Ukraine-Russia War Take 2

Ukraine-Russia War Take 2

Here is what the preliminary take on the Ukraine thread disappearing is:

The site was hit with a massive spam attack where hundreds of spam threads were created. In the case where, for example, I see a single spam thread and delete it, that is called a soft delete, and mods can still see them but forum members cannot. Those deletion can be undone.

When a massive attack hits with hundreds of threads, an admin uses a different procedure where the hundreds of spam threads are merged and then hard deleted, where the threads are gone, and no note is left behind. As I have mentioned with my own experience of just soft deleting a large number of posts, sometimes a post or thread gets checked or merged accidentally and is deleted by mistake. Dealing with hundreds of spam threads takes a sledgehammer, not a scalpel.

It appears that our Ukraine thread may have gotten caught up in that recent net of spam threads. If so, it is likely gone for good. I cant say this for sure, and am awaiting comments from admins on this issue. Yes, this sucks. And hopefully there was some other software glitch that caused the disappearance, and we may recover it in the future.

But in the meantime, I have created this new Ukraine-Russia War thread to enable the conversation to continue. Obviously continuity with earlier discussions will be lost. There is no way around that. So as best as possible, let's pick up the conversation with recent events and go from there.

If you have any questions about this, please post them in the mod thread, not here. Let's keep this thread going with posts about the war, not the disappearance of the old thread.


) 12 Views 12
08 February 2024 at 05:19 PM

3959 Replies


by Playbig2000 k

WW4/nuclear war.

(we're already in WW3 rn. That's why Trump rallied a global coalition in 2016 to fight against the DS/China/Natzi/WEF/WHO/one world gov't global tyrants)

So China sides with the DS but not Russia ?
Interesting ….

by Montrealcorp k

So China sides with the DS but not Russia ?
Interesting ….

Russia is fighting AGAINST the DS, which is what Ukraine is. Do you think it was some innocent country being bullied? It's a strong hold of the DS taken over during the obama years around 2014. The DS owns Ukraine. Russia isn't infiltrated by them like the United States was (and Canada still is). Communist china is part of the DS. Russia is the biggest enemy of the DS and is on the side of the United States and North Korea among others.

The DS is trying to start a world war right now, which we know is their plan. They're planning to start a world war so they can declare martial law before the certification for the new president. I don't know if ppl truly understand we're literally living in the most dangerous times of our life with nuclear war/martial law not unthinkable. tu revieles???

by Rococo k

I wasn't commenting on the wisdom of the strategy. I was just speculating as to what the strategy appeared to be.

It could be that the usa is worried that Ukriane will give up even before trump takes office

by Playbig2000 k

Russia is fighting AGAINST the DS, which is what Ukraine is. Do you think it was some innocent country being bullied? It's a strong hold of the DS taken over during the obama years around 2014. The DS owns Ukraine. Russia isn't infiltrated by them like the United States was (and Canada still is). Communist china is part of the DS. Russia is the biggest enemy of the DS and is on the side of the United States and North Korea among others.

The DS is trying to start a world war right now, which we

Damn the DS is here in Canada too ?
Damn they are good , couldn’t even know what they are suppose trying to accomplish here since we are a poor socialist country too .

by Playbig2000 k

Russia is fighting AGAINST the DS, which is what Ukraine is. Do you think it was some innocent country being bullied? It's a strong hold of the DS taken over during the obama years around 2014. The DS owns Ukraine. Russia isn't infiltrated by them like the United States was (and Canada still is). Communist china is part of the DS. Russia is the biggest enemy of the DS and is on the side of the United States and North Korea among others.

The DS is trying to start a world war right now, which we

if Russia is the biggest enemy of the DS and China is part of the DS why is China helping Russia in the war, why is China not sanctioning Russia right now?

by Montrealcorp k

Damn the DS is here in Canada too ?

Damn they are good , couldn’t even know what they are suppose trying to accomplish here since we are a poor socialist country too .

If you're not on north Korea's side, you're the bad guy and oppressing your citizens

In other news, that may or may not be related to the Russian invasion, a Chinese cargo vessel has been apprehended by Danish authorities after it appears to have cut 2 underseas telecommunication lines while traveling to/from Russia through the Baltic Sea.

by Luciom k

if Russia is the biggest enemy of the DS and China is part of the DS why is China helping Russia in the war, why is China not sanctioning Russia right now?

Geopolitics are very complicated.
Why were we helping Russia in WW2 when many strategists knew they would be a threat to US interests going forward?

