The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by borg23 k

no because it wasn't. she got curb stomped in the same country where Hillary won the popular vote by a lot and Obama won 2 landslide elections.
Nobody told Biden to say he's going to select a black woman for VP.
The only reason she was nominee is bc Biden dropped out late while she was VP. She never would have came close in a primary.

The DEI **** and the slept her way to the top **** started before anyone had any clue who she was or what her platform was.

You can twist yourself up in knots trying to defend the knee jerk reaction to her being black and a woman to call her DEI and a whore but maybe read this sentence again.

by pocket_zeros k

He already

without a replacement then. Why wouldn't he try again without a plan to replace it, esp after Mike Johnson has already said he wants a "major overhaul" of ACA?

It will end up basically the same, just like NAFTA. But then they'll be able to shout, "No more OBAMAcare!!", and then have a party.

by coordi k

The DEI **** and the slept her way to the top **** started before anyone had any clue who she was or what her platform was.

You can twist yourself up in knots trying to defend the knee jerk reaction to her being black and a woman to call her DEI and a whore but maybe read this sentence again.

You're the one trying to twist ****.

Biden is the one who said he's picking a black woman. Then he picks a black woman who was primary road kill and if people point out she got picked bc she checked those two boxes they're racist and sexist?
Make that make sense.

If a college has one spot left for admission and says "we need to give it to a black female" then gives it to a black female with awful test scores and grades there is nothing racist or sexist about saying she only got in for checking those boxes.

Pointing that out is not the same thing as saying women or black keep can't be smart and can't do well in school. But that's what you're trying to twist it to. Nice try.

You're mad the orange idiot won. Instead of looking at your own party and saying they shouldn't have forced in an awful unpopular candidate you wanna play the racism and sexism card. Give me a break.

by housenuts k

Kamala not conceding for another 7 hours is interesting.

Imagine if the vote was reversed and Trump hadn't conceded yet.

We don't have to imagine. He didn't concede for years, did he?

by housenuts k

Kamala not conceding for another 7 hours is interesting.

Imagine if the vote was reversed and Trump hadn't conceded yet.

Trump still hasn’t conceded the 2020 election

Pundits casually talking about the need for soul searching. They think that means to pontificate among their in group.

Soul searching means you spend time alone, affirm the existence of the soul, and actually search for it.

by borg23 k

You're the one trying to twist ****.

Biden is the one who said he's picking a black woman. Then he picks a black woman who was primary road kill and if people point out she got picked bc she checked those two boxes they're racist and sexist?
Make that make sense.

If a college has one spot left for admission and says "we need to give it to a black female" then gives it to a black female with awful test scores and grades there is nothing racist or sexist about saying she only got in for checking th

The knee jerk reaction to seeing a black woman run for president was to call her a DEI whore. On a line for line basis you are twisting yourself up 5x more than me friendo

by Luciom k

Nah, if it was just that they would keep claiming it was stolen when asked but they wouldn't keep inserting that topic while they could just celebrate a massive , unexpected win and it's consequences.


by Luciom k

Btw Trump didn't say what you claim here, that was one of the many completly fabricated narratives democrat controlled media made up

Cool, but I am going off of exactly what he said in his pressers in both instances and not the media's interpretation of that.

by coordi k

The DEI **** and the slept her way to the top **** started before anyone had any clue who she was or what her platform was.

We still don't know what her platform was.

by craig1120 k

Working class men, no matter what race, who are dissatisfied, are going to be attracted to a more masculine vision of leadership. There is a deep reason for this.

Trump is not a strong candidate, but the blue team is completely oblivious on how to connect with working class men.

Yeah. We need guys like religious freaks and people adopting names like joe6pack to show us how to be real men.

Where can we sign up to your course?

by Inso0 k

I know, I know, everyone involved here would be batshit crazy even if they focused on something other than politics, but it's still funny.

Looks like someone isn't getting laid for a while.

by campfirewest k

We still don't know what her platform was.

That lack of political courage and confusion over her politics was a big part of the problem imo.

by craig1120 k

Pundits casually talking about the need for soul searching. They think that means to pontificate among their in group.

Soul searching means you spend time alone, affirm the existence of the soul, and actually search for it.

huh? soul searching is a common phrase that simply means auditing yourself to see what you can do better/what you really value.

