good one. Never played it because I'm usually on the road headed home on Sunday, but a lot of people I've seen there speak highly of it. Plus, it begins around noon instead of at night.
Thanks. My husband asked for a higher buy-in, but $40K sounds pretty good and I do like the early start. Late reg is 6:15, though, and that worries me a little 😉
Seriously. (I don't think any of them has ever been.) I'm playing in the "other" game tonight, so I hope to have a few hands to share.
In the Bally's tournaments there's a couple that somehow get seated next to each other. I asked some solid regs about that, and they said they were okay and not to worry. Then I saw a big hand where someone at the far end of the table shoved, and while next-to-act was thinking about it, Mr and Mrs had a long discussion about what Mr should do, and he was still in the hand! I was close to them so I could see it, but the reg I previously mentioned was at the far end. He didn't believe me when I to
Wow. That's pretty bad. We don't talk or touch during a hand if either of us is in it -- unless we are heads up, and then we are just trash talking each other 😉
Thanks. My husband asked for a higher buy-in, but $40K sounds pretty good and I do like the early start. Late reg is 6:15, though, and that worries me a little 😉
The Orleans Sunday Special (I think that's what it's called) usually has a good turnout, 200 entries or so, so the prize pool is pretty good. The Wynn $200 is also good, in my limited experience in it. It's at noon-ish on weekdays, don't know about the weekends. The surroundings are also a tad nicer too.
IIRC, TDA rules specify one may not check the nuts on the river if the player is in last position. Thus allowing them to try to set up a check-raise.
I understand that TDA rules are not necessarily cash game rules, they are generally a good guide.
I was in a Circuit event years ago in Tahoe when I saw that in action. I remembered seeing the rule when I read them, but never really thought about it. The board ended up T J Q K no flush possibility, and it was a raised pot and bet hard the first couple streets. The 2 guys in the hand were laughing and smiling and it was obvious to all they both had an ace, at least. It went check-check on the river and the dealer called for the floor. All the players were confused until the floor explained the rule. No option, he had to make the one guy sit out an orbit. Luckily it was early on and the antes hadn't even kicked in yet.
Played last night in my other game. A bad maniac sat directly to my right. I love this guy, but unfortunately he didn’t last long and I got him only once (don’t even remember the hand). He straddles almost every hand and will gii with any draw, pair, etc. I love having him at the table, but I do feel bad because I don’t know that he can really afford it – and he has an adorable baby girl w/ Downs Syndrome. However, I am mean and will take money from whomever wants to give it to me.
These players limp constantly w/ AA/KK/QQ/AK, etc. They almost never raise pre unless there is a raise in front of them, then they min-raise or shove. This is not an exaggeration. In the first couple of orbits I saw AA limped, AK vs. AQ both limped, KK limped, etc. On the other hand, they will often limp/call with their entire range – K5, AJ, Q8, etc., and always play their favorite hand, whatever that might be (K4, J2 are two I know). Here are a few hands.
BTN ($150) is a little better than most, but not much. He might raise w/ JJ+, but that’s it. He does not have worse than AK/JJ. Someone makes it $5, I (MP, cover) go $15 w/ AKo, BTN makes it $30, fold, I consider raising but I don’t want to face a shove from anyone at this table. I flat. Flop is KK4, I check, he bets $15, I call. Turn is a blank and I bet $20 and he folds. This is the one and only time I wish I had gone for it.
Less than an orbit later I have AKo again. Same guy makes it $5, I make it $15, the guy next to me makes it $30. This guy is extremely tight. He already limped w/ AA once. He 90% has KK/AA here, 10% QQ. I know I should just fold, but I can’t. Flop is low, I check, he bets, I fold, he shows KK.
I get TT in MP and raise to $15, guy from BTN above shoves ~$125, I fold, he shows AK.
This is my favorite: I limp 33 from HJ. BTN makes it $16. This is one of the looser players (I use that term loosely) as in he calls a lot pre w/ more junk than most and he raises a little wider, but not much. He gets one call (BTN in first hand who had limped UTG in this hand), I call.
Pot is $45. Flop is the beautiful Jd6d3x. Check, I check, and BTN bets $100 w/ $135 behind. LOL. The other guy folds and I, of course, shove (I have him covered), and he calls w/ AA. Thank you very much.
I (cover) raise the BTN to $12 w/ 9Thh, SB, BB call. Flop is K93 rainbow. SB ($200) bets $15, BB folds, and I decide to see a turn. Turn ($60) K93T. Bingo, but SB, who is tight like the rest of them, bets again, $20. I call. River ($100). He checks and I know I should bet, but I just don’t trust these guys, so I check. He has AK, thank goodness.
This is one of the problems with playing these guys – I end up owning myself when they limp/call w/ AA, AK, AT, KK, etc. I usually just value bet, but if they are betting, my spidey senses are triggered.
This game plays $5 PLO double board bomb pots followed by one hand of PLO, but there weren’t too many interesting hands that I remember, anyway.
