2-5 with 33 vs. transparent player QQ+ on KJ532
Maybe another simple one, but kind of interesting and I can maybe do other things at a few points.
V1 has been limping and calling super wide, including open limping some okayish hands in LP which would have played much better as raises. Like open limp 88 on the BTN but also overcalling 4x raises with 93s or K8o in SB. He had about ~$300 when I joined the table, lost most of it and added on 200-300 more, and then got lucky a couple of times so now has 450-500.
H has been basically only open raising, probably 3betting the most at the table but not sure how much attn. V is paying. I've raised he called and I won without showdown a couple of times at least, maybe once won at showdown vs. him. I don't think I've lost vs. him at this point. Hero started with 600 and has mostly lost to everyone else, down ~$100 but added on so still around $600.
2-5 blinds
H in LJ, sees 33 and opens for 20 (maybe borderline normally, esp. for size, but table was pretty tight vs. opens and nobody is 3betting well)
V in CO snap makes it 50
folds to H who is 98% sure V has QQ+ (maybe he has AKs sometimes but not AKo that often, maybe he has JJ sometimes too but not all 6 combos)
H thinks about getting everything if he hits and so even though it's a bit close he prays for a 3 as he calls.
Pot: $107 - rake
Flop: KJ5r
H sighs to himself about how unlucky he is and readys the x/f as he checks
V quickly checks
Pot: $107 - rake
Turn: KJ5 3 with BDFD
H immediately wonders if the poker gods did this because V has KK, and checks
V bets $50
H thinks about call/raise, but decides if V has QQ/AA he is def. betting river anyway and so calls
Pot $207 - rake
River: KJ53 2 No Flush
H checks
V bets $100
H looks over and asks to see V's stack and he has $250-$300 behind.
Minor spoil:
Feel free to comment at any point.
17 Replies
It all seems pretty standard and well played to me. I'd expect AA more often than KK, just based on the number of combos available.
I think I would just bet turn and jam river. I wouldn’t expect Villain to bluff ever or value bet thinly (do you really think QQ bets river??) so I don’t like check/call on turn even if that might be the best play in theory.
When I raise on river I ask myself two questions. Given the play of the hand so far am I going to fold anything better? Am I going to get called by anything worse? You know V much better than I do from your description but the play so far screams flopped set that will beat us or a QQ trying for thin value that is unlikely to call.
Im gonna be insta proven wrong from reveal, but in my experience Flop check from a fish like this is never in a million zillion jillion years AA or AK. People LOVE to check top set on the flop so id say 90%+ of the KK in their range are checking flop. I am EXTREMELY wary in 3 bet pots when flop gets checked against all sorts of Vs, including pros.
If your read is right then im check/call turn (hoping its QQ) and sad call river simply because I cant trust your reads enough to fold, but if you trust your reads enough you could fold, and if he shows up with like KJ kick yourself for your bad preflop read.
bet turn, bet river, consider folding river to raise depending on sizing, since this is only KK/JJ here. I agree with other commentor that I don't like turn check, bc villain is not going to bluff or value bet like QQ here for two streets enough. when opponents are too passive, just bet when you have value.
Yeah, I think call down. Check is weird by 3-bettor on K-high flop. If it was some wet mid or low flop, then check is less suspicious.
I wouldn’t raise river. The hands that might check flop from the range you put him on are KK QQ JJ and raising against those hands just light our stack on fire or gets a fold from QQ.
I don’t think AA and AK check back flop very often if ever from this player type.
if you cant raise this runout i dont think turn check and check / call really have any validity at all
i do think hes much more likely to check the flop w a set than an overpair. i dont think you get 2 streets of him betting if he has QQ (i suspect he checks the turn but if he doesn't i really doubt u get a river bet out of it). i think you should just lead the turn and then jam the river, anything else is way too much soul reading. you're just trying way too hard to avoid getting stacked when u lose to very few combos in a non deep 3b pot when u have a really strong hand that doesn't block calls. idc if he shows up with KK and you save 200$ by doing this, it's a glaring glaring leak to not actively shovel the money into the pot here with your hand, even more so vs this player type. you just dont have enough evidence to do anything else and an absurdly large part of your winrate (probably > 100% tbh) is going to come from value betting hands vs fish.
pre first time seems bad to me. can gloss over it and say lol no one is 3betting well but youre 4xing from lj when you have a guy behind who seems to be playing > 50 vpip, with a really bad hand.
To the people who are advocating to call down in this spot out of fear of running into a set - why is that line better than betting small on turn and then bet/folding river? Could go $50 on turn and then $100 on river and then fold to Villain's jam of ~$300.