I agree with pretty much every single thing he said there, save for maybe his idea that China is part of the deep state.
They profit from it, but I don't think they're quite as 'in the bag' as he thinks.
They do operate as a nation and a people, largely in their own interests, and have been more successful at that than any other nation/people on earth for the past 50 years, but they're SO tied into global capital interests that they're probably not immune from deep state influence on the biggest issues.

by Playbig2000 k

I don't know if ppl truly understand we're literally living in the most dangerous times of our life with nuclear war/martial law not unthinkable

The first steps toward martial law may be happening.
Trump's on track to declare a national emergency and use military assets to effect deportations due to the horrific immigration policies of the far left during the Biden years.

The problem is, the mass deportation issue may REQUIRE that to truly attack, but it opens a pandoras box that will never close again.

We live in troubling times. There are storm clouds ahead.
Be ready.

by 5thStreet k

The first steps toward martial law may be happening.
Trump's on track to declare a national emergency and use military assets to effect deportations due to the horrific immigration policies of the far left during the Biden years.

The problem is, the mass deportation issue may REQUIRE that to truly attack, but it opens a pandoras box that will never close again.

We live in troubling times. There are storm clouds ahead.
Be ready.

They're still flying in illegals in the middle of the nigh and at a much higher rate according to Monkeywerxus (a retired Airforce guy who routinely tracks them).

What could they be preparing for if they're not doing it for their votes? I don't think these lame ducks are doing it just to give the "immigrants" a better way of life.

They also just authorized US missiles to be fired at Russia in the waning days of their power, potentially LITERALLY triggering WW3.

They're doing everything they can to burn this place to the ground on their way out the door, as that's always been the goal of the left, with the idea that 'from the ashes' they emerge powerful and build a new state where everyone gets everything free, or whatever.

So, Trump has basically one option to undo it, and it's going to create a precedent of military use on US soil that will one day, eventually, bite us in the ass, but there is no other choice at this point since they let our country be flooded with illegal, unvetted immigrants and the logistics of reversing that require summoning the only resource that could be effective at getting it done.

This is all scary.

by Dunyain k

In other news, that may or may not be related to the Russian invasion, a Chinese cargo vessel has been apprehended by Danish authorities after it appears to have cut 2 underseas telecommunication lines while traveling to/from Russia through the Baltic Sea.

it probably did the Nordstream terrorist attack too

by 5thStreet k

They also just authorized US missiles to be fired at Russia in the waning days of their power, potentially LITERALLY triggering WW3.

They're doing everything they can to burn this place to the ground on their way out the door, as that's always been the goal of the left, with the idea that 'from the ashes' they emerge powerful and build a new state where everyone gets everything free, or whatever.

So, Trump has basically one option to undo it, and it's going to create a precedent of milita

So is the solution in your mind to permit Russia and North Korea to attack Ukraine with no restrictions, while giving Ukraine strict restrictions on how they can defend themselves?

They're not attacking "Ukraine", they're attacking a global cabal inside Ukraine, similar to when we were fighting the Taliban inside of Afghanistan. This cabal (the DS for lack of a better term) was heavily involved with the research and production of bioweapons/weapons of mass destruction which have already been made public and were brought up in congressional hearings (of course the MSM didn't do a very good job in covering it which is why most people are still unaware).

by Dunyain k

So is the solution in your mind to permit Russia and North Korea to attack Ukraine with no restrictions, while giving Ukraine strict restrictions on how they can defend themselves?

I believe they're hoping Russia and NK liberate America.
Is Q coming back guys? I'm really looking forward to a season 2.

by Dunyain k

So is the solution in your mind to permit Russia and North Korea to attack Ukraine with no restrictions, while giving Ukraine strict restrictions on how they can defend themselves?

My solution is let Ukraine defend itself with its own resources. If Europe wants to pledge resources, let them.

I, as an American citizen who has people living within 15 miles of me who are homeless, kids going without food, etc, don't feel obligated to send them anything, as we can't afford it and I frankly don't buy into the Team America: World Police theory.

So yes, we absolutely can tell Ukraine how they can defend themselves if we're paying for itor materially supplying them, which we are, which is something we will desprately regret if that action kicks off World War 3.

by 5 south k

I believe they're hoping Russia and NK liberate America.
Is Q coming back guys? I'm really looking forward to a season 2.

Consider people like this controlled the mainstream political narrative for 4 years, then ask why Trump got reelected.

by 5thStreet k

My solution is let Ukraine defend itself with its own resources. If Europe wants to pledge resources, let them.