I was up and down, including $140 in a bomb pot (two pair on bottom, trip Ks on top – I called a $100 on turn getting 4:1), so was up only $50 for the night, but it’s a win
Played in the better game (Thurs/Sat) last night. Husband and I sat together -- nobody cares except the one guy. He showed up but didn't play -- supposedly not because of us, but who knows? I can't remember many hands. I really need to focus to do that. Plus, I might have had a little too much sake 😉 I, again, won a whopping $50. My husband was in for $600, but left up $400. I've never seen anyone run so well. He hit every straight draw, two pair, etc., and they just kept paying him off.
No poker until next week (not live, anyway -- I play every day online).
Still wondering if Resorts World gets PLO going? Also thinking about doing the Wicked Spoon buffet, but we'll see.
Still wondering if Resorts World gets PLO going? Also thinking about doing the Wicked Spoon buffet, but we'll see.
they often have mixed games going but would probably have to get a PLO interest list full before they did PLO. ordinarily I suspect it is not high in the pecking order for them.
seems like they always have a mixed game running, then 1/3, then another 1/3, then 2/5, then 5/5...
I'm not much of a mixed game player, but I might make the trip to see the room. I don't mind a little hold 'em now and then if that's all they have for me. I know most people don't like it, but I love eating at the table (as opposed to giving up my seat or leaving for an hour), and they have a few options.
Played in the "little" 1/2 game last night -- with $5 hold 'em db bomb pots (boring) and no PLO (also boring). I actually lost $210. It was ridiculous. I could not make a hand. I'd raise to $12 - $17, get two to three callers, and miss. I had one "big" hand early when I boated w/ A6 vs. JJ, but that's it. No sets, no flushes, no hole pair bigger than 77.
I had AK suited once -- EP acts as if he's going to raise (for this guy that's TT+), but he limps. A few other limps. I make it $15, he calls. I c-bet a Q-high flop and he calls, so I give up. We check it down and he's got AKo. Perfect.
I have found that I don't like being overly aggressive in this game because they are so passive I feel as if I'm just taking away from their enjoyment of the night. Hard to explain, but they are all "buddies" (half of them are related, remember), and they are just having a good time. I think I'll skip this game from now on and just play in the games w/ PLO -- much more gambly and fun and I can comfortably be aggressive.
Heading to NYC tonight -- just decided yesterday. Hubby has a meeting Thursday, but the flights were so cheap he booked both of us this evening through Saturday. We are using our Hilton Grand points. I have an office in NYC, so I'll work W, Th, Fri, but we'll have some nice dinners/wine and might see a show. We are staying at The Conrad Friday night, which should be very nice! We usually stay in midtown closer to my office -- it will be fun to explore a different area where we haven't been in a while.
No poker in NYC this trip, though. I do miss playing in those games!
I'm not much of a mixed game player, but I might make the trip to see the room. I don't mind a little hold 'em now and then if that's all they have for me. I know most people don't like it, but I love eating at the table (as opposed to giving up my seat or leaving for an hour), and they have a few options
I’ll confirm - menu is pretty broad even off hours/late night - chip runner or floor will take your order and deliver. Pay with points or chips/card/cash. Earned a meal a day there without too many hours.
Just found out my husband has a dinner Tuesday night at Nobu. There are some pretty ritzy parties, too. I hope partners are invited. If not, I'll just play poker!
I've played a couple of times since the last game post. Lost $300 in one game but didn't buy back as I was very tired and won $370 in the other. I also figured out why I don't post hands -- it's because my player pool is so straightforward. How I lose sometimes I will never know. It's basically just getting unlucky, a few loose calls, and a few coolers. If they call, they have a piece; if they bet, they have a bigger piece. It's really that simple.
I'm playing tonight, so maybe something interesting will happen.
One fun hand from Thursday night: My husband is to my right and is straddling his button in one of the two hands of PLO per round. He's very aggressive and gambles quite a bit, but I'd describe him as a good LAG. He's had two horrendous beats so is in for a bit and has about $200 in front of him, I cover. I raise his straddle and we get it in pre. He has AKK9 w/ A-high clubs and I have KQT9ssdd. I hit my straight and my flush 😉
The funny thing is these guys think we are colluding playing these hands. One guy left after my husband raised his straddle w/ AKo, the guy folded pre but would have won with a four-card straight to the J. He had JJ and limped the straddle, then folded to my husband's raise. LOL. My husband had been raising almost all of his straddles. The are just sooooo tight, yet loose/passive at the same time because they will call a raise w/ K7 suited. It's bizarre.
Vegas is just over a week away! I cannot wait.
Looking forward to another one of your TRs! Hope all your run good is saved for Vegas!
Looking forward to another one of your TRs! Hope all your run good is saved for Vegas!
Thanks. Let's hope so. Lost again Saturday night, but hitting the high-hand saved me -- only down $70. Mainly from my AA losing to JX when he hit a J on the river. I insta-folded the minute he shoved and then he showed his J -- although showing was overkill, everyone knew he had a J. Also lost a bit in db PLO bomb pots, but when they get lucky there is nothing you can do.
The “checking the nuts in position on the river” rule is not enforced the same across Vegas casinos. Some adhere to suggested TDA rules and some do not, I remember specifically playing an Orleans tourney where the rule is not enforced, you are allowed to check the nuts in position.