Again, I prefer to bet big on turn to jam river, but if we are operating under the assumption that Villain's line is always either a trap or QQ, let's at least target the QQ for value?
if you cant raise this runout i dont think turn check and check / call really have any validity at all
i do think hes much more likely to check the flop w a set than an overpair. i dont think you get 2 streets of him betting if he has QQ (i suspect he checks the turn but if he doesn't i really doubt u get a river bet out of it). i think you should just lead the turn and then jam the river, anything else is way too much soul reading. you're just trying way too hard to avoid getting stacked when u
Of all the soul reads on these forums, i think “he only has QQ+ AK when he 3 bets” is one of the ones im most inclined to trust.
Also, an absurd amount of your winrate also oughta come from being able to get away from your hand against face up opponents. Like its fine to say that our flop read isnt as trustworthy, but I just dont think this is fat value unless OP is making bad reads, and if so then id just say “get better reads”
To the people who are advocating to call down in this spot out of fear of running into a set - why is that line better than betting small on turn and then bet/folding river? Could go $50 on turn and then $100 on river and then fold to Villain's jam of ~$300.
Again, I prefer to bet big on turn to jam river, but if we are operating under the assumption that Villain's line is always either a trap or QQ, let's at least target the QQ for value?
Yeah i like double blockerish bet and fold to raise better actually. I ageee with this
Of all the soul reads on these forums, i think “he only has QQ+ AK when he 3 bets” is one of the ones im most inclined to trust.
Also, an absurd amount of your winrate also oughta come from being able to get away from your hand against face up opponents. Like its fine to say that our flop read isnt as trustworthy, but I just dont think this is fat value unless OP is making bad reads, and if so then id just say “get better reads”
Yeah i like double blockerish bet and fold
im not talking about preflop. im talking about check the turn and / or not putting in stacks with 33 on kj53tt at spr 3.5 in a 3b pot. the guy is pretty clearly bad in a way too loose kind of way from villain description, your hand is worth being all in, there rly isnt any evidence to warrant doing something else
the exact quote you responded to is "i think you should lead turn and jam river and anything else is too much soul reading" or something of that nature
Full reveal with thoughts...
i think the river shove is good (it's kind of a meh way for the money to go in to be honest but you need to put the money in here) but i think the lineoverall has a few issues. i get he doesn't know what's up but i do think its unlikely he bets twice with QQ. i honestly think hes more likely to bet 0 times than 2 with that hand. you also run the risk of having an action killer come on the river and let him check behind / show down (if you bet turn you can conceivably size down on the rivers that are hard for him to call on). the other thing too with the line is the only benefits i really see are either if he bluffs vs a check (impossible with the pre range you've assigned him - as an aside i think you're pegging him way too tight, u got no real room for spazzes or just random strong hands and you're discounting AK which unless u have a confirmed sizing tell is a mistake imo) or if he bets the turn and then just calls it off vs the raise because he's confused with something that would call turn probe and fold river or i guess fold to turn probe (qq in particular is the hand i'm thinking of). you do punish him if he goes too light for value / constructs ranges poorly, but let's be real this is not a guy or a situation you need to worry about balancing vs.
but think its an interesting hand nonetheless and i think shows the dangers of making way too strict assumptions about what our opps are doing with their hands vs different actions
Even with results, i think this line is a set well over 50% with that flop check (especially since JJ would also be a set if his range is slightly wider). I have run into just an extraordinary amount of sets after a 3b followed by flop check. Whether or not its a fold to the river bet may be questionable but theres no way you profitably jam over his bet imo. But also who knows, maybe im wrong, notch another one in the sub win column.
So, after reading some other posts, I admit I'd likely have started betting on the turn, absent a more detailed read that V would only play KK/JJ this way, but never AA and definitely not AK/KJ/QQ/AQ/QT.
I agree with others that betting turn is probably a better line. Set over set is just so rare that taking a value line with a set is usually best. Personally I struggle to remember the times I was able to get away from a set, or not go broke against a higher set.
All that said, I wonder what the EV difference is with OP's line, if we give OP the benefit of the doubt in his read, and node-lock V to always checking back flop and betting turn and river with AA/AK, and any other combos that might make sense.
If we allow ourselves to take a harder look at V's actions, I'd suggest his snap raise to 2.5x pre, and his check back on flop look more like AA/AK than a flopped set with KK/JJ. A flopped set would at least think about betting a two Broadway board, not quickly check.
The snap raise pre for a small size looks like a big PP. The check back on flop looks like V might be concerned hero has KJ or possibly JJ. If we start betting turn, even if we pot it, or over-bet the turn, V might not call off a river jam. So I kinda like hero's line here, check-calling flop and turn, then check-raise jamming the river.
I disagree with the read. I think the snap check is far weighted towards sets that are feigning weakness. I was quite surprised by result.
I see it all the time in plo where they raise flop with top set on a wet board then snap check turn when they make top full or quads as if the other guy is ever going to really bluff.
I dunno. I think bad players like V are always worried about bad beats, and would just bet the flop with their sets, not snap check back.