$1/3 Rivered straight

$1/3 Rivered straight

V is a bit of a nitreg. Keeps talking about studying tournament poker and moving to cash and blah blah but vpip is pretty low, haven't seen much from him and hovering between $200-$300 after doubling up his short stack.


$260 eff

V Utg opens 10
Hero BTN 3bets to $30 w KsQs
V calls

Pot $60
Flop J75r

Turn is Ts bringing in the flush draw
Hero bets $45, V calls

Pot $150
River is 9d

About $190 remaining. Do we jam or size down to 2/3 pot?

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06 November 2024 at 04:24 PM

16 Replies

I'm pretty much never 3betting a nitty player's UTG open unless I have a monster. For this price, on the Button, and actually fine if the blinds happen to come along, I'd just flat preflop.

Think I'd mostly cbet ~smallish to get Ax to fold.

Honestly our bet on the turn looks FOS. Although he is still indicating he only has Ax, so I guess I'm ok with it.

I never think there is anything wrong with jamming when we have the nuts as sometimes we misread the strength of our opponents hand. However, here it really looks like A high to me, so I'd probably size very small if I didn't jam.


Given our 3! PF, this seems like a clear bet on the flop with overs and both backdoor draws.

Doesn't sound like someone who will call a jam, so I bet 1/2 to 2/3 pot.

pf is bad unless you cbet flops like this to $20-25, to set up big turn/river bets and get Ax and pairs below the jack to fold on later streets. if that isn't your plan pf should be a call. this is especially true if the blinds are fishy, passive players as you want to keep them in the hand. if the blinds are tricky, tough players than 3betting pre is more attractive.

once i check the flop i check the turn because i have no FE and no ability to build a pot worth bluffing later.

as played on the river think about what his range is given the action, and how to get paid by that range.

im guessing the correct play is to bet 1/3 pot on the river which will either get called by the weaker portions of his range or raised by the top of his range (like 99) which is what you want. i dont think if you bet more you get called by Tx or pairs, or maybe even Jx if hes really nitty.

I fold pre to a tight nit's UTG raise heads up but that's just me.

I'm cbetting the flop, why did you check it back? If I wasn't cbetting unless we smashed the flop I would of just called pre then (if I was you).

Bet around 60 otr since it's just one card away from a straight so we want non straights to call.

I agree that flatting here is probably good. I decided to 3bet knowing he is not the type to flat a 3bet w AA/KK/QQ/AK, he plays ABC enough to know he needs to 4bet those but nitty enough to have few if any 4bet bluffs.

Checking flop was based on I felt he had a lot more Jx in his EP open/call range than my wider 3bet range and he knows I'm cbetting a lot and probably going to over call any small cbet. With stacks so shallow I wasn't sure if I wanted to try a bet-bet-bet line.

I think my standard line would be small cbet, overbet turn on that specific card and give up if I miss. Lately, I have been trying to find more spots to check on the flop and J/T high boards seem to have higher check frequencies as the aggressor but maybe this specific config BTN v UTG that is less of a factor? Still feels like he has more Jx and suited connector type hands that catch a piece here than I do.

I think smaller sizing on river as most have mentioned is probably best to target Jx, Tx and induce from stronger hands. I guess I was hoping for an 8x or JT hand to call but he doesn't really have a lot of 8x so smaller makes more sense.

by Playbig2000 k

I fold pre to a tight nit's UTG raise heads up but that's just me.

I'm not assuming "...a bit of a nitreg" is equivalent to a nit who only raises UTG with AA/KK

FWIW, against a rando the solver is pretty indifferent between calling and reraising.

by Gonecrazy69 k

I agree that flatting here is probably good. I decided to 3bet knowing he is not the type to flat a 3bet w AA/KK/QQ/AK, he plays ABC enough to know he needs to 4bet those but nitty enough to have few if any 4bet bluffs.

Checking flop was based on I felt he had a lot more Jx in his EP open/call range than my wider 3bet range and he knows I'm cbetting a lot and probably going to over call any small cbet. With stacks so shallow I wasn't sure if I wanted to try a bet-bet-bet line.

I think my standar

Yeah, being shallow (under 100 bb's) is another reason why not to 3bet, but his range would be first and foremost since he's raising from UTG and you're read on him is he's a tight reg.

Assuming we're deep and I did 3bet, usually an UTG raise and a flat to a 3bet is gonna be mostly PP's and maybe AK (rarely AQ/AJ, or TJ/QJ). They usually flat trying to hit a set then fold to a cbet, and our range has all the higher PP's then his so if he calls a cbet I can then decide if I'm betting the turn.