I, as an American citizen who has people living within 15 miles of me who are homeless, kids going without food, etc, don't feel obligated to send them anything, as we can't afford it and I frankly don't buy into the Team America: World Police theory.

So yes, we absolutely can tell Ukraine how they can defend themselves if we're paying for itor materially supplying them, which we are,

So should dictators be allowed to do what they want by threatening WW III if they're not allowed to do what they want, such as aggressively invading countries?

The gracious United States lame duck gov't just "forgave" Ukraine of 50% of the loan they were supposed to pay back. This is what our congress does, anything that favors the DS who the money eventually went to.

by Playbig2000 k

They're not attacking "Ukraine", they're attacking a global cabal inside Ukraine, similar to when we were fighting the Taliban inside of Afghanistan.

No they're attacking Ukraine.

This cabal (the DS for lack of a better term) was heavily involved with the research and production of bioweapons/weapons of mass destruction which have already been made public and were brought up in congressional hearings (of course the MSM didn't do a very good job in covering it which is why most people are still unaware).

Okay Tim Poole.

by corpus vile k

So should dictators be allowed to do what they want by threatening WW III if they're not allowed to do what they want, such as aggressively invading countries?

If the choice is ‘let Russia have a part of Ukraine that has mostly Russian citizens’ or global nuclear war, yes, going with letting Russia have what it wants.

If you believe nuclear war is better, then you are obviously stupid, totally naive and on that basis, don’t have an opinion worth considering.

by corpus vile k

No they're attacking Ukraine.

Okay Tim Poole.

The issues with Ukraine aren’t a secret anymore. Russia didn’t invade them for free land.

by 5thStreet k

If the choice is ‘let Russia have a part of Ukraine that has mostly Russian citizens’ or global nuclear war, yes, going with letting Russia have what it wants.

If you believe nuclear war is better, then you are obviously stupid, totally naive and on that basis, don’t have an opinion worth considering.

Right. So you are agreeing that dictators should be able to do whatever they wish to, once they threaten nuclear war. Maybe it's you who's being naive or somewhat myopic in terms of big pictures?

by 5thStreet k

The issues with Ukraine aren’t a secret anymore. Russia didn’t invade them for free land.

But Russia aggressively invaded them, so their motivations are irrelevant.
What are these issues that aren't a secret any more and why were said issues kept secret to begin with?

by corpus vile k

Right. So you are agreeing that dictators should be able to do whatever they wish to, once they threaten nuclear war. Maybe it's you who's being naive or somewhat myopic in terms of big pictures?

If the alternative is the death of hundreds of millions of people, yes.

The issue with arguing with naive is you don’t understand what your beliefs mean. If I said ‘are you so convicted on Ukrainian territorial integrity that you’re willing to have your closest loved ones die in a radioactive fireball as a gesture to preserve it’, and you say yes, ok, but most people would consider you mentally ill for it.

What seems to be the case is you’re just typically naive about something happening that hasn’t happened yet, which is common on the upslope of the IQ curve but those able to model out these scenarios a bit better realize that what you’re proposing paying isn’t worth what what you’re proposing saving.

But Russia aggressively invaded them, so their motivations are irrelevant.
What are these issues that aren't a secret any more and why were said issues kept secret to begin with?

Of course their motives are relevant.
Is this the part where I now have to patiently educate you on what was going on in Ukraine prior to Russia invading and their reasoning for invading?

by 5thStreet k

If the alternative is the death of hundreds of millions of people, yes.

The issue with arguing with naive is you don’t understand what your beliefs mean. If I said ‘are you so convicted on Ukrainian territorial integrity that you’re willing to have your closest loved ones die in a radioactive fireball as a gesture to preserve it’, and you say yes, ok, but most people would consider you mentally ill for it.

What seems to be the case is you’re just typically naive abou

No their motives aren't relevant due to them being the aggressors and making bullshit claims on denazifying Ukraine to justify their aggression.
Yes this is indeed that part where you now have to patiently educate me on what was going on in Ukraine prior to Russia invading and their reasoning for invading? Just try not to make like you're stanning for Putin's Russia when doing so, that would be great.

By your rationale, I take it if Mexico had nukes and threatened nuclear war if America didn't give back Texas and Cali, you'd immediately think it should be done? I mean if the alternative is the death of hundreds of millions of people yeah? Surely you wouldn't be so convicted on American territorial integrity that you’re willing to have your closest loved ones die in a radioactive fireball as a gesture to preserve it, right? And those areas are probably mostly Hispanic anyway like the areas in Ukraine are mostly Russian, as you said?

And I still don't think you see the big picture.
