Why is life so hostile to me?
Hi,I want to tell you guys that my life is going to ****!I live by stealing and while I know this is wrong none of you actually helped me deal with it!
Why am I stealing? Because no family member of mine helped me with anything!
Also don't try to act innocent because you're poker players and I already realised that poker is a game where you steal and it's not charity!
I'll be honest with you I wanted to try poker not because I wanted to become a pro poker player,hell no,I did this because of my horrible life and resorted to stealing because no one showed me empathy,compassion(some users like All-inMcLovin,Didace,markfnw,and Dr Meh didn't offer me that kind of feeling)
Why is this happening to me? I even calculated the Newton's Binomial on compound interest and to be honest the sums which you borrow/loan from a bank or a non institute bank are not the same with the final result!
How can I reach 50 000,100 000 euros or dollars and so on with hard work?Do you see the flaw in your logic guys?
That's what I'm asking you guys!What's wrong with stealing when this is a poker forum and this is exactly what you do!
Can you disprove that?
If so,how?
And don't think that I live in a perfect paradise like Adam and Eve.I've been arrested by the police a few times and I have no idea how to achieve a normal and legal life without stealing.
There is also a video of my dad with his dick dancing but I'm not showing you that because I know that everyone from here will laugh of me.
What's so amusing about my situation? Have I laughed at you?
Poker is gambling; gambling is not the same as stealing.
I didn't get financial help from anyone in my family either. Boo-hoo!
@chillrob In order to gain money you work!
Poker is the opposite of that!You take money from others without working!
Isn't that stealing?
And how did you succed?
Did you summon a demon from hell or sold you soul for fame?
This is what I want to know!
mate you just have to find your own way.
I am not super succesfull or anything but have a good job make decent money and grew up on well fare.
Sure its harder if you start the race from a worst position but nobody ever said it was goign to be easy.
just got to grind and get **** done.
mate you just have to find your own way.
I am not super succesfull or anything but have a good job make decent money and grew up on well fare.
Sure its harder if you start the race from a worst position but nobody ever said it was goign to be easy.
just got to grind and get **** done.
But that won't get you an appartment or a house!
Our salaries in Romania are very low and the only thing you can do is loan from a bank!
If you do that you're going to wake up in a world of drug addict,alcoholic problems and more self harm!
Why don't politicians think of people like me?
Why does society want us to be slave to the banks like christians are to God?
But that won't get you an appartment or a house!
Our salaries in Romania are very low and the only thing you can do is loan from a bank!
If you do that you're going to wake up in a world of drug addict,alcoholic problems and more self harm!
Why don't politicians think of people like me?
Why does society want us to be slave to the banks like christians are to God?
Well I dont own a house right now but plan on starting to build one in an african country soon and hope that in a few years I can also put a down payment for one in europe.
What good does it do to bitch and moan?
The game is ****ing rigged against you? Well change it or if you cant try your best to not let them **** you over.
What do you want to hear? Nobody else is going to solve your problems.
The question one should ask in life is not "why me". The question should be "why not me". What makes you so special that you should be immune to life's hostilities?
Didace, you got mentioned in a wolly thread. What an honor.
Well if there is any program like Erasmus in your country or mine.I've searched the internet and got nothing.
How does Erasmus work?Do you get selected and receive a specialty?
The only education I had was the internet and StackExchange!
Can someone guide you in another country and teach you something?
Even in precalculus and calculus some demonstrations were wrong and I had no idea how to solve them without using google!
Is there anyone in university (in another country) who will guide you and teach you how school works and where to look?
wolly is the king of 'Woe, is me' thread generation...
because Narcissism...
Well in our country there is this thing that if you are a good person you will be rewarded and I thought that this is applied to life based on the bible book.
I read it but it didn't helped me a lot and I'm still suffering from depression!
Isn't that how the world works?
You’re the best, Wolly!
Wolly, you need skills. What would you like to learn or develop?
There is also a video of my dad with his dick dancing
What the hell does this mean? Are you saying you have pornographic videos of your dad? If so, that might start to explain why you're so ****ed up in the head.
@chillrob In order to gain money you work!
Poker is the opposite of that!You take money from others without working!
Isn't that stealing?
Poker is work. I played poker all day and most of the night the last two weekends. It wasn't that fun.
Of course I had regular jobs before too, but never a high income. I'm frugal and have low expenses.
Anybody remember Ill Mitch
What are you stealing? Do you plan to up your criminal game from petty theft to some real action? Surely there are gangs in Romania you can join to put your skills to use?