Even though he talks about studying and so forth still doesn't mean he's thinking about your range as possibly being wide when you 3bet the button, but if he's even thinking along those lines he should know you're 3betting a very tight/narrow range to begin with but it would depend on a lot of other factors such as has he seen you 3bet in LP often, and does he know you're 3betting range? If not, it's another reason to cbet since our hand would look more like AA/KK/QQ.

by Always Fondling k

I'm not assuming "...a bit of a nitreg" is equivalent to a nit who only raises UTG with AA/KK

FWIW, against a rando the solver is pretty indifferent between calling and reraising.

idk, the two majic words there were "UTG raise" and "nit" so I just put two plus two together. His range is still gonna be tight as a default anyway though.

by Gonecrazy69 k

Checking flop was based on I felt he had a lot more Jx in his EP open/call range than my wider 3bet range...

wat? You thought this "bit of a nitreg" was open-calling UTG with hands like KJs/QJs/JTs, while definitely 4! with AK/QQ?

If he is this loose PF, Jx hands can't be more than a small piece of his flop range. In fact, your own read would suggest that his range is likely stuffed with AX and PPs below QQ, making it even more imperative that we bet this flop, since you likely aren't going to win with K-high.

by Playbig2000 k

idk, the two majic words there were "UTG raise" and "nit" so I just put two plus two together. His range is still gonna be tight as a default anyway though.

I'll go along with Villain likely having a standard UTG raising raise, since the OP's clarification makes Villain sound more like a garden variety TAG versus being a real nit.

Yeah seems like maybe my use of nitreg was too loose. He's nitty in that he'd rather call than 4bet but will still see a flop. He was a confusing player because he played kind of tight for the table but still limped in and did weird passive stuff and then would talk about studying heads up and tournaments and stuff so really don't know where to place him. Just think he has plenty of suited Broadway and suited connectors along with his pps here.

I jammed and he tanked for a long time, probably because my image was a bit aggressive at this table with a handful of shown bluffs. He finally folds and shows ATs saying he'd call with a J

Maybe I just had a bad read but my point was he wasn't giving action and he seemed like a bad reg not 3bet/4betting enough

Never going to hate on a 3bet from the button with a hand as strong as KQs, but I would mostly call preflop.

Flop is a sure cbet with all these juicy backdoors and immediate fold equity from an Ace. I'd be betting small here 100% of the time with your specific hand.

Turn would be better as a barrel but fine to bet. You are still going after Ax. That said, he may be setting up a check-raise with range advantage; with a draw as strong as yours you don't really care.

He's shown very little interest in the hand. I agree that sizing down here is best as it looks like a Jack or Ten a lot and a big bet might even scare off a hand like QQ anyhow. Frustrating if he has a set, but if he does then you've played the hand better than him anyhow.

by moxterite k

Never going to hate on a 3bet from the button with a hand as strong as KQs

even vs an utg raise with 85 bb's eff? j/w

by Gonecrazy69 k

I jammed and he tanked for a long time, probably because my image was a bit aggressive at this table with a handful of shown bluffs. He finally folds


Yeah, you def over bet it and turned your hand face up pretty much. Who'e gonna bet that much w/o a straigt on that board esp when you've shown extreme stregnth throughout the whole hand.


I don't mind the pre flop 3B in theory, but we're setting up an awkward SPR for post-flop.

Also interesting to think about what V's range looks like when he flat calls. If he would have 4B to 3x, like $90, he'd be pot committing himself pre, and may as well just jam. I think most low-stakes players in V's spot pre will just 4B-jam the top of their range, so I'd think his range is pretty capped going to the flop.

My preferred line would be to c-bet the flop for around 1/3 pot, and then size up to an over-bet on the turn if he flat calls. But it's hard to size up without being in danger of getting jammed on and being pot committed, and also hard to leave enough behind to jam river with any fold equity.

If you bet $20 on flop, and he called, the pot would be $100 going to the turn, and he'd have $210 left. I think I might just shove instead of betting some other amount, for max fold equity. We can't be in terrible shape if he calls, with two overs and a 15 out combo draw.

As played on flop, I think I'd size up to bet pot on turn, leaving 1 PSB left to jam the river. As played on turn, and assuming V checks to us again, I might bet really small, like $30, hoping to induce him to spaz raise.

I don't think a description of nitrogen is enough to know whether flatting or 3bettinf is better pre. Folding is almost definitely wrong though. Rake structure is important too. Lean much more towards 3b in a raked game and it's probably mandatory if it's a large drop game. If it is not a raked game generally either flatting or 3betting is fine. Keep in mind v is supposed to fold AQo vs 3bet. Some players we might tag as tight but will still raise/call AQo from EP which makes 3betting KQs a bit worse.

Bet flop. You have 2 overs, bdsd, bdfd, low showdown value. You aren't going to have a ton of flopped straight draws here, but you will have a lot of hands for value that want to bet the flop, so you hand is basically a mandatory flop bet. Half pot is probably theoretically correct to get stacks in by river, but anywhere from 1/3 to half pot is fine. 1/3 pot generally gets more folds than it should and auto profits so I think it is fine exploitatively.

As played jam river. People can play sets egregiously trappy with sets and they will get egregiously stationy with hands like Jx+ because you didn't bet flop and turn brought in a flush draw. The 1 liner won't scare villain much because he won't think 8x is in your range much. And he won't fold 8x like 88 either.