I'm sure KH is devastated

I seriosuly doubt it's anyhting to do with challanging the result.

What's the over/under on how long until Trump and Musk have a relationship-ending falling out over one getting the attention the other craves for themselves? My line is 100 days after inauguration.

by pocket_zeros k

What's the over/under on how long until Trump and Musk have a relationship-ending falling out over one getting the attention the other craves for themselves? My line is 100 days after inauguration.

30 days from now or less

by chezlaw k

If it gets the uk and the EU back together and into a coherent political union then I'll give it some genius points

Plus fundamentally liberals don"t really have an issue with tariffs if we look at what was historically the traditional blue collar representation and its affiliation with the unions.

by pocket_zeros k

What's the over/under on how long until Trump and Musk have a relationship-ending falling out over one getting the attention the other craves for themselves? My line is 100 days after inauguration.

I'd guess RFK has already been dumped by Trump.

Musk might make it through the inauguration. Hes incredibly useful

by borg23 k

no there's a penalty for forcing in a nominee who got 1 percent of the primary vote in 2020 and polled dismally as vice president.

They also forced Hillary in but at least she was pretty close to Bernie and not complete road kill like Harris.

Harris got absolutely smoked and it has nothing to do with being a woman.

Biden was the only one of the 3 nominees Trump faced who legitimately won it.
He also had incredible timing to be running when everything was in the shitter bc of covid.
It's a lot easie

This. I am disappointed that on a poker forum that has traditionally been obsessed with statistics, we are going with a sample size of two in our determination to prove that women are not electable. That is especially true when Harris was an absolutely awful candidate from the get-go, who was thrust upon all of us because of DNC incompetence. A qualified and charismatic woman wouldn't have a problem getting elected. The problem is that, for reasons that are a complete mystery to me, the Democrats just can't find people that are charismatic and qualified to run for office.

The frigging Tic Toc videos are off the chart... this is so goddamn entertaining, and it is unbelievable how predictable the lefty wannabes have become.

Faux progressivism is funny.

by DonkJr k

The problem is that, for reasons that are a complete mystery to me, the Democrats just can't find people that are charismatic and qualified to run for office.

That's odd, I could've sworn the current guy won an election for them, and the one before the one before him won two.

Charisma is the least of their problems.

by campfirewest k

We still don't know what her platform was.

What was Trump's platform, the same stuff he campaigned on in 2016 and never accomplished? He never said anything of substance, with regard to policy, at his rallies.

by coordi k

I'd guess RFK has already been dumped by Trump.

According to RFK they're still talking. The country's biggest anti-vaxxer wants at the FDA:


by Victor k

lets check in on the UP libs


I thought some were revealing a little too much of themselves when a few of them were JaQing off on the police committing civil forfeiture on their political enemies.

by checkraisdraw k

Lessons dems should take away: become more racist, more classist, more “queerphobic”, and more pro-Jewish

This is a serious misdiagnosis imo.

Are there people whose main goal in life is to prove that black people are genetically predisposed to commit crime? Are there people whose main goal in life is to return women to the era of Mad Men? Are there people in life whose main goal in life is to make the world as miserable as possible for transgender people? Yes to all three. And **** those people. There is no way to appeal to them as voters that is consistent with human decency. And on a more practical level, it would be impossible to one-up Trump when it comes to something like the objectification of women, even if it were morally tolerable to do so.

A large swath of Americans hold at least some views on race, gender, or the role of women that strike me as retrograde. The irredeemable people I described above are a tiny fraction of this larger group. Even if you believe that you need some votes from this larger group in order to win elections, you don't have to promote bigotry in order to get them. And that's because diminishing a particular race, women, transgender people, etc., isn't the only thing these people care about. The hypothetical voter in question may think that black NBA players with tattoos look like "thugs." Maybe he even types that sentiment into his Facebook feed. But that isn't the issue that he really cares about when he decides how to vote. What he really cares about most when he goes into the voting booth is healthcare, education, jobs, safety net, foreign policy, or whatever. If you believe that winning elections requires getting votes from some people who have problematic views on some issues, it doesn't follow that you have to adopt or endorse the bad stuff in order to get some of those votes. You just have to convince those people that you care about the non-problematic things that are most important to them. The Democratic party isn't doing a good job of branding itself as the party that cares about things that make day-to-day life easier or harder for most people